What would you like improved on tonebase?

What would you like improved on tonebase?

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    • Gail Starr
    • Retired MBA
    • Gail_Starr
    • 10 mths ago
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    Could we get rid of the black background?  In my professional activities in product management, we were always told by our ad agencies to NEVER use black background with white typeface in written materials/ads because research had shown that it’s tough for the customer to read quickly.

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  • Tone base is really amazing to meet our needs already. The recent inaugural summer camp is so reasonable for everyone, I wish i could attend, but we have already made our summer plans, hopefully it will be repeated. I realize it would be convenient for it to be held on the East coast for global members. I am wondering whether you could have a mini camp here in California. I know from my strings friends they go to The Claremont colleges for summer chamber workshop for a weekend.  Thanks for a Great job Dominic. 

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    • priscillayam I would definitely drive over to Claremont for that!  (7 hrs away)

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    • Lyn Hoeft
    • Lyn_Hoeft
    • 10 mths ago
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    I love Piano Tonebase.  I’m check in with it daily.  I wish that ALLpiano class/sessions showing or demonstrating something would have an overhead shot, so that you can watch how the hands work.  On those classes, lesson sessions that do have an overhead camera to show what’s going on, I learn tons. 

    Like 3
    • Lyn Hoeft - I agree with you. The overhead cameras are very useful and sometimes not utilised enough.

    • Timothy
    • Timothy
    • 10 mths ago
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    Tonebase is quite good already. I actually don’t mind the black background at all. It looks refreshing and classy (unlike masses of terrible corporate presentations I’ve been exposed to). For me, the greater issue is the lack of new repertoire content. For awhile, there seemed to be a new rep. video almost every three weeks. That generation of new content has slowed dramatically lately. Instead, lots of “live” events have taken place, which I understand do not require as much time to create, but they don’t replace what I find more effective in the regular “lesson” videos. Asiya Korepanova’s lessons are so detailed and she offers lots of possible exercises and solutions. John Kimura-Parker’s lessons are excellent for similar reasons as well. I also really enjoy the straightforward and scaffolded approach provided by Leann Osterkamp. The lessons from professional teacher-performers are more effective because they appear to understand the student perspective better though I do appreciate the more philosophical and abstract lessons/interviews from the “gods” of piano like Ax, Hamelin, etc. Please work on creating more lesson videos please!

    Like 12
      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 10 mths ago
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      Timothy I agree with this, and also would add that it's sometimes tough to search in the "live" events - specific pieces may be discussed in an hour+ video, but not all are tagged so they can be difficult to find efficiently. 

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      • Charm
      • Charm
      • 8 mths ago
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      Timothy I absolutely agree with you. Less focus on live events and more new repertoire lesson videos with tips and tricks to navigate difficult passages would be greatly appreciated!! 

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  • You have accomplished two humongous projects this year, the piano workshops that will be coming up this summer (wish I could go, but not this year). And the other is the presentation of the program with all the curriculums for all the levels (I assume). Not only that, you produced tutorials for some of them and I wish they had been available when I was learning. And somehow you have accomplished that in addition to all of the fabulous programming you do in terms of bringing artists to us and keeping the community chat going. And I believe you have your own professional artist career going as well and maybe you do more teaching -- who knows. So bravo to you, Dominic!! You are doing more than yeoman's work. Just want you to know, it's noticed and appreciated. It's also well done!!!  Glad we have you here at Tonebase and Thank You!

    Like 15
    • Linda Clover Agreed!

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 10 mths ago
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      Linda Clover agreed 100% ♥️

    • Lc
    • lc_piano
    • 10 mths ago
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    Dominic, Thank you for putting the workbooks together. What a great resources. I must admit I overlooked them till you pointed out. 


    re:workbooks: It would be nice to have it organized or alphabetically ordered - by composers and a section of "technical studies".   Instead of "time periods:romantic", levels would be really helpful (I'd imagine most people could tell the time-period by the name of the composer).


    For me, one of the most unique thing about tone base is the connection to other pianists on the similar path (since I'm not in a conservatory).   Hence, I would cherish a discussion board around each lessons. It's nice to share notes/questions and see what other people say as they're going thru the lessons, and their challenge/success stories, and what next lessons do they watch etc.  

