What would you like improved on tonebase?

What would you like improved on tonebase?

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    • Solreaa
    • Solveig_Realfsen_Aamland
    • 5 mths ago
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    It is wonderful as it is:) As a teacher - maybe more etudes from Burgmüller/Heller and up?

    Like 2
  • More jazz (jazz piano solo with Jeremy Siskind, for instance). More Eric Satie, more etudes!

  • Tonebase has courses and forums, why not have forum for each courses to collect questions/sharing ideas, potentially having the teacher or a moderator answers questions as time goes.   Most online education platform have this.   

    Like 3
  • It sure would be nice to have research-backed, evidence-based facts cited in lessons, with full research reference, for the many common claims made by instructors.   "Practice your scales to get better" is probably one of the more common ones.  I decided to attempt looking this up recently and found very little to back up this claim.  "Try the Hanon exercises on a daily schedule" is a more specific technique-oriented claim, with also, absolutely no evidence to show whether Hanon (or any of the many other regimens) is effective, or less effective, or more effective, than anything else.   This void of "legitimate" information astounds me especially for piano, where this many-hundred-year-old instrument has the most competitive nature, beyond almost any other instrument, and any typical piano instructor could easily design a double-blind trial with a group of students over a number of years to prove dozens of regimen theories either true or false, or completely neutral, to later results.


    Playing an instrument with proper technique is often rightly compared to an Olympic sport, requiring precise, effective, and efficient athletic movement.  The difference of course is that Kinesiology is a science with peer-reviewed research published on a regular basis, with results often viciously scrutinized, while instrument performance seems to have none of that studied rigor.  The lack of information in the music realm leads to perpetuation of false myths, harmful practices (including body injury), or mediocre development which simply wastes a lot of time.

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      • Charm
      • Charm
      • 4 mths ago
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      Superblonde DotOrg While the call for evidence-based practices in music education is understandable, it is important to recognize the inherent challenges in applying this approach to musical training. Music, unlike many scientific fields, heavily relies on the individualistic and subjective experiences of both the teacher and the learner. This uniqueness makes it difficult to standardize practices or to create controlled environments that would satisfy rigorous scientific scrutiny.

  • In depth musical history, stories of composers or even philosical discussions of the music and composers

    Like 2
    • Katrina Wei I completely agree with this! 

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      • Charm
      • Charm
      • 4 mths ago
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      Katrina Wei This would be nice! 

    • Gloria
    • Gloria
    • 4 mths ago
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    Yes it would nice too.

    also complete repertoires of Beethoven sonatas  study guides and kuhlau piano sonatas too,  please.

    • Marianne
    • Marianne.5
    • 4 mths ago
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    As a pianist with small hands (I can just reach a ninth on white keys only, but can't reach chords that extend a ninth), I'd like to see some examples of how to cope with repertoire that has large chords.  I'm currently studying Chopin's F minor Ballade and other pieces with big chords and would love to see how pianists with smaller hands manage these.  Imogen Cooper, the noted British pianist, gave a recital here in Australia and somehow managed this in such a way that it was barely noticeable; I want to learn how to do that! 

    Like 3
      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 3 mths ago
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      Marianne me too. A ninth at the very corner of the white keys. Our small paws are so much more under tension all the time, and smaller sized keyboards still have a loooong way to go until they are available for reasonable prices..  sigh.

      Like 1
  • Well, videos are much too heavy therefore with a mediocre internet connection, on the countryside for instance, it’s really too long to watch or download. I start, then I quit. And then, if nothing can’t be done, I’ll quit for good

      • Roger Ward
      • Roger_Ward
      • 4 mths ago
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      Bertrand CARETTE Have you checked out getting a hot spot?  Do you have this problem with similar providers?  My sympathies to you.

    • Marianne
    • Marianne.5
    • 4 mths ago
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    I thought of another thing that would help.  Is it possible to do the live workshops at another time, occasionally?  I would love to participate and be able to ask questions, but these are always on at 4.00 a.m. in Melbourne, Australia.  If I'm even awake at that time, I'm certainly not firing on all cylinders!

    Like 2
      • Charm
      • Charm
      • 4 mths ago
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      Marianne Same problem with the time zone here in NZ! 

      Like 1
  • just a wish for lessons on maybe the bach toccatas? 

    Like 2
  • Not sure if this has been previously brought up yet or if I am not just finding it, but for upcoming live events, it would be nice to have the ability to add an upcoming event to my calendar. (I tend to forget events if they are not on my Google calendar where I can be automatically reminded!)

    For example, today I got an email about Dominic's live stream event tomorrow about trills, it would be nice to have a clickable box for an option to add to a personal calendar, instead of just "Join LIVE". That way, I won't have to manually add the event to my calendar. Thanks.

    Like 1
  • No doubt it has been mentioned before but I would love to be able to take videos on the road with me to reflect and study even when away from the piano. I am always working and thinking, when flying, being driven somewhere or by ship. Thank you ! 

  • I would like to see the name of the professional giving the lessons shown on the screen (maybe at the bottom) during the entire lesson. This would help me top recall the lesson by the teachers name and help me in conversations about the particular lesson.

  • Also, I would like to have each of the pieces used for examples in lessons clearly identified - so we, the students, can find and work on these pieces.

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    • Charm
    • Charm
    • 4 mths ago
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    I can’t live without Tonebase. Huge thanks to everyone involved for making such high quality music education so accessible! 

    One thing I would really appreciate is a subtitle option on the videos. Since English is my second language, I sometimes struggle to understand certain words or musical terms, especially if the speaker has an accent. 

    Like 2
      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 3 mths ago
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      Charm for whatever reason I get subtitles automatically when I use the page in the browser. But didn't find a button to activate or hide them in the app.

    • Joyce
    • Joyce.5
    • 4 mths ago
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    When I rewind a video 10s using the option on the screen, or by sliding the “bar” back the score  does not stay in step with the video. 
    Yesterday did this on The Girl with Flaxen Hair course and it got out of step. When I stopped and resumed I lost the score altogether. I was on my iPhone. It’s happened in other courses too.

    • David
    • dav_ran
    • 4 mths ago
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    More great applied music theory lessons by Dominic. I am watching the one on Augmented 6th chords. Great intermediate theory lesson with musical motivation and context!

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  • Just to say that this platform is the best which I've come across. It's SO helpful to find top players explaining their approach, techniques and tips. I'm a teacher and don't meet other teachers often so this is a superb resource. Thank you.

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