Community Challenge Concert! (Preparing for a concert!)

This is the culminating concert of our community challenge "Preparing for a Concert - a checklist!" Share your progress, and perform for each other! If you have participated in a Community Concert in the past, it is exactly the same! We will join a zoom meeting together and enter our private virtual space! Looking forward!


Sign up by posting the piece you would like to play BELOW in the chat!


Join our private zoom meeting link below for the concert!


Follow this event link to tune in!   


Join Zoom Meeting


We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

  • What questions do you have on this topic?
  • Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
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  • I love the idea of this community challenge, but I had too many pre-Christmas tasks to finish in my job, so I didn't want to commit to something that I might not complete effectively.   Also, I knew that I was having surgery on 5 Jan yesterday so a live performance on 7 Jan was out of the question. 

    The surgery went well - day surgery - so I was driven home about an our after the procedure.  I'm feeling well enough - could be the drugs - to go to a Paul Lewis concert tonight, which is the first of a cycle of all of the Schubert piano sonatas!  

    Post-surgery thought: it's now 18 months since I returned to the piano and joined TB so sending in a recording is on the horizon, but playing live in a Zoom call - a while longer yet, I think. 

    Like 6
    • There's an 'h' in 'hour'!  Although, I'm a 'Northerner' in the UK so haitches are optional - sometimes there are none and then sometimes they're like machine gun-fire!   

      Like 2
    • Roy James-Pike I'm glad the surgery went well! Have a nice evening with Paul Lewis and Schubert, which I guess will be amazing! 

      Like 1
    • Sindre Skarelven Thanks Sindre.  I called the Box Office rather than booking online.  I mentioned the surgery and asked if it was at all possible to sit in the disabled section on the keyboard side at the front of the stage.  They said that we could.  The tickets are £10 each - less than half price, as the seating is moveable.  I did mention that I hoped that we had a clear view of the key board, as I didn't want to have to go on stage and dragged the piano around, not after the surgery!

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    • Roy James-Pike I am glad you are doing well, and had a successful surgery! Enjoy Paul Lewis!! You are welcome to play on tonebase anytime!

      Like 3
    • Dominic Cheli Thanks Dominic.  I am amazed how quick the recovery has been.  The Paul Lewis concert last night was splendid.  I may have said before that we have an amazing concert hall about 20 minutes from our home.  The acoustic is phenomenal.  The building was provided by an anonymous benefactor at a cost of over £10 million pounds.  The story goes that the architect went to the benefactor and said, 'The acoustic would be so much better if we added another metre to the height of the hall, which would cost another million.'  The benefactor agreed, and then agreed again, and again, and then said, 'We really have to stop going up now..."  The hall is used by major London symphony orchestras as a rehearsal space, and they come to play concerts too.  It is loved by so many top flight performers.  This is where we heard Sir Andras Schiff.


      Paul Lewis was asked to choose the hall's Steinway.  He played Schubert's No 7 in E flat, No 14 in A minor, and No 17 in D major.  He finished the first half with the A minor, which Schubert wrote when he had his diagnosis of syphilis in 1823, when he was only twenty six years old.  The first movement is funereal.  The piano needed to be re-tuned in the interval after the emotion that poured out of Paul Lewis.


      It's so special to hear these sonatas, which have not been part of the mainstream repertoire until recently, seemingly.  This was a first time hearing for me.   This concert is one of four that are part of an interational tour lasting two years.  I hope he brings the other three to us along the way!

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Roy James-Pike So glad your knee is doing better.  What a superb concert experience you had!  What is the name of your concert hall?  I was a Board member for the Atlanta Symphony for 15 years and the whole time we were trying to build a new hall.  Never got it done!

    • Gail Starr Hello Gail, Happy New Year and I hope your'e well.


      It wasn't my knee.  It was a repair to an umbilical hernia, but thank you for your comment.  The concert hall is called Saffron Hall.  Here is the link.  It looks like you will have to copy and paste.

      The building of Saffron Hall was around the time that we moved from London into the country [30-ish miles away].

      One of our 'connected activities' is dancing.  The interconnection for me started in my very early years.    The building of our village community hall coincided with our arrival in the village, which was around the time that Saffron Hall became a concert venue.  The outcome was that we moved to a rural area and had a concert hall and a dance rehearsal space provided for us on a plate!  

      Our village hall is way out of proportion to the size of the village but the result is that we have a full-size dance floor because the main hall was built to house a badminton court.  Many of the villagers think the hall is a 'white elephant' because of this, but we love it!

      Neither of these facilities came from community money.  The funding of Saffron Hall was from a wealthy anonymous private benefactor, and the village hall was from what we call 'Section 106', which is the statutory basis for 'payments' that developers make to local communities to secure a planning permission for a high-value development, which, in this case, was very expensive residential housing. 

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Roy James-Pike Thank you so much for the lovely links and excellent explanation!

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 1 yr ago
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    Unfortunately, I won't be able to participate in the Community Concert (an unexpected trip this weekend); though I have enjoyed very much following and practicing the "checklist". Good luck for all the pianists and enjoy this opportunity.

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      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite Going to miss you, Juan Carlos!! Next time :) 

    • Juan Carlos Olite We understand, sometimes other things come up! You will be missed, but I’m sure it wont be long til next time.  

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  • I invited a friend over to hear me play, and fumbled at 1-2 places I didn't expect to... ! I'd prefer to observe and watch rather than play in this challenge, and to play in one in the future - this will have to be in spring when I return to UK time zone. Is it possible to attend and watch the community concert? 

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    • Ching Lee Goh Yes, the concert is open to watch for every TB-member. Looking forward to hear you play live at a later time.  

      Like 1
    • Sindre Skarelven thank you! Looking forward to  hearing you and the others play!

      Like 1
  • Hi everyone, I will (try) to play the Chopin Etude op.10/12 . Approx time is 4 mins. Best regards Derek

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    • ALICE
    • ALICE.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I'll play Clementi Sonatina op36 no1 as planned, 4-5 minutes. I'll have covid booster shot earlier in the day, hoping it will not affect my play...

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  • I enjoyed the performance challenge, but I won’t be able to play tomorrow. I will be in the audience listening to everyone’s beautiful music. Good luck to all. 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Vidhya Bashyam Same here!  I’ve been away all month with no piano!

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    • AJ
    • aj_aj
    • 1 yr ago
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    I'll be playing 2 short pieces.

    Aram Khachaturian - Andantino ("Ivan Sings") from Children's Album for Piano, Book I 

    J.S. Bach - Gavotte from French Suite No. 5 in G Major (BWV 816) 

    The gavotte is in tribute to my late piano teacher Tzufeng

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    • rdevine
    • rdevine
    • 1 yr ago
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    What a cool idea to host a community concert. If my WiFi and Zoom work, I’d like to play Chopin Etude Op. 25 No. 1. If time allows, i can also play Bach prelude no. 3 in c-sharp minor. Cheers!

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    • Michael
    • mpetnuch
    • 1 yr ago
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    I swear I thought I replied to this thread (maybe somewhere else) but I will be playing Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9, No 2.

    Like 4
    • Michael great!!

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael You did a great job!

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      • Michael
      • mpetnuch
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gail Starr thank you so much. I am still so self conscious about my playing. I am getting a lot better by doing these online events, but I still get so nervous. I am glad you were able to enjoy it.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael Well, you are MUCH braver than I am.  I’ve never done one of the community concerts and when I play real-life concerts I always do chamber music because I’m scared to play alone!  I need to do a community concert in 2023.

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