Happy New Year and welcome to 2024!


I hope that you have had a wonderful, merry and bright start to this new season and want to hear all about your New Year's resolutions!


Share with us what resolutions, or goals you might have for this year


They could be:

  1. Repertoire goals (what pieces you want to learn!)
  2. Lifestyle goals (I want to practice 1 hour a day, 5 times a week!)
  3. Personal goals (I want to get outside my comfort zone and perform in public for people...on a tonebase community concert for example 😄)
  4. Anything else!

By sharing your goals and resolutions with us, it helps hold you accountable and also provides inspiration for others as they seek to find or stay the course on their own!


Cheers and Happy 2024 everyone!

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    • Jackie
    • Jackie.2
    • 4 mths ago
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    My 2024 goal is to compose, compose, compose! I’m very new to this. I would like to share with you my first advanced piano solo - Etude Appassionata. I hope you like it.

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  • 4 mths agoLast active
  • 51Replies
  • 624Views
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