If you could play any other instrument, what would it be and why?

If you could play any other instrument, what would it be and why?

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  • For me, I would love to be able to sing better! 

    I have taken voice lessons in the past and realize that it is a somewhat difficult instrument to master "your body!"


    I admire singers and their abilities so much.

    That's why I will be the first one to signup and learn on "tonebase voice" which a new vertical launching in 2024! 🎉

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    • Dominic Cheli very exciting what Tonebase is growing into