June Recital!

JOIN US FOR our June Community Concert!



Alexander Weymann : Debussy: Preludes 1 No.VIII "La fille aux cheveux"

Rashmi Lahiri Schumann: Melodie from Album for the Young

Priya Viseskul : John Ireland: Menuet from Downland Suite

Michelle R Beethoven: 1st movement from Sonatina in G major

cdales Chopin Nocturne op.62 no.1

Bryan Sable : Repertoire TBD!

Nadja Beethoven: Pathetique Sonata ?

Monika Tusnady Mozart: Sonata

Sam Philip Glass: Etude #6

Judy Kuan Beethoven: Live or Recorded?

Andrea LeVan  Brahms: Intermezzo op.118 no.2

Derek McConville : Lili Boulangeer: Cortege

Sindre Skarelven : Chopin: Ballade no.3



Letizia Tchaikovsky: "June" 

Thurmond R Brahms: Ballade op.10 no.3

Heng-Pin Chen : Manuel Ponce: Intermezzo no.1

Sachi Edward MacDowell: Op.51 to a Wild Rose

Gail Starr : Bach: Prelude and Fugue Bk.1 in D major

Ching Lee Goh : Bach/Kempf: Siciliano from Flute Sonata

Fingers Lan : Schumann Kreisleriana op.16

Libby Craig : Bach: Siciliano 


General information and Guidelines below!

Reply to this topic with your name and repertoire selection if you would like to perform! If you don't know what you want to play yet, you can always just let us know your intent!


These events are NOT live-streamed OR recorded, but are private zoom meetings where tonebase members can share their hard work and perform for each other! 


These concerts can be played LIVE, or if you can't attend, you can submit a recording!


This is a GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE space.


Performing is one of the best ways to push yourself, and really evaluate the work/progress you have made!


Repertoire is open to any piece!


Memorization is NOT required.


You can play select movements, or even sections of pieces! No need to perform a complete work!


Playing the piano is fun, but sharing your music with others is one of life's great joys. Join in on the fun and cheer each other on!




Because we use zoom for these concerts, it is important to have the best audio and visual settings available!


Check out these videos depending on the device you are using!







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    • Judy Kuan
    • Personal trainer
    • Judy_Kuan.1
    • 5 mths ago
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    I would like to play or submit a recording of Beethoven's Opus 110 first movement. Thank you!

    Like 9
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan You ROCK!  Time to drop your current profession and just go PRO.  šŸ˜

      Like 2
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan I'm scared to even START this one.

      Like 1
      • Peter Golemme
      • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
      • Peter_G
      • 3 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan I second (3rd? 4th?) the above! can't wait to hear your rendition. I know you are going to get through that wall!

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      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 3 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan Dominic Cheli Hi Dominic, I'm playing Beethoven 110 1st mvmt live today! Thanks

      Like 1
  • Hi I would love another opportunity to perform live for this recital.  I am still deciding on the piece and may choose to be ambitious and play Chopinā€™s Notcurne Op.72 No.1.  This piece has been something Iā€™ve been working on fir a while but am still struggling with the 3rd page with that long trill section so it is sort of my ā€œambitionā€ piece.  But I may switch to Mendelssohnā€™s Venetian Boat Song or the Brahms Intermezzo in A Major Op.118 No.2 which Iā€™m doing for this monthā€™s fresh start challenge.  

    Like 5
    • Andrea LeVan ok Iā€™ve decided to perform live for the June recital and play the Brahms Intermezzo in A Major Op.118 No.2 - Iā€™ve really been working to polish this up and I believe I can have it ready by June. This is such a beautiful piece and working on this for the challenge and now for the upcoming performance has really sped up ,y entire learning process. So looking forward to it!

      Like 3
    • Michelle R
    • Michelle_Russell
    • 5 mths ago
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    I'm tentatively putting myself down for the Beethoven Sonatina in G major - both movements, hopefully, by then. šŸ™‚
    UPDATE: first movement only! Iā€™m not yet comfortable enough with the second movement to play it in public. 

