Week 3: Telling your Tale!

Hello and welcome to the WEEK THREE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between June 6 - June 15 I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Here is this week's assignment!
1. We are reaching the home stretch of this challenge! For the next week, RECORD yourself playing your selected pieces by Grieg!
2. We are going to celebrate your hard work and submissions in a WATCH PARTY on Grieg's Birthday
JUNE 15th at 11am PT
Livestream link coming soon!
EDIT 6/14/2023: Final submission: https://youtu.be/ZNKKutLlYIA
I'm traveling and haven't been able to make a very clean take, alas. So, here's a trimmed version of the take my daughter recorded. Not perfect playing, but it is good fun!
Here's a status update. It's not quite there yet, but it's progress. Constructive criticism is welcome.
Current difficulties:
-I sometimes get lost at certain spots and hesitate as a result.
-The thirds sometimes don't sound simultaneously...need to work on getting the right alignment when I play them.
-There should be big contrasts between pp and f (e.g. the first 10 measures are pp and measure 11 is f). I want to make contrasts like these more audible. Tried the soft pedal, but it makes the piano tone a little thin, so I'm not sure I want to use it.
-Theoretically I should push the tempo to 176, as marked. We'll see what I can do. Josh Wright says he prefers around 130, which he considers to be less rushed and more musical, so if I can't get it to 176 I won't feel so bad.
-I need to clip my fingernails shorter to reduce the CLICK CLACKing (haha).
I just started learning Puck today. However, I am teaching it currently. I saw this thread and thought this is a perfect motivation for me to sit down and learn the notes. So I spent maybe an hour on it then made this video as I continued to explore it. The first few seconds of my video is directed at my student as I want to encourage him to practice more mindfully and I am sharing this with him.
Here's another take, with videography courtesy of my six year old daughter. [EDIT: link above in my original post] I'm at the stage where i feel like I can basically play each part well if I'm lucky, but each performance has some sort of flub. I suppose more practice will fix this issue.
Also, as you can see, my environment was a bit, uh, distracting...it is a taste of my life. (Four kids 9 and younger.)