June Recital!

JOIN US FOR our June Community Concert!



Alexander Weymann : Debussy: Preludes 1 No.VIII "La fille aux cheveux"

Rashmi Lahiri Schumann: Melodie from Album for the Young

Priya Viseskul : John Ireland: Menuet from Downland Suite

Michelle R Beethoven: 1st movement from Sonatina in G major

cdales Chopin Nocturne op.62 no.1

Bryan Sable : Repertoire TBD!

Nadja Beethoven: Pathetique Sonata ?

Monika Tusnady Mozart: Sonata

Sam Philip Glass: Etude #6

Judy Kuan Beethoven: Live or Recorded?

Andrea LeVan  Brahms: Intermezzo op.118 no.2

Derek McConville : Lili Boulangeer: Cortege

Sindre Skarelven : Chopin: Ballade no.3



Letizia Tchaikovsky: "June" 

Thurmond R Brahms: Ballade op.10 no.3

Heng-Pin Chen : Manuel Ponce: Intermezzo no.1

Sachi Edward MacDowell: Op.51 to a Wild Rose

Gail Starr : Bach: Prelude and Fugue Bk.1 in D major

Ching Lee Goh : Bach/Kempf: Siciliano from Flute Sonata

Fingers Lan : Schumann Kreisleriana op.16

Libby Craig : Bach: Siciliano 


General information and Guidelines below!

Reply to this topic with your name and repertoire selection if you would like to perform! If you don't know what you want to play yet, you can always just let us know your intent!


These events are NOT live-streamed OR recorded, but are private zoom meetings where tonebase members can share their hard work and perform for each other! 


These concerts can be played LIVE, or if you can't attend, you can submit a recording!


This is a GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE space.


Performing is one of the best ways to push yourself, and really evaluate the work/progress you have made!


Repertoire is open to any piece!


Memorization is NOT required.


You can play select movements, or even sections of pieces! No need to perform a complete work!


Playing the piano is fun, but sharing your music with others is one of life's great joys. Join in on the fun and cheer each other on!




Because we use zoom for these concerts, it is important to have the best audio and visual settings available!


Check out these videos depending on the device you are using!







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    • Nadja
    • voiciledauphin
    • 4 mths ago
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    I sign up to play the first movement of Beethoven‘s Pathétique. It is a pathetic 17 years in the making (last thing I played before quitting lessons). Unless I find a way to transmit from my silent system, I will probably only submit a recording, though,  I don‘t want to disturb my neighbours

    Like 6
    • Nadja hi Nadja! So sorry but unfortunately the rest of this week is just really packed for me so hopefully we can try to catch up before another one of these recitals comes around and try then. 

      • Nadja
      • voiciledauphin
      • 3 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan No problem. I believe Zoom let‘s you do demo spaces maybe this is an option for you? Looking forward to your performance!

      • Nadja
      • voiciledauphin
      • 3 mths ago
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      Nadja Sorry, I won‘t make it back in time! I will watch on my phone though and am looking forward to all your performances.

    • Gail Starr
    • Retired MBA
    • Gail_Starr
    • 4 mths ago
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    I'd like to play some Bach in June.  I'm in a Prelude & Fugue kind of mood...I'm wrapping up one, starting another and probably a third one.  I'll pick which key closer to the date, if that's OK?

    Like 11
      • Nadja
      • voiciledauphin
      • 4 mths ago
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      Gail Starr Always a good mood to be in, looking forward to your choice and performance!

      Like 1
  • Hi everyone, I would like to play Cortège by Lili Boulanger at the June concert. It’s around 3 mins long I think!

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      • Bryan Sable
      • Lifelong Piano Learner and Educator
      • Bryan_Sable
      • 3 mths ago
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      Derek McConville loved the Boulanger! I was having so many tech issues, I didn’t have a chance to type in the chat!

      Like 1
    • Bryan Sable thank you v much, great you have joined tonebase - loved the Granados :)

      Like 1
  • I will submit the recording of Schumann Kreisleriana op. 16. Because the piece is 30 min long, I am hoping to perform 5th ~ 8th movements (15 minutes if time is allowed ). Or 6th~8th movements (12 min) will be played in the community concert. 

