Group 1


Welcome to the latest TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!


For the next two weeks either start learning OR take a Chopin mazurka in your repertoire to the next level through guidance and assignments from Jarred Dunn! Learn about stylistic advice, aspects of the dance and more!


Pianists of all levels are welcome. 



Assignment #1: Seeing the Mazurka


1) Watch Mazurka Dance Lessons 1, 2, and 3:



-Pay close attention to Lesson 3: the lesson builds rhythms from what we hear as a Waltz into a clear accent on 2nd beat, 3rd beat, and both 2nd/3rd beats


2) Learn one Mazurka

Choose one from the following suggested opuses for the whole TWI. 

Week 1: Practice the LH:

-Op. 6 nr. 1, nr. 2

-Op. 7 nr. 1, nr. 2

-Op. 24 nr. 1 or 2

-Op. 30 nr. 1 or 2

-Op. 67 any

- or a different mazurka


Practice Activities:

a) Identify/mark all articulation in LH parts.

b) Clap the rhythm, emphasize accents and count aloud (speak louder for accented beats, eg. "one, Two, THREE" or "one, TWO, Three" etc.) 

c) Identify/mark any unknown harmonic shifts or chords.

d) Find all cadences and notice unfamiliar accents (beat 2).

e) Voice tops of chords in LH or find a moving line (could be the middle notes of a chord that change).

f) Use RH for chords and LH for bass lines.

g) Circle any rests/pauses - they need to be heard.


Upload videos of your LH practicing/playing.






Second Assignment: Continue your new Mazurka

Week 2: Practice the RH:


Listen to instruments, timbres, and moods in the following:


Mazurek Dąbrowskiego:

Chopin Mazurkas/Folk Mazurkas:


Look For/Listen For: 

a) Learn the soprano part (melody), always sing/scream with it when you play. Think of dancers in this video:

b) Add ornaments after you learned the rhythms of the melody.

c) Dotted rhythms and triplets must sound distinctly different (no slackened dotted-eighth/sixteenths).

d) Accents on beats two and three can be subtle: try different levels of pressure/weight on the keys, to create at least four different accent types: sudden accent, leaning/swaying accent, light accent, heavy accent.

e) Remember that recording yourself is the best way to find out if you're actually doing what you intend. Record your melodic playing/singing/screaming whenever you practice.


Upload videos of your RH practicing/playing. 



  • Sign-Up : starting July 14
  • Course Period: July 17-31
  • Class Size: ALL are welcome!
  • Optional check-In via Zoom: July 27th 9am PT


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  • Hi all! It’s been a while since I don’t study so this is exciting! I will work on Op. 17 No. 2! 

    Like 2
    • Paula Alizo I’m so sorry! Bug me next time if you don’t hear from me in 24 hours about your playing. I’ll look at your updated videos after teaching today (2 hours from now). Can’t wait to hear you!

      Like 1
    • Jarred Dunn no worries <3 thank you!

    • Michael Dunning
    • Retired Elementary Music Teacher
    • Michael_Dunning
    • 1 yr ago
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    What platform are we using to record. I’m using my iPad to record.

    • Michael Dunning iPhone or iPad work just fine. 

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    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Jarred, I really LOVED the dance videos: they gave ma a vision of what is possible with these Mazurkas. I found the men's foot taps intriguing, especially when they fell on the off-beats. 

    I'm a little fuzzy on the meaning and interpretation of accents in the score: is there a difference between carrot tops and accents that look like little diminuendo? If yes, what is it? If one had to prioritize one or the other, as YouTube pianists tend to do, which one would it be? 

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    • Monika Tusnady the smaller accents show a singular note’s emphasis; longer accents are expressivo, emphasizing the nearby harmonic and rhythmic content = espressivo accents mean we vivify multiple details and take a bit more time. 

      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jarred Dunn Thanks for that, Jarred. It makes a lot of sense in the context of Op. 17 No. 1

  • Hi, I’ve chosen to learn op 30 no 1. Haven’t played much lately but looking forward to learn this mazurka and have enough skills. At the moment trying also to learn Mozart kv381.

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  • Hi all!  What a pleasure to spend some time with this marvelous music--(re)discovering many of these pieces as a listener was one of my personal highlights listening to the most recent International Chopin Competition.   I hope to use the two weeks to finally memorize the lovely and oft-sight read Op.63 no 2, as well as to tackle the much earlier Op.24 no 2--a piece I was not particularly drawn to and actually thought had a wrong note (the [?Lydian] B natural in m.27) the first time I heard it played...  :)

    Like 1
    • James Bartscher welcome and wonderful to have you here! Looking forward to hearing your op24 nr2 and op63 nr2. 

  • Hi, I’ve chosen to learn op 30 no 1. Haven’t played much lately but looking forward tolearn this mazurka and have enough skills.

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    • Marcus Boman welcome and wonderful to have you here! Looking forward to hearing your op30 nr1!

    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 1 yr ago
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    It's only been a few days but I've so enjoyed learning this Mazurka! Your specific feedback is always welcome.. And yes, I'll increase the tempo the next time around!

    Like 6
    •  in m9-10 sway the second beat with a longer held note: holding the second beat longer = upward motion and singing are felt more viscerally. Mm. 23-24 more dim and then think of screaming at the top of your lungs for the octave Fz. Gratulacje (congrats), you’re off to a good start! For LH best consistency look for opportunities to show the upper voice of the chords/intervals!

      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jarred Dunn thank you, that’s really helpful feedback!

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Monika Tusnady Beautiful playing, Monika! I like how you think in a lot of details to make the piece more expressive.

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    • Monika Tusnady sounds great, Monika! Love the nuances in your playing!

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    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Jarred, 

    I have two questions: 

    1. Should the opening of Op. 17 No. 3 sound like a Barcarolle? If not, how should it sound? 

    2. In Op. 17 No. 4, beginning in m. 4, would you bring out the descending notes in the LH? Would you finger them to make theme legato, over the carline, or does that go too far? 

    Thanks, Jarred. 

    Like 1
      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      *over the BARLINE!* 


    • Monika Tusnady it isn’t a barcarolle and I don’t recommend playing that way. Definitely felt in three-four time. Op17 nr4 you’re right on target! Świetnie!!


    Polskie Instrumenty Ludowe / Polish Folk Instruments click below to hear and see!


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    • Jarred Dunn Fantastic! Thank you! 

      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Jarred Dunn thank you! What a Middle Eastern sound on some of them, so unexpected - for me - in Poland!

      Like 3
    • Monika Tusnady I heard the same thing Monika and was surprised. There were similarities to sounds from some Indian instruments too! 

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  • Here is the theme for Op6 N.1

    Chopin muzarka Op 6 n. 1 theme - YouTube

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