Welcome to the tonebase Piano Community!

Hey everyone - this is Dominic from tonebase 🙂!


As the lead of tonebase PIANO it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format: 

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
  • What are you currently working on? 
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 

I'll go first: 

  • I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and you better believe that I love my barbecue! It is hard to pick my favorite food between ribs, brisket, or a beautiful grilled steak, but if I have to decide...nothing beats a juicy, fall-off-the-bone rack of baby back ribs!
  • Currently working on some old favorites of mine by Carl Vine (Piano Sonata No.1), Beethoven (Piano Concerto No.4) and Scriabin (Fantasy op.28) but also adding some great repertoire by H. Leslie Adams (Etude in A-flat minor Book 2), Laura Kaminsky (Alluvion), and Clara Schumann (Romanze in A minor Op.21 no.1)!
  • I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work!

Now over to you (after some participation from our tonebase team members!) 

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  • I was born and lived most of my life (67 years old in a week or so) in Brooklyn, NY, relocated 6 months ago to Galveston, TX. Hometown food I can't find elsewhere is a good bagel.


    I've been a professional musician all my life, with a long career playing and conducting on Broadway. Though I was trained classically, I feel my technique has gotten lax, and I'm hoping the tonebase platform will give me a structure to restore and expand my technique. So not currently working on anything specific, but hoping to find pieces to work on towards my goals.

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    • Bruce
    • Bruce
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi  🙂

    • From the Hood Canal area west of Seattle WA USA. Hood Canal isn't a canal, it's a narrow inlet of the sea, like a fiord but with less high banks or rocks. On the short list of favorite local foods: oysters. Raw, or on the barbie, or in a cream-based soup/stew, or Angels on Horseback (individually bacon-wrapped and broiled on a Triscuit), or however the family prefers that day. If our canal were a fiord we'd still be able fish for crab, but the fiords I've seen have few rocky oyster beaches, or none.
    • Currently working through the Taubman courses. Beginner pianist retired from keyboarding/mousing software career that beat my wrists partway to snot. So, further injuries are to be actively avoided, at least in my case.
    • Qudrat
    • Qudrat
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi veryone!!

    • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 

    I'm form Mexico. I love "Chiles en Nogada" my favorite food.

    • What are you currently working on? 

    I'm on Beethoven Sonata no. 8. Really wonderful course here in tonebase. I have improved a lot. 

    • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 

    Read a lot.

  • Hello everyone.  I am Ken and have been playing at the piano for 62 years. As soon as it was available my parents bought the Horowitz Return to Carnegie Hall.  That was when I fell in love with the piano.  I grew up in the mountains of Tennessee.  I love just about all Southern cooking but my favorite is Brunswick Stew.


    I am currently working on 10 Preludes and Fugues from Book 2 of the WTC.


    I used "playing at the piano" as there were no trained pianists where I grew up; a church organist taught me the basics.  I need to learn theory and to develop m technical skills.

  • Hello, everyone 👋 I'm just starting with the piano, although I have some music experience playing the classical guitar since I was 7. 

    Dominic Cheli said:
    Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
    What are you currently working on? 
    What are you hoping to get out of this community? 


    1. I'm from Portugal, we have so much wonderful food it's impossible to choose 😊

    2. Just got a nice electronic piano and have been playing around with finding scales and random songs. Maybe working on some really basic christmas tunes, I guess 🎄

    3. Maybe some pointers on where to start. I'm still looking around and have found several courses that may help a beginner like me.   

    • Ricardo Tavares Hello Ricardo. I'm from Portugal as well. In which city do you live? I study in Setúbal. It is great to now more portuguese people around here.

    • Chris
    • cwalker751
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi everyone!! 

    My name is Chris, and it's a pleasure to join this community.

    1. I was born in Poughkeepsie, New York, USA. I'd say my favorite food from there is pizza, pretty basic choice but NY pizza is fantastic.

    2. Currently working on Beethoven's Rondo in C, Op. 51; Grieg Lyric Piece Op. 65 No. 6, Wedding Day at Troldhaugen; Rachmaninoff Prelude Op. 32 No. 10; Chopin Nocturne Op. 55 No. 1. 

    3. I'm hoping to get a lot out of this community. I really need to hone in my practicing;  warming up, technique, etc. I also want to absorb all of the information I can from the courses, and get constructive feedback from other members. I'd also love to share my knowledge with others and help them improve, as well. 

    I found this community through Ben's amazing YouTube videos, and I can't wait to explore and really dig in, and get better! 

    Like 1
      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Chris Welcome, Chris!

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Chris Welcome to tonebase, Chris!  I love the Greig pieces you are learning.  Can’t wait to hear you play them:

    • ALICE
    • ALICE.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    Dear all,

    This is Alice from Bay Area, US. I started learning piano during COVID, and now in my 3rd year. Adult beginners need a lot of patience. I find a good/suitable teacher is most important: giving feedback, encouragement and inspiration. I'm currently learning Sonatina in F major by Beethoven, and it was difficult for me in terms of technique. 

