My new piano piece... 40 year resolution

Hi tonebase!  Back in college, I told my music professors I was going to focus on my (physics) career and then start writing music seriously when I turned 40.  They told me it would never happen, so now I have to prove them wrong!  (More sincerely, it has been a lifelong goal of mine to compose, and I'm fortunate enough to be in a position where, incidentally having recently turned 40, I can start to devote some time to it.)  This is my kickoff piece - a short little dream inspired by the amazing sustain of my new piano.  (Still pinching myself on that one.)


Video and sheet music are attached.  Please do let me know what you think.  I've got some other piano sketches in mind, and I'm also working on a viola sonata and string quartet.  It helps to get feedback.  Thanks and have a great day!

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    • Gail Starr
    • Retired MBA
    • Gail_Starr
    • 3 wk ago
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    Sam, what an absolutely lovely first foray back where you truly belong!  You have crafted a piece that a player at any level can play and enjoy.  Can't wait to hear more.

    • Jack vreeland
    • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
    • Jack_vreeland
    • 3 wk ago
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    That is very nice. Glad you are coming back to composing! The build is very effective and the melodies work. Look forward to hearing more from you. 

  • Thanks so much for your comments, guys.  Indeed, I like the idea of writing music that people might actually play.  That's one reason I'm working on a viola sonata now.  Violists need love too - they deserve nice music with piano parts that aren't so hard like Brahms.

  • Really lovely! Great that you can enjoy your career and piano now!

    • Steve
    • Steve.3
    • 2 wk ago
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    Simply delightful! 馃榾馃檹馃幎馃幎

  • Lovely!

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