    Like 5
  • Signing up to perform Schumannā€™s Melodie, from the Album for the Young. Already pretty terrified - this cohort at ToneBase is a daunting place for a neophyte šŸ˜¬

    Like 9
    • Rashmi Lahiri Iā€™ve said it many times before, and I will keep saying it because itā€™s true: you wonā€™t find a more supportive, non-judgmental and truly appreciative piano community anywhere. Looking forward to hearing you play! 

      Like 7
    • Alexander Weymann 

      Thank you Alexander! Will refer to this post to remind myself if I start losing my nerve šŸ˜Š

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri Alexander is correct!  We love any level of playing, any piece, any time.

      Like 1
    • Gail Starr Thanks Gail. Iā€™m guilty of not getting to know this exceptional community of pianists. I read somewhere that to become a better person one should surround oneself with those who are better šŸ˜Š

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri Well, even if we don't play better we are all very nice!

      Like 5
      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 4 mths ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri I have also read that to become a better person one should surround oneself with those who are better! One problem I have found with this plan is that the people here on TB are SO much better than I, that I often feel that I'm a slow learner or just so far behind that I'll never catch up (and my 16-year old son is quite the pianist, too, so it seems I am surrounded by excellence). But I will say that the community here is supportive and encouraging of the efforts of ALL who are here, and because of that I have grown confident in sharing my less-than-stellar attempts to play the instrument. 

      Like 5
    • Michelle R the good news is that it feels like that for all of us; itā€™s just a matter of whom youā€™re comparing yourself to. When I hear Dominic Cheli play, I sometimes feel I really donā€™t know how to play at all and should just give up. And maybe there are pianists about whom even Dominic feels the same way! So the solution, of course, is to NOT compare yourself, and NOT give up, but to appreciate everyoneā€™s music making - including your own! - exactly for the beautiful gift it is.

      Like 6
      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 4 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann I agree with you on all fronts, but it is challenging to be at a lower level than everyone else, or at least everyone else who volunteers to play in the concerts. Very rarely does that discourage me. Generally speaking, I am inspired by all the wonderful musicians here. Y'all are awesome, and like Gail Starr said, you're all  very nice! And I'm just realizing that I won't be able to call myself a beginner much longer....

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    • Michelle R Never forget that you are also a core part of the awesome, kind, encouraging and dedicated tonebase group. šŸ˜Š

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    • Michelle R Alexander Weymann

      i have also read somewhere Mastery is an asymptote šŸ˜Š, probably a good thing otherwise we will all be bored.

      On a more serious note, my current judgemental mindset towards self is what I want to change. I am constantly talking about learning and growth and these arenā€™t going to happen if I cannot take the first, totally un-self conscious step of coming out of the closet and playing in public ! Hopefully all this prep talk will come to fruition šŸ˜€

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri As we know, ANY endeavor can be broken down into tiny steps.  Just play ONE page of whatever piece you like in the recital.  Weā€™ve ALL been there and weā€™d love to just hear a few notes.  Seriously!

      Like 2
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Michelle R SO true!!  You are SO impressive for taking on this amazing activists an adult! ā¤ļø

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann True!

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 4 mths ago
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      Vidhya Bashyam We have, all together, had a hand in maintaining such a supportive group. Iā€™m so glad my son found TB when he first started playing (in 2020) - he discovered the videos on Beethovenā€™s Moonlight Sonata (John Oā€™Conner?) and watched them over and over until YouTube had a groove in it at that spot!

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 4 mths ago
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      Rashmi Lahiri I look forward to hearing you play. 

      Like 2
    • Rashmi Lahiri Nice choice ā€” I love that piece!

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    • Michelle R have you played in these Community concerts before? Do we get to know beforehand where we are in the performance queue?

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