Happy New Year and welcome to 2024!


I hope that you have had a wonderful, merry and bright start to this new season and want to hear all about your New Year's resolutions!


Share with us what resolutions, or goals you might have for this year


They could be:

  1. Repertoire goals (what pieces you want to learn!)
  2. Lifestyle goals (I want to practice 1 hour a day, 5 times a week!)
  3. Personal goals (I want to get outside my comfort zone and perform in public for people...on a tonebase community concert for example šŸ˜„)
  4. Anything else!

By sharing your goals and resolutions with us, it helps hold you accountable and also provides inspiration for others as they seek to find or stay the course on their own!


Cheers and Happy 2024 everyone!

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  • I always have many goals so this will be fun!


    1. repertoire goals


    So many! But primarily I have some pieces I WANT to learn badly! 

    (my top 3)

    Brahms: 16 Waltzes op.39

    Rachmaninoff: Prelude op.23 no.5

    Ravel: Pavane for a dead princess


    2. Lifestyle goals


    Currently really working on learning how to speak Korean! I enjoy the language so much, and it is rewarding over the past year of study, but I think I need to focus even more this year. I know this is a very dangerous and GENERAL goal, so to get more specific: I want have 100 vocab words solidly learned and simple conversational sentences around food and eating memorized!


    Musically I want to set aside more time each week to work on my personal compositions and arrangements. The older I get the more I love playing other composer's music BUT also want to start writing down my own ideas! Currently working on a new arrangement of Bach's Chaconne in D minor for Piano trio to be premiered in the Springtime.


    3. Personal Goals


    My big personal goal of this year is to complete my first full Ironman triathlon race - Currently signed up for Ironman Texas happening this April!


    4. Anything else?


    Yes! I can't wait to see what everyone else is posting, so I can get more ideas, and inspirations!

    Like 12
      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli šŸ˜Š

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    • Dominic Cheli I saw that you did it and completed the Ironman - congratulations! 

    • Collette
    • Collette
    • 1 yr ago
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    Repertoire Goal: Moonlight Sonata

    Fur Elise and Bach: Invention #8 in F#

    Lifestyle Goal: Practice every morning and evening for 30 minutes

    Personal Goal: Play the three songs memorized in front of a group of friends (gulp!)

    Like 6
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Collette I need to start to memorize what I am learning and play for friends, too.  Double Gulp!

      Like 1
  • 1. Repertoire Goals


    Well before I signed up for tonebase I had already begun learning Chopin Raindrop Prelude (I'm about 85% done learning the notes and 60% done with my interpretation) 


    So when I'm done with that, I'm going to the very beginning of the tonebase level system and going through one piece per level 


    2. Lifestyle Goals


    I downloaded a habit tracking app and my goal is to have a streak of doing a habit everyday for a year, current habits I have: cold shower, breathing exercises, stretching for my splits, language learning (Mandarin Chinese), meditate.

    (I already have been doing these things for weeks/months this didnt start at the New Year)


    3. Personal Goals


    Non Piano:

    At the end of my academic year, I'm going to the yearly Collegiate Wushu Competition, my goal is to work hard enough to be proud of the performance I give. And like apply to internships and undergraduate research or whatever, but the wushu is at the front of my mind.



    Piano I intentionally don't have a goal to do everyday. With piano I want to have fun and it bring me fulfilment. I also really want to have the patience to go through pieces that are "too easy" while focusing on my posture and my mechanics. I'm so blessed to be aware of the taubman aproach while I'm still a beginner, I need to take the time to make my playing as efficient as possible while I'm playing easy pieces, and then I'll be able to bring that efficiency to the advanced repotoire.


    Also complete all the piano books I've bought:

    Hanon-Faber New Virtuoso Pianist

    What Every Pianist Needs to Know About The Body (completed)

    Piano Technique Demystified 1&2

    Artistic Pedal Technique

    Rythmic Training


    4. Anything Else


    I find comparing my progress to my own idea of how fast my progress should happen removes the fun out of things. I'm going to be more accepting of myself. 


