"Share the music you LOVE!" Recital



rebecca LAM : Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 no.2 in G minor

Thurmond R : Brahms Op.118 no.6

Michelle R Burgmuller's Arabesque from op.100

Rodney Debussy: Reflets dans l'eau

Alexander Weymann Mozart: Sonata in B-flat major K.333

gregprochlin : Chopin Valse op. Post. 70 no.3 in Db

Rachel Doornink  Your Hands in Mine by Florence Price

Lisa Spector Rachmaninoff Prelude in D major op.23 no.4, and Chopin's Revolutionary Etude



Judy Kuan : Chopin's Minute Waltz

Sachi : Schumann: Traumerei

Sam Gralla : Summer by Alma Deutscher

Astrida Messiaen "Je dors, mais mon coeur veille"

Jack vreeland Philip Glass Etude no.16

Letizia : Chopin op.posth in C-sharp minor

Dominic Cheli Vitali/Cheli: Chaconne in G minor (arranged for piano solo by Dominic Cheli)






💘 Post-Valentine's Community Recital: Share the music you Love!

Join us for a heartwarming concert of music in our Post-Valentine's Community Recital! Whether it’s a romantic classic, a soulful ballad, or a piece you simply adore, we invite you to share the music that speaks to your heart. 💕🎶

To participate, reply to this topic with your chosen repertoire, and you're all set! And if you're feeling festive, bring a touch of post-Valentine's spirit to your performance—think roses, hearts, or your favorite shades of red and pink. Let’s keep the love and music flowing! 🌹✨🎵



General information and Guidelines below!

Reply to this topic with your name and repertoire selection if you would like to perform! If you don't know what you want to play yet, you can always just let us know your intent!


These events are NOT live-streamed OR recorded, but are private zoom meetings where tonebase members can share their hard work and perform for each other! 


These concerts can be played LIVE, or if you can't attend, you can submit a recording!


This is a GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE space.


Performing is one of the best ways to push yourself, and really evaluate the work/progress you have made!


Repertoire is open to any piece!


Memorization is NOT required.


You can play select movements, or even sections of pieces! No need to perform a complete work!


Playing the piano is fun, but sharing your music with others is one of life's great joys. Join in on the fun and cheer each other on!




Because we use zoom for these concerts, it is important to have the best audio and visual settings available!


Check out these videos depending on the device you are using!







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  • I would like to play Schubert sonata d959 movement 1. A piece and a sonata, that has become very dear to my heart. 

    Like 7
    • Sindre Skarelven no problem! hope to you here you next time, perhaps the springtime recital in March!

    • Dominic Cheli Thanks, Dominic! Yes, will sign up for the Springtime recital! 

  • I am thinking that the Chopin Valse Op posth. 70 No 3 in Db would be very suitable as a Valentine's piece. It's very sweet 🙂

    Like 8
    • gregprochlin That would be great!

    • Letizia
    • Letizia
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hello! Chopin op.posth in C-sharp minor, Lento con gran espressione




    Like 3
    • Marcia Richards
    • Senior Pianist and Figure Skater
    • Marcia_Richards
    • 1 mth ago
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    I need to withdraw from the recital as I have a conflict period sorry

    Like 1
    • Marcia Richards Hope to hear you next time!

  • Hello. I was wondering if I needed to attach my recording for the piece I wanted to play; I haven't recorded it.  - S. Bortkiewicz Sonata №2, 1st movement. 

    Like 3
      • Peter Golemme
      • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
      • Peter_G
      • 1 mth ago
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      Anastasiia Hi Anastasia, there's not any requirement that I'm aware of to submit a recording if you wish to play live.  It's an option to submit a recording in lieu of a live performance.  I've never heard this piece and I suspect many others may not be that familiar with it, so I know we'd all love to hear your performance!

    • Anastasiia Hi! Some people make recordings that they would like to share, instead of playing LIVE. If you have a recording just share the YouTube link here!

    • Sachi
    • Sachi
    • 1 mth ago
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    I would like to join by posting recording. 

    Hi! I have tendencies to fall in love with pieces my teacher gets me introduced to. They’re very special to me, among many wonderful music. Kind of privilege? Isn’t this feeling recognizable to you?