    I really want to play in live, however, due to the time zone, playing in live is just not possible.


    Thanks Tonebase for putting all kinds of activities together.

    Like 4
    • bjarne
    • bjarne
    • 4 mths ago
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    Hi, I'm new to tonebase and I would like to try and performe a piece. Is it to late to sign up?

    I would like to play either Mozart K. 545 - Andante or Schumann - Träumerei. I'm not 100% i can play it live because it is past bedtime for my daughter, so might need to record it, but should be able to make the zoom-meeting

    Like 3
      • Letizia
      • Letizia
      • 4 mths ago
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      bjarne it's not too late.

      I vote for Mozart K545 Andante!


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    • bjarne Let me know if you would like to play!

      • bjarne
      • bjarne
      • 3 mths ago
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      Dominic Cheli Sorry, I thought I had replied here:) I changed back to my former teacher a couple of weeks ago and started to work on some new pieces instead, so I'm not ready to performe. Hope to be able to performe on next occation:)

  • I would like to, but since I am not at home or in my hometown at the moment where I have access to the conservatory, it is hard for me to approach a piano today. Good luck everyone. 

      • Letizia
      • Letizia
      • 4 mths ago
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      Patrick Bentolila the date is June the 22nd 2024. Today is May the 29th 2024. You also can upload a video! 🌞😎✌🏻

    • cdales
    • cdales
    • 4 mths ago
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    If my reply isn’t too late, Chopin Nocturne Op 62 No. 1. I recently realized that a big part of overcoming performance anxiety means adapting quickly to a piano one hasn’t played. ( I had trouble performing this piece at a recital on a grand with light action, possibly because my own grand requires a firmer touch. Guess I have to get out more and play different instruments 🙃

    Like 5
      • Bryan Sable
      • Lifelong Piano Learner and Educator
      • Bryan_Sable
      • 3 mths ago
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      cdales I’m attempting to learn all of the nocturnes this summer. They’re all so gorgeous and completely different in character. Can’t wait to hear you!

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      • cdales
      • cdales
      • 3 mths ago
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      Bryan Sable All of them? I was given the title "Queen of the Nocturne" in my late performance group, but I certainly don't haven't mastered Op.9 No.3, Op. 48 No. 1 and, strangely, Op. 15 No. 2 (the midsection, specifically). As you can see, polyrhythms are my special challenge. Anyhow, I'm supposed to be several places at once Saturday pm, so have to prepare a clean recording-not sure if it will happen in time...

      Like 2
      • Bryan Sable
      • Lifelong Piano Learner and Educator
      • Bryan_Sable
      • 3 mths ago
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      cdales yes! At least that is my desire. My problem is that I always say that I’m going to complete some thing over my summer break (I’m a teacher and I try to rekindle or start a major task each year!) but then I end up getting sidetracked by all of the other amazing repertoire. I would love to learn. I’ve learned about 70% of the nocturnes, the only ones I have left now are the terribly difficult ones! The D flat major is giving my left hand fits!

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  • Here is my submission of the Intermezzo No. 1 by Manuel Ponce, a short piece, just 3 min. If my schedule is not so tight on the day, I'll try to be online. 


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    • Heng-Pin Chen beautiful piece and beautifully played ❤️

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    • Andrea LeVan Ah, thank you! I didn't see your message till now. Glad you like it.

      • Bryan Sable
      • Lifelong Piano Learner and Educator
      • Bryan_Sable
      • 3 mths ago
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      Heng-Pin Chen this is gorgeous. Beautifully played and executed. 

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    • Bryan Sable Thank you :)

    • Sachi
    • Sachi
    • 3 mths ago
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    Hi everyone. I have recorded a short piece. Please feel free to comment if you like. Op.51: To a Wild Rose by Edward MacDowell. Thank you Dominic for organizing and encouraging us to participate. 

    I won’t be able to attend Zoom concert due to travel. Hopefully watching you on archive. 

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