    That also creates the effect of a cohort-group, which encourages re-engagement with the platform. 

    Like 7
  • First off, I love Tonebase and it’s more than I could ever dreamed of. So with that in mind, I would love to offer some feedback. 


    I believe there are several threads here on the Community site that might not longer be in use, and that might confuse people. Like the “Call for recordings for virtual concerts” thread. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing that’s not the way we do it here longer(?). Maybe a little “clean up” on the threads? 


    I love the community concert, and I think it should be a monthly thing without recording the event. I also believe many people miss it, since there are no reminders for the concerts. Maybe remind the community of these events? I also think Saturday is the best day for the concert, but I understand that it’s not always possible for the host, and that other people may prefer other days. 


    I’ve been thinking that there could also perhaps be some extra theme-based concerts. Like an all Schubert-concert, 20-century composers concert, Nocturne concert, etc. With a little longer preparation time. 


    Just some thoughts. Keep up the good work! :) 

    Like 4
    • Sindre Skarelven yes I think the idea of a tidy-up would be good. Having not been on for sometime it’s taken a while to work out what’s current. For me anyway!

      I like the idea of themed concerts as well, for example music inspired by water, travel, mountains, cities, love etc - nocturnes would definitely be good.
      Having longer to prepare for somethings could be good as well but keeping the shorter challenges as well. Although I did see that the dates for future community concerts are up so part of that aspect it already covered.

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    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 10 mths ago
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    Content-wise, I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE tonebase! 

    I'm just wondering if the tabs on the home page couldn't be a bit bigger, and the search bar, too. 

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    • Rodney
    • Rodney
    • 10 mths ago
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    Fabulous effort Dominic; hard to improve on perfection.  Love the high-quality teachers going over the performance details of great compositions, especially with the running lines of composition below. I particularly enjoy the guidance style from excellent artists such as Jared Dunn.

    Thanks again.

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  • I could sing the praises of Tonebase endlessly. I would LOVE to see the capability added where one could download to watch the videos when not connected to wifi. I travel a lot and often find myself wishing I could review the videos when I'm on long flights with no wifi access. Hopefully, that's coming down the pike. 

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      • Christiane
      • Christiane
      • 10 mths ago
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      Blair Boone-Migura THAT. I would  really really appreciate a temporary download option, allowing me to watch tonebase videos on a commuter train. 

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      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 10 mths ago
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      Blair Boone-Migura +1 absolutely would love the ability to access videos off-line. Maybe this could even be a perk for the lifetime members, since Tonebase wouldn't have to worry about our accessing the videos after cancelling a monthly subscription...

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      • Christiane
      • Christiane
      • 10 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan either that or allow downloads that expire after, say, a week, or even three days, and/or only allow a limited number of downloads. I use other streaming apps, most of them payed monthly, that allow for temporary downloads. 

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    • I was thinking just this as I am flying out next week would have been nice to download a few episodes and watch some content to pass time

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    • Judy Kuan That's a great idea about making downloads available for Lifetime members so as not to have too many people downloading and it might help to encourage the Lifetime member subscription!

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    • Marc M
    • Amateur piano enthusiast
    • Marc_M
    • 10 mths ago
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    It would be cool if 2-week intensives could start on Fridays or Saturdays. That way, we could have the weekend to do the assignment and then submit it early/mid-week so we can get feedback. Sometimes, on the Monday-start schedule, it happens that we don't submit till Friday/Saturday, and instructors don't see it because they're off for the weekend, and then the intensive ends with an anti-climax.

    Nonetheless, ToneBase is great, so keep up the good work!

    Like 4
  • Tonebase has been life changing for me. I love all the high level content as well as the amazing efforts with community engagement.  It might be nice to know some of the challenges a few months in advance at least so we can fit them into our learning plan for the year. Also, I do like the longer 4 week challenges as they give us more time to get into the details of a piece. Thanks for all that you do for us Dominic! You and the whole team are much appreciated by us! 

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    • David
    • David.3
    • 10 mths ago
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    It’s great, would like lessons on Chopin Impromptus. 

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