Piano Competitions from the Prize Winners' Perspective
Hi everyone!
I just published the newest Tonebase YouTube video, which is all about piano competitions from the perspective of prizewinning pianists. I had such a wonderful time chatting with five amazing pianists - Tonebase favorites Nicolas Namoradze and Claire Huangci, as well as Byeol Kim, Rachel Breen and Sergey Belyavsky.
Like many pianists I've had a love-hate relationship with competitions over the years, so it was really fun to hear from such brilliant colleagues on the topic.
Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
Great job. Competitive instinct is built into every living thing's genome since the get go. But looking around at various inherently competitive professions like sports, the biggest champions and record holders are very often those that play for love and doing their own best that is appropriate to that moment. And much of what your excellent artist interviewees said reflected that aspect. Of course there are many other positive facets of competitions which they spoke of as well.