Community Challenge Concert! (Preparing for a concert!)

This is the culminating concert of our community challenge "Preparing for a Concert - a checklist!" Share your progress, and perform for each other! If you have participated in a Community Concert in the past, it is exactly the same! We will join a zoom meeting together and enter our private virtual space! Looking forward!


Sign up by posting the piece you would like to play BELOW in the chat!


Join our private zoom meeting link below for the concert!


Follow this event link to tune in!   


Join Zoom Meeting


We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

  • What questions do you have on this topic?
  • Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
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  • I think I will end up missing the community concert again, as I am in a very very different time zone. It has been fun following and practising along in the community challenge and  I wish all the pianists who are performing all the best in the concert! 

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    • Will Green
    • Mystic/Musician
    • Will_Green
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Would LOVE . to play Scriabin- Sonata no. 3 1st Movement, but it’s 8 minutes long and might be a bit lengthy. 
    The second movement is about 3 minutes? So, whichever. 

    Like 7
    • Will Green Either work!!! Looking forward!

      Like 1
      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli Me too!

    •  Will Green both?

      Like 1
  • I will be playing Mozart sonata in A-minor k310, first movement.

    Like 10
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven I have decided that is my favorite Mozart !! Great job!

      Like 1
    • Gail Starr Thank you, Gail! It’s a great sonata, and a great learning experience trying to perform it :)    

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    • Gillian
    • Gillian
    • 1 yr ago
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    I would like to play Bach's 2-part invention no 2 in C Minor, if that is acceptable. Very conscious of there being much, much better pianists participating, so I hope some other intermediate players will be taking part too! Keep reminding myself this is a good learning exercise. 🤪 

    Like 8
      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gillian I haven't decided yet if I'm going to participate, but I thought you played very well during the Zoom run-through. I look forward to the day I can play a 2-part invention!! 

      Like 4
      • Gillian
      • Gillian
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michelle R Thanks, that is very sweet. Please do play. I could hear that you are naturally musical even though a beginner. I think Tonebase is trying to be a safe space where we can all share and grow, no matter what level we are at.

      Like 5
    • Gillian Absolutely! The concert is a safe space and a great opportunity for every level! There are no ranks in music, we all just try our best with the music we want to share :) 

      Like 5
      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gillian You were great when we played together on ZOOM!! :) xx

      Like 2
      • Gillian
      • Gillian
      • 1 yr ago
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      Will Green Thanks! You sounded amazing!! Which is encouraging me to improve so I can enjoy playing those kind of pieces one day.

      Like 2
    • Gillian Please join us if you can! :)

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      • Gillian
      • Gillian
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli thanks, I will!

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    • Randall Wayne
    • Independent inventor
    • Randall_Wayne
    • 1 yr ago
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    My wife Kay Hanna would like to play 3 more short pieces by Ola Gjeilo, specific titles yet to be decided, but total time estimated to be around 5 minutes. She will again be playing via my zoom channel, with me handling the audio. The mic will be set inside the piano when she plays, and the input volume set low to handle that much sound. This makes it hard for her to be heard when she wants to speak, but we'll try just moving the microphone closer to her briefly (without touching the input volume), then putting it back inside the piano when she's ready to go.

    Like 6
    • Randall Wayne Sounds good! You can take your time when adjusting things. no rush or worries!

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      • AJ
      • aj_aj
      • 1 yr ago
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      Randall Wayne Your setup was perfect. Superb sound quality and amazing playing! Loved all the pieces today!

      Like 1
      • Randall Wayne
      • Independent inventor
      • Randall_Wayne
      • 1 yr ago
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      AJ Thanks so much for the feedback!  Both of us enjoyed your playing too! Unfortunately we can't really participate in the chat during the concert without disturbing our set up. 


      By the way, our daughter sometimes calls herself AJ!

      Like 2
  • I would like to play Brahms, “Zwei Sarabanden” , WoO 5 posthumous (a minor/b minor), if there is time (5-6 minutes). If not, I’ll play just the first one.

    Like 6
    • Thurmond R Play both!

      Looking forward! :)

      Like 2
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Thurmond R Great job, Thurmond! 😊

      Like 2
      • Will Green
      • Mystic/Musician
      • Will_Green
      • 1 yr ago
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      Thurmond R Your playing was so very expressive and deep... you certainly are a musician. Bravo. xx 

  • I love the idea of this community challenge, but I had too many pre-Christmas tasks to finish in my job, so I didn't want to commit to something that I might not complete effectively.   Also, I knew that I was having surgery on 5 Jan yesterday so a live performance on 7 Jan was out of the question. 

    The surgery went well - day surgery - so I was driven home about an our after the procedure.  I'm feeling well enough - could be the drugs - to go to a Paul Lewis concert tonight, which is the first of a cycle of all of the Schubert piano sonatas!  

    Post-surgery thought: it's now 18 months since I returned to the piano and joined TB so sending in a recording is on the horizon, but playing live in a Zoom call - a while longer yet, I think. 

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