    Happy New Year!


    Like 4
  • 1. repertoire goals


    I donā€™t have much free time aside from the scores I have to learn as well as the pieces I must play with students, but I would like to re-learn ā€œEt Incarnatus Estā€ from Mozartā€™s c minor mass and record it with a friend. I also want to prepare a short program of Spirituals to perform with one of my voice students. Finally, I should learn the third movement of Mozart K545 since I have a student who is playing it, and I never studied it!


    2. Lifestyle goals


    I need to organize my apartment! šŸ˜¬


    3. Personal Goals


    I need to buy a new car.


    4. Anything else?


     In 2024 I want to play the piano with ease and free from shoulder tension.

    Like 3
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Beatriz de Mello Excellent goals!  I need to organize a bit also, LOL...

  • I want to learn how to play a concerto properly and am looking for someone to teach me maybe one or two lessons. 


    As I combine with a playback, I realize that I am always a little bit faster ie rushing or out of tempo. 


    Maybe someone can help me? 


    Thanks in advance. 

    Like 2
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Angelina Tan I JUST discovered (yesterday!) a company that sells the orchestral accompaniments so we can practice concerti in a "real life" setting.  Each concerto is a bit expensive, but probably cheaper than a private lesson.  Check out "www.tonicchord.com" and see if that might be useful?

      Like 2
  • I am an adult beginner (54) - having started to learn some 6 years ago with no prior knowledge of Western Classical Music - began at the very beginning with learning to read sheet music. Took me nearly 4 years to get a hang of how to practice and where I am heading, etc. In January 2023, I decided to sit Trinity College London Piano digital exams - did my Grade 1 and now gearing up to submit Grade 2. Passed the TCL Music Theory exams Grade 1 and 2.

    In 2024 I hope to:

    1. Submit my Grade 2 exam material for marking by end of January.

    2. Learn Prezold minuets in G major and G minor (ToneBase lessons)

    3. Re-learn Chopin Prelude in A major (learnt it a few years ago, with little overall control - want to revisit and see if my fine motor control is any better!)

    4. Prepare for Grade 3 TCL exams, both Piano and Theory.


    5. But the most important goal is to expose myself to performing-in-front-of-others, to be able to share without going to pieces and without the post-performance destructive self-criticism. As I write I realise that to do that one has to be deeply humble - how else does one really learn?


    To this end, I am going to set up my YouTube channel and post pieces I intend to 'practice for performance' and share it with friends, once a month (hopefully). I might start my Practice Diary thread in this Community - did not consider it before. Active engagement and feedback and learning from each other are excellent goals in a community but I am guilty of minimal engagement and the main reason for this is lack to time (being in a full time high-pressure job). Indeed, the reason to learn piano in the first place, apart from having always wanted to, is more for therapeutic reasons that anything else. A practice session is often like active meditation now, with the mind engaged in something as healing as music making.


    Dominic, Dominic Cheli , I was wondering about the thread to post what we are working on for feedback from you - a kind of masterclass where you are giving feedback when there are two-three posts. Is that still active? Would be wonderful to have your guidance of the specific pieces which I want to particularly build up to performance level, pieces I can play anywhere, anytime!


    Thank you for this space and time,

    Happy 2024!


    Like 4
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri We are so happy to support your excellent goals in 2024.  Can't wait to hear your progress on your new YouTube channel.  Every month or so, Dominic creates community "challenges" for us and you can often find a theme where you can post what you are learning to get feedback from everyone.

      Like 2
    • Gail Starr Hi Gail, thank you for the warm welcome. The videos on my YouTube channel are unlisted for now but I have posted the first one in my practice diary page on ToneBase.

      Like 1
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri Super!

    • Rashmi Lahiri You are an inspiration! I also just re-started my piano journey at 48 last year.

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    • Geoffrey Grosenbach hello Geoffrey, nice to meet you! I am telling myself I have 15 years to get good at this (playing the piano) so that when I retire I shall be an ameuter pianist šŸ˜€! If I bump into this post in 2039 I hope I give a nod of approval to the 2024 rashmi!

