Week 3: Discovering Schubert Month

Dear Pianists,


As we're coming up to the last week of Discovering Schubert Month, I'm keen to hear of your insights and takeaways from your month's work.


Here's the Week 3 thread, where you may post your text and video updates! I've only got one question for you this week:


    What does it take to build Schubert into your life?


I've previously asked you about the piece you are working on, a passage you are satisfied with, and one you're less satisfied with. I've also learned a lot about your musical imagination and pianism by asking you how you might describe the character of your piece, the pianistic tools you use to convey the aforementioned character, and particular elements of the piece you notice by playing it. I'm always so moved by the process of learning a piece of music, playing it, performing it, and continuing to live with it. Playing piano has always been a bastion in my life and I hope that through your regular ritual and practice it can be a source of comfort and empowerment for you too.


I hope you'll consider proposing your Schubert piece for Piano Community's upcoming Community Concert, and to share your work with other supportive members of our community! I really believe I am awarded deep insights when I take the time to deeply consider the elements of my colleagues' successes.


If you're new to the Schubert gathering this week, welcome-it's never too late to join! You may find the guidelines for participation in the Rules and FAQ thread. 

See you below, 🎹


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  • I didnt check all the uploads yet, perhaps there are others who learned this piece,  but I did see lots of people learning the op.90 impromptus. Not sure if I saw anyone taking nr 2 - in case there aren’t any uploads and if we want to do a. full set collaboratively, I uploaded nr 2 - which I knew from before (but otherwise we can discard). For my previous post - not sure if I should apologise more for the wrong notes or the bad spelling…😳

      • Aline Valade
      • Artist
      • Aline_Valade
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Johnathan North3 Wow! Nice playing! 

    • Juan Carlos Olite Thank you - appreciate this comment from a master like yourself.  I've been playing this for a very long time (which does help a lot) - but it is tricky.  I learnt a kit about this piece from the Lisxt waltz we did last year with Dominic (I think this impromptu is very much the Landler style, with the emphasis on the 2nd beat...).  Looking forward to seeing your video.

    • Aline Valade Thanks Aline.

  • Dear Hilda,

    Thank you so much for this Discovering Schubert month challenge. I appreciate your providing such a wonderful platform for inspiration especially listening to other musician artists play on this thread. I must confess I've only recently begun to practice in earnest beginning the last two days. Be that as it is, I'd still like to answer your question ''What does it take to build Schubert into your life?" if I may. For me it would be to take the time to sit down to study his work and appreciate what he is saying. To keep working through the process of making his music heard within--clarity of musical lines, nuances, and pathos. This is my hope. Thank you so much.


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      • Hilda Huang
      • Concert Pianist and tonebase Piano Community Lead
      • Hilda
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Rudelle Gaje I'm so happy to know that you're aiming for some more time with Schubert. It's always a real pleasure to offer you a platform to listen to colleagues, and I'm so especially glad to know that you're taking the time to listen to others' posts. I spoke about the importance of doing so briefly in my livestream today on expressive melodies. Expression and meaning arise through communication and context, and it takes knowing how others sound to learn how your playing fits in to the meaning that others understand. I wish you the very best time in your engagement with Schubert!

    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I'm sure this is the eleventh hour, and I've had JUST the time to write my very own "baby Schubert piece" and post it. Emulating a composer always helps me to get into their skin a little. You be the judge!

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Monika Tusnady Ooooh!  I love it!  Your little piano birdies want to sing (chirp!) along.  You have created a potential leider. 

    • Monika Tusnady Adorable little Schubert piece! Reflective and pretty melody just like Schubert. You are so creative.

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      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Gail Starr thank you for noticing Frank and Geraldine chirping along in their quiet little way! Let me think of suitable lyrics. I’ll get back to you on that!

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      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Vidhya Bashyam thank you!!

    • Monika Tusnady Congrats on a convincing Schubertesque tune! A very nice way to round off the challenge. 

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Monika Tusnady Frank & Geraldine can chirp a duet!

    • Monika Tusnady gorgeous! 

      • Hilda Huang
      • Concert Pianist and tonebase Piano Community Lead
      • Hilda
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Monika Tusnady Monika, what a wonderful idea!! I'm so inspired by your proactiveness. I definitely hear the Schubert influences in your composition, the long melodic soprano voice and the triplet accompaniment in the left hand. And you play it so beautifully!

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    • Monika Tusnady Love it! 👏🏻 Some very interesting modulations, and beautiful melody 🎶

      • Charlie
      • Starving Artist
      • charlie_g
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Monika Tusnady Belle! 

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Monika Tusnady What a beautiful piece, Monika! Definitely, you have a great facility to emulate different composers; I remember how you did it with Beethoven...

      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Monika Tusnady And those pretty birds, too! :D

    • geraldw
    • Drjerryw
    • gerald
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi.  I’ve been occupied working in ICU for Covid team and practice has suffered. I think I‘ve memorized 142 # 2 but my playing leaves a lot to be improved on.  Will try playing this without music and in dark.  I don’t know if I missed the final community event but hope not.  Gerry W. Just listened pretty bad Playing and bad recording with my I phone resting against books. Oh well. Will work on it some more

      • Hilda Huang
      • Concert Pianist and tonebase Piano Community Lead
      • Hilda
      • 2 yrs ago
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      I love your idea of playing the music by memory and in the dark.... I often feel most connected to my playing when I play with my eyes closed and I have to rely entirely on my ears and my body. You haven't missed the final community event - the watch party will take place on March 2.

      • Anthony Miyake
      • Work with numbers and statistics, but music is my true passion. Piano hobbyist.
      • Anthony_Miyake
      • 2 yrs ago
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      geraldw , great job!  I'm amazed you memorized it and played with all the repeats.  Thank you for being on the front lines of the covid epidemic.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      geraldw Saving COVID patients takes priority over music any day!  Thank you for the work you do in the ICU.  I was pre-med and spent a great deal of time observing my dad work in hospitals growing up (he taught anesthesiology) , so I truly appreciate what you do!

      • geraldw
      • Drjerryw
      • gerald
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hilda Thanks for your encouragement and suggestions. Rolling the trio chords helped me to memorize. I tried doing it with my eyes closed and was pretty much able to do it with just an occasional peek.  And by doing so it really made me feel so in tune with this piece But I don’t have the facility to play the trio evenly.  I would also like to play it more quickly - I’ll keep trying! This has been a great impetus to practice- thanks again. Gerry

      • Charlie
      • Starving Artist
      • charlie_g
      • 2 yrs ago
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      geraldw  it sounds great, keep sharing! Thanks for your work on behalf of COVID patients.

      • geraldw
      • Drjerryw
      • gerald
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Charlie Gesualdo Thanks Charlie. Really enjoyed your Impromptu N0. 3 in G flat.  Very lovely singing melodic line.  Makes me want to try it. Gerry W

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