Kick-Off for the Month of J.S.Bach!

Johann Sebastian Bach! This month, we want to share our love for one of the greatest composers that has ever lived! Have you ever played a piece by him? The next four weeks are dedicated to his music and genius and we want YOU to share your learning experience in the dedicated Forum🧙‍♂️

In this livestream, we are going to kick things of simultaneously on GTR and PNO! That's right, we're in this together, we are going to kick things off together and we are going to celebrate in a Watch Party TOGETHER!

This month, we are going to explore the masterpieces by one of the greatest composer that has ever lived: Johann Sebastian Bach! We are going to explore the mastery of late Baroque polyphony and share our learning experiences in the dedicated Challenge Forum! Follow the "Join Discussion Button" for more information on the Month of Johann Sebastian Bach on tonebase!

What pieces do you want to focus on over the course of the next four weeks?

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  • How exciting! I'll be focused on a Bach toccata I'm learning.

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    • Wade Meyers Is it the Toccata in the 6th partita? That's what I'm trying to learn too

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    • That's awesome, I love that one! The one I'm learning is the Toccata in C minor, BWV 911. I hope you share your progress as you go, it'll be cool to see

  • I've been toying with the Prelude and Fugue in C Minor BWV 847. When I signed up for Tonebase six months ago I wouldn't have even thought of attempting this, but here we are.

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      • MTpiano
      • MTpiano
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Michael Palmer I am also working on this piece. 

    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 3 yrs ago
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     ❤️* Bach! * 🙂

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  • I am getting a handle on the Prelude, but the Fugue is killing me. 

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