    It's a great pleasure reading everyone's intro, and see we have members all over the world. Although I've been a TB member for two years, I've been absent this year as I took time to take care of family members.  Hoping to have more time to engage with the community next year. 

    Like 1
      • Michael Bruce
      • Software Architect - but.. really a musician.
      • Michael_Bruce
      • 1 yr ago
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      ALICE For me the teacher is what really did it. I started teaching myself (using books to learn to read), stepped it up and went to a teacher, then I searched out a much more professional teacher and this changed everything. Welcome to the community.

    • Tomoko
    • Tomoko
    • 1 yr ago
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    I am new. I am Tomoko. I was born and raised in Japan and now I live in Southern California.

    My favorite Japanese food is sushi. I especially like nigiri-sushi, which is fish on sushi-rice cake.


    I just started to work on Arabesque No.1. I watched the Tonebase course by Peter Dugan. I like it very much.


    I started to learn organ when I was around 4 years old and continued until 15 years old.  I started to play the piano in my adulthood, self-taught and on and off.  I played the pieces listed Tonebase Level 5-7 in the past. Since I didn’t have a piano teacher, I am not very confident. I thought I was not improving much or fast enough.  

    So, I am planning to work on courses recommended for Level 5 and lower levels to begin.


    I am glad that I got a Tonebase membership. It sems like there are a lot of great courses and great teachers here. All the courses I checked out so far are great.

    I think there are experienced people, knowledgeable people, wise people and nice people are here.

    I am hoping to improve my piano playing skills and musicality.


    By the way, I watched the Live Workshop, Quick Tips How to improve your scales with @Dominic_Cheli 3 days ago. It was informative and helpful. Thank you, Dominic!

    Like 2
      • ALICE
      • ALICE.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Tomoko Welcome Tomoko!

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      • Tomoko
      • Tomoko
      • 1 yr ago
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      ALICE Thank you, Alice!

      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      ALICE Hi, Tomoko! Welcome!

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Tomoko Welcome to Tonebase! Can’t wait to hear you play.

      • Tomoko
      • Tomoko
      • 1 yr ago
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      Pauline Thank you !

      • Tomoko
      • Tomoko
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gail Starr Thank you for the message. Happy New Year!

  • Hola, mi nombre es Jimena Olvera, soy de un pequeño pueblo de México, es difícil elegir una comida favorita (la comida mexicana es maravillosa) pero me gusta el pollo con mole verde, los tacos al pastor o cualquier tipo de tacos. barbacoa de ovejas, etc. 

    He estado en tonebase desde hace algún tiempo pero nunca me había tomado el tiempo de explorar el blog, estoy trabajando en el primer movimiento de la Appassionata de Beethoven, recientemente terminé el estudio op de Chopin. 10 núm. 8 y también trabajo con scherzo no. 3 y el preludio y fuga de Bach en sol menor BWV 861, espero conocer y aprender de mucha gente aquí, terminé la universidad hace un año y no tengo profesor de piano ahora, planeo hacer una maestría pero Aún no sé por dónde empezar y quiero seguir aprendiendo, mi sueño es dar conciertos en todos lados compartiendo esta maravillosa música, espero lograrlo algún día, les comparto mi canal de YouTube del trabajo que humildemente hago (en México se me hace difícil alcanzar niveles altos por el contexto en el que crecí, comencé a tocar el piano a los 18 años y lo he dado lo mejor desde entonces) gracias por escucharme y la retroalimentación siempre es bienvenida, quiero aprender. !! ¡saludos a todos!



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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jimena Olvera Hola, Jimena!

      Like 2
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jimena Olvera ¡Escuché a tu querido Chopin en tu canal de youtube! Tienes una interpretación muy sensible. ¿Me parece recordar que tocaste en una de las clases magistrales de base de tonos el año pasado? ¡Felicitaciones por graduarse de la universidad!

      Like 1
    • Pauline Hi Pauline, Nice to meet You!

    • Gail Starr Yes, I was lucky to be able to participate in the masterclass with Charles Richard Hamelin :), thank you so much for your comments! and thank you for your subscription, I really appreciate it! and nice to meet you! :D

      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jimena Olvera Thank you, Jimena!

  • Hello all,


    Dominic Cheli said:
    Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
    What are you currently working on? 
    What are you hoping to get out of this community?

     I'm from Setúbal, Portugal (sorry for my mediocre English). Here we have lots of great food, specially fish and seafood. Besides those, I would never reject a good "bitoque, wich is basically a steak with fried egg, rice and chips.


    I'm in 5th grade on local conservatory and I'm working on Mozart's sonata K330 in C major, Schumann's Kinderszenen, all Bach's inventions(already have them done) and sinfonias, Carlos Seixas' Sonata no 16 and Moszcowski étude no 4 in C major.


    I'm hoping to get to now different people around the world, receive feedback, learn a lot with others and help to create a beautiful classical pianists environment for sharing.

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