Jack Vreeland compositions to explore

I started this topic to post my compositions to keep things organized.  

I'd love input on which pieces to develop further and any specific or general suggestions are most welcome. 

Thank you all for your time and hope to hear from you!

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    • Jack vreeland
    • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
    • Jack_vreeland
    • 3 wk ago
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    Nocturne #1

    This is the first of a set of 4 Nocturnes. They are all somewhat programatic dream scapes. This one is mostly tonal with a diversion around 1:30 / bar 44. Thank you all. 馃幑

    • Jack vreeland
    • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
    • Jack_vreeland
    • 2 wk ago
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    Nocturne #2 (listen on soundcloud)

    Tonal but slippery. Slides a half step out of tonic somewhat unnoticed and then resolves back. A bit of tango in the dark at measure 46. Grows and then goes back to where the night began. Let me know what you think. 

    • Jack vreeland
    • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
    • Jack_vreeland
    • 9 days ago
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    Nocturne #3

    More night music. Starts with a simple lullaby that evolves into a more complex tale. Dancing, shadows. Written in A flat minor. Apologies for the 7 flats if anyone ever tries to read this. Transposed to G minor and A minor and just did not have the same feel. (sorry for the clicks)

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  • 9 days agoLast active
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