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  • Repertoire/Musical goals:

    • So many pieces on the wish list but my top pick is Chopin Polonaise op 71 no 1. Hopefully one more Chopin Etude and more of Bach Sinfonia.
    • Learn to memorise when learning a new piece right from day 1

    Lifestyle goals:

    Less procrastination and more discipline in dealing with chores šŸ˜…

    Personal goals:

    Keep improving, and feel more at ease interacting with people.

    Like 4
    • Priya Viseskul that Chopin Polonaise is SOOO beautiful - and hardly anyone seems to know it or play it! 

      Like 2
    • Alexander Weymann Yes!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Hopefully I can learn and play it well enough to share with the lovely folks here :)

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    • Serene
    • Serene
    • 1 yr ago
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    Happy New Year to all! 

    For 2024, I would like toā€¦.

    1. Repertoire goals - learn Clara Schumannā€™s SoirĆ©e- ballade Opus 6 no 4; Mozartā€™s Sonata in Am; Chopinā€™s Ballade in G and maybe Bachā€™s Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in Dm. 
    2. Lifestyle goals- practice 2 hrs a day, 5x a week. Exercise 5x/week. 
    3. Personal goals- perform at least once (if not twice) on TB community concert. Complete and pass ABRSM diploma for piano performance. 
    4. Anything else!- Get more fluent in Nepali and go on a family trek to Langtang. 
    Like 4
  • Happy New Year Dominic and to everyone else/ 

    For 2024, I want to 

    1. Complete my ABRSM Grade 6 and get past the Bach which is troubling me right now
    2. Start my Grade 8 pieces. 
    3. Work through more parts of Brahms 118/2 - and for this get to grips with 3/2 polyrhythms
    4. Go running 3 times a week
    Like 4
  • 2024 Piano Goals:

    1. Learn to play  major, minor, melodic, and harmonic scales in all keys. and work on arpeggios and chords in all keys and inversions. I think this will help me learn repertoire more quickly.

    2. Play the Bach Prelude and Fugue #21 from Book 1 of WTK in public. I can play it at home now, but I struggle if others are present. Memorize it. Play Debussy's Reverie in a recital.  This is scheduled for 1/20 (gulp).

    3. Learn, memorize, and play in public Brahms' Intermezzo 118 No 2 A Major.  Tried this piece before (about 5 years ago) and could not learn it. I think I can do it now.  We'll see.

    Lifestyle:  Convert totally to plant based eating and better health

                      Walk 3 miles a day 6 days a week.

    Relax and reduce anxiety - both at and away from the piano

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    • Susan
    • Susan
    • 1 yr ago
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    To play with greater ease and comfort . 

    Like 3
  • Happy New Year tonebase community! Hereā€™s to a great and musical 2024. I hope you have all had good holidays.

    Whilst working on the Schubert challenge, and several times last year, I was thinking that I hadnā€™t been playing much Beethoven recently. So, Iā€™ve had the crazy idea to revise many of the sonatas that I have learned, but also to learn some of the ones that I have not played in the past. I have played most of the ones with titles, although not the Hammerklavier and I donā€™t see me playing that any time soon if Iā€™m honest. But I thought I would start at the beginning with the first one in F minor, and continue to learn/revise the first 12 over the course of this year.

    One a month. How crazy is that?

    But I would also like to work on the Chopin studies.

    I was very interested in the Cortot exercises that were discussed in an earlier challenge last year, so, I was thinking to add one study per month as well , this is probably truly crazy.

    I donā€™t know how long Iā€™ll be able to keep this up, although the holiday month has been quite busy and I have made a reasonable start to the first two of each opus so this is where Iā€™m going to start from.

    January will be Beethoven Sonata Op. No. 1 in F minor which I have never played before, and Chopin study Opus, 25, No. 1.

    Hopefully I will be playing some of these in the online concerts.

    Right now Iā€™m off to practice!

    Like 6
    • Angela Fogg Fabulous goals! Canā€™t wait to hear you!

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