Week Three: Record your Tchaikovsky!

Hello and welcome to the WEEK THREE Main Thread for this challenge! 🤩


Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.     

Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)


Twice a week between May 1st - 7th I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!     


Here is this week's assignment!


1. Submit a practice video or recording of your piece!


We are gearing up for a Tchaikovsky Celebratory Watch party on his Birthday May 7th at 9am Pacific TIME, so make sure to post your video so it can be shared!


Please note this different start time (9am PT!)

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  • OK, so here’s my go at recording.  From an iPad so not the best quality, but here it is.



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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jennifer Mehta Very beautiful, Jennifer! Very well sung!

    • Jennifer Mehta lovely how you get the melody to sing, likewise when the melody in the bass too!

  • I’m finding that recording myself, even though it feels weird is quite instructive.  My ear tends to hear what it wants to, & overlook things that aren’t quite right.  Recording exposes a lot, haha.

    Like 2
    • Jennifer Mehta It certainly does, especially the way we do it, all in one take! A good way to improve though.

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    • Kerstin
    • Kerstin
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Everyone! Sorry for not participating very much lately, but I have a lot of work. But I had time for this little Waltz I like very much.


    Like 5
    • Kerstin Very charmingly and beautifully played, Kerstin! 

    • Kerstin This is beautiful!  thank you.  I haven't heard this one before.

    • Kerstin yes, a lovely walz indeed & beautifully played.

    • Kerstin great job! Played with such accuracy and clarity, and with beautiful phrasing. Never heard this piece before - thanks for sharing it with us. 

    • Kerstin Very lovely- thank you!

      • AJ
      • aj_aj
      • 1 yr ago
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      Kerstin Love the waltz! What's the opus number? I first thought it would be Op. 39 No. 9 waltz, but it's a different piece that I haven't heard before. You played it very beautifully!

      • Kerstin
      • Kerstin
      • 1 yr ago
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      AJ Thanks. I found it on youtube. It is op.40 number 9. It‘s really a nice piece. 🙋‍♀️

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Kerstin I never heard this waltz too, thanks for sharing it, you play it very beautifully.

    • Kerstin played expressively, and you maintain a gentle lilt throughout! Lovely!

    • AJ
    • aj_aj
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi everyone! Here is my recording of Sweet Dream (Op. 39 No. 21). I'm still working on it, but would like to record it for this challenge tonight.


    When I first started working on it, I felt that the rhythm was a bit tricky but got used to it after a week. Nevertheless, I found it challenging to maintain the long melody lines between my left and right hands, and create enough dynamic contrasts to make the piece sound interesting. The most difficult parts for me are measure 22-24 and measure 30-32. They are similar but also a little different. 


    I love Lang Lang's recording of this piece. Very sweet and very dreamy... Hopefully I'll get a little better later on.

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    • AJ Love your playing! 

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    • AJ So tenderly played - that was lovely!

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    • AJ Beautiful and sweetly played! Great choice of piece.

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    • AJ what a little gem! The middle section does come out as a contrast, and I especially loved the end where the music kept getting softer and the tempo more relaxed until the dream gently disappeared.

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      • AJ
      • aj_aj
      • 1 yr ago
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      Angela Fogg Thank you! I wish I could play louder for some parts to create more dynamic contrast.

      • AJ
      • aj_aj
      • 1 yr ago
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      Alexander Weymann Thank you for your kind words! 

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      AJ Lovely, beautiful and delicate playing!

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    • AJ Very nice.  I had not heard this one before.  Thank you.

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    • AJ that sounds so sweet and beautiful, AJ!

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    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 1 yr ago
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    I have found many difficulties in this beautiful piece: phrasing, accurate sound, middle section with the tempo variation...  But, there's no much time to practice for the challenge. So, here is the video:

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