    I love Chopin and many composers in Romantic era.  This is one of my favorites by Schumann: Träumerei, without repeat so it takes 2 minutes.


    Like 3
    • Lisa Spector
    • Piano Ninja
    • Lisa_Spector
    • 3 wk ago
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    Looking forward to hearing everyone! I'd like to change my 2nd piece from the Scriabin Nocturne for left hand to the Chopin Revolutionary Étude. 

    Like 1
    • Jack vreeland
    • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
    • Jack_vreeland
    • 3 wk ago
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    Hello all, I sadly will be at a life celebration for a friend is at same time as this event today. I have uploaded the Glass. Best to all. 

    Like 1
    • Peter Golemme
    • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
    • Peter_G
    • 3 wk ago
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    Hello everyone. I'm so disappointed that I had to miss this concert, as I was really looking forward to hearing the pieces each of you said you were preparing.  I had a schedule conflict but managed to upload a video at the very last minute to the chat, which Dominic kindly said he could probably get onto the agenda.  Here it is for those interested;  my little rendition of "Heart and Soul" by Hoagy Carmichael. It has a few mistakes, but it seemed to have a good feel to it, so I thought I could comfortably share it:


    Part of the "deal" with these community concerts is that they are not recorded for subsequent viewing, so that even the shyest contributor will feel safe in performing works-in-progress or trying new things, etc., without its necessarily being immortalized in a recording that could be revisited. But if you are not too shy to post recordings of your pieces, I for one would be very entusiastic about getting to hear them! I'm going through the ones already posted and really enjoying them.

    Thanks & hope to see you all again live, soon at an upcoming concert!

    Like 2
    • Peter Golemme thank you for sharing!!! couldn't help but smiling while listening to your rendition 😄

      • Peter Golemme
      • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
      • Peter_G
      • 3 wk ago
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      Priya Viseskul Thank you Priya. It makes my day to think I could bring a smile to the face of a listener!  Sometimes music fills me with such joy and exuberance, I feel it just comes spilling out of me, unabashed & unimpeded by wrong notes, infelicitous choices or technical imperfections.  and I get the same feeling when hearing the heartfelt contributions of our colleagues here.

      Like 1
      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 3 wk ago
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      Peter Golemme This is so delightful. I, too, was smiling and tapping my feet as I listened.


      And here's a recording of the little piece I played on Saturday - just for you! It's a work in progress, so I'm playing below tempo. https://youtu.be/2s2HOs5Y1Bk

      • Peter Golemme
      • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
      • Peter_G
      • 3 wk ago
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      Michelle R Dear Michelle, thank you for listening to my offering and for sharing your Burgmuller. You've got it totally under your fingers, and it sounds quite nice at this tempo. I also foresee that you are going to be able to increase your tempo and develop this into a nice little showpiece for yourself. (Now I don't want to upset your teacher by encouraging you to play faster, so I will add that one should only do so gradually and without sacrificing accuracy!  -- but what I'm really saying is that it appears that all the fundamentals are in place for you to start pushing on the tempo.)

      I don't know much about Burgmuller but I've noticed that lots of our Tonebase colleagues are working on his pieces. They all seem well-constructed, nice to listen to, and especially well-written for the hand to get maximum effect from the amount of movement involved. Something of a reprieve from the uncompromising intricacies and complexities of Bach, which I know you are working on also. I've found some dusty old tomes on my shelf with Burgmuller pieces & your & other performances here are encouraging me to explore them in a little more depth. thanks again & keep up the good work!

      Like 1
      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 2 wk ago
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      Peter Golemme Thanks so much for your kind words, Peter. 
      Here’s a recording of my son (Thurmond) playing the Brahms 118 no 6. He’d used this recording as an audition for a masterclass (which he unfortunately wasn’t chosen for):

      Brahms op 118 no 6

      • Peter Golemme
      • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
      • Peter_G
      • 2 wk ago
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      Michelle R thank you Michelle, I'm very glad you shared this with me. Thurmond seems to have a very strong emotional connection to Brahms and it certainly shows here.  I find this video very impressive in terms of both technique and musicality. He continues to grow with every performance, and I'm very envious of those long, graceful fingers he has! I foresee many fruitful master classes for him in the future.

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