Community Challenge Concert! (Preparing for a concert!)

This is the culminating concert of our community challenge "Preparing for a Concert - a checklist!" Share your progress, and perform for each other! If you have participated in a Community Concert in the past, it is exactly the same! We will join a zoom meeting together and enter our private virtual space! Looking forward!


Sign up by posting the piece you would like to play BELOW in the chat!


Join our private zoom meeting link below for the concert!


Follow this event link to tune in!   


Join Zoom Meeting


We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

  • What questions do you have on this topic?
  • Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
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    • Michael
    • mpetnuch
    • 1 yr ago
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    I swear I thought I replied to this thread (maybe somewhere else) but I will be playing Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9, No 2.

    Like 4
    • Michael Agree with others. You played great. Your adorable dog seemed to enjoy it too. I was thinking I need to get one also to calm my nerves before playing :)

  • Dominic Cheli i think i found the correct setting. It cannot be accessed from the iPhone or iPad but only from a laptop. I changed it already. Maybe when you have time, kets test it again in zoom...


    Thanks for all the help. 

    Like 1
      • AJ
      • aj_aj
      • 1 yr ago
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      Angelina Tan Yes, the Zoom setting is a bit tricky within the iPhone or iPad app. I've found that it sounds the best with a laptop having "original sound" turned on.

    • AJ I see that it's an account setting so i have done exactly as suggested.  So i would like to test it again to see if it works now thru the iPhone and iPad.  

      Like 1
      • AJ
      • aj_aj
      • 1 yr ago
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      Angelina Tan Actually the "original sound" setting is not an account setting. You need to turn it on for each meeting manually on your device. It's off by default when you join a new meeting.

    • Randall Wayne
    • Independent inventor
    • Randall_Wayne
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi all,

    Did anyone save the full chat for the concert? Dominic Cheli ? I thought I was saving it, but I only got about half of it in the resulting txt document from zoom. If you did save it and got the whole thing, could you attach a copy to a reply here? Kay and I would be very grateful!  Because of the way our system is set up for sound, we can't really see much of the chat during the concert, let alone make comments ourselves...

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    • Will Green
    • Mystic/Musician
    • Will_Green
    • 1 yr ago
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    I love you all. 

    Like 4
      • Michael
      • mpetnuch
      • 1 yr ago
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      Will Green so impressive to hear you play both the first and second movements of such a difficult piece!

      Like 3
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Will Green Your playing makes me so happy. You inspire me!

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      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael Thank you so much!!! xx

      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gail Starr Aww,, thank you!! xx

    • Will Green The Sonata was pretty stunning!!

      Like 3
      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Angela Fogg Thank you!! xx

    • Michelle R
    • Michelle_Russell
    • 1 yr ago
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    Everyone did so well today at the Community Concert! Bravo!  I plan to participate next time - today is my older son's birthday, and I wanted to be sure I had time to make a Key Lime Pie to take over to his apartment this afternoon. 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michelle R Key Lime Pie always wins out! ❤️

      Like 2
    • Michelle R Mom duties always take precedence :) Hope to hear you play next time. 

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gail Starr Vidhya Bashyam and when it's a Mom making Key Lime Pie . . . . 🙂

      Like 2
    • Michelle R key lime pie sounds absolutely delicious! 

      Like 1
  • Hi Everyone, Hi Dominic Cheli

    I am really sorry that I could play during this concert ! 

    I wanted to participate but I had the long Covid, I'm still weak! 

    I have also lost my sense of smell and taste!

    It's quite boring! 

    I was supposed to perform Beethoven's Six Variations in G Major. 

    But since I was sick for more than two weeks, I couldn't practice as much I needed to for the concert. 

    And since I'm leaving Tonebase for a few months, I won't be able to play one of their gigs until I get back here. 

    But that's just discount parties. 

    I still continue to work on these variations. 

    I won't let go of them until I can play them properly!

    Like 1
      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aline Valade God bless you, Aline + xx and isn't Dominic Cheli amazing?

      Like 1
    • Will Green Thank You Will Green XXX ! Yes, Dominic Cheli is amazing! I like him so much! He is so humble and generous with all of us! I will never regret to be on tonebase and having the chance to know him. He help me so much to grow in my piano playing! 

    • Aline Valade So sorry to hear this and hope you feel better soon.

      Like 1
    • Angela Fogg Thank You Angela Fogg ! Xxx

    • Aline Valade Take care, Aline! I wish you a good recovery. There will be more opportunities to play the variations later, a wonderful work  :) 

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aline Valade Aline, I hope you are feeling better very soon. Take care.

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