Group 1
When playing Chopin, we face a tremendous challenge in using ornamentation to enhance musical expression. In this two-week intensive, we will learn how to make Chopin ornaments easier to play by targeting technical skills used in effortless trills, turns, grace notes, and arpeggiated chords. We will look at specific examples in Chopin's Mazurkas
Your videos should show all three assignments!
- Learn over snap movement: practice for five mins per day on arpeggiated chords in Mazurka op.50 no.1
- Trills : the one I show is a preparatory step, because it鈥檚 a short trill. Try this movement of changing the key place with fingers 2-4-3 on many different locations/keys. Do this also for five mins per day.
- Grace notes: same as above, try grace notes on different keys, with forward arm movement.
Fellow Participants in Group 1:
Vidhya Bashyam
Emma Shi
Sindre Skarelven
Some tonebase productions to get you started
Penelope Roskell on Developing Cantabile Playing
Course: Jarred Dunn on Crafting Scales
Wrist Movement: A Pianist's Secret Weapon with Norman Krieger
Arpeggios Regiment with Jeffrey Biegel
How to get the most out of this course
- Start by watching the introduction video and practice the passages given in the video.
- Write a post where you have been struggling with ornaments in Chopin's music!
- Share two videos per week and help your course partners through feedback on their submissions!
Zoom Check-In: Tuesday July 26 10:00 PST (13:00 EST/19:00 CEST)
Follow this link for the second week's assignments with Jarred Dunn!
I love the idea of motion helping relax the hands and improve the sound. After practicing from the mazurka examples, I tried to apply it to Chopin鈥檚 Prelude #21, which I just started learning recently. All the same ornament examples are in the first two lines. Other Chopin pieces with ornaments I have struggled with: 1- the turn in measure three of the op 9/2 nocturne. I never was happy with the sound. 2- just difficult- the trills in measures 52-54 of op 55/2 nocturne.
Thank you for this learning opportunity and introducing those Mazurkas for me. I always struggled to get Chopin's rubato style( rubato rhythm?? Mood??)
I wonder if you can give me any tips to understand his style. I have no idea when I have to play with rubato in Chopin usually.
Also please correct my ornaments playing.
I started to practice op 50 no.1. yesterday.
As always I can not get Chopin's rubato style unlike other composers( Beethoven..). I looked for Polish Mazurka dances again according to your other tonebase masterclass advice. Your tonebase classes inspired and taught me greatly.
Appreciate your help
Hi Jarred, and everyone! Thank you for the great zoom session today, Jarred. Very inspiring and great that you are taking the time to do this!
I've practiced the exercises, and made a little video earlier today. I also featured some excerpts in the video of some ornaments from Chopin pieces. Wondering how I should practice to improve.It's the quick trills from the Major-section in the A minor Waltz (posth.). I may tense up a bit there.
Then I played some of the fioraturas from Nocturne Bbm Op. 9 no. 1. Wondering about tips to make them better. You gave a great tip in the zoom-meeting there!
Then the trill I mentioned in the zoom session, Nocturne Eb Op.9 nr 2. Here I started on the upper note, but you cleared out that starting on the main note is the better option there. Sometimes I can make a good trill there, but other times I think it sounds bad, so I'm wondering how I should work with it. I want to make a good trill every time!
Thank you so much for your time!
Thank you so much. I did not know I have a tension due to curly fingers. Please let me know what I need to fix as many as possible. Thank you for your teaching and introducing Mazurka op50.
I wonder when I play ornaments, if I need to move from elbow so fingers can automatically follow the movement or I need to move from fingers.
Also for arpeggios, the shoulder is involved for me for playing it. I wonder if It is better to use just the lower arm ?
Appreciate it
I really appreciate it. Wow! I did not know I played like that at all.
Hope I fixed little bit more now. Please let me know what I need to fix it.
I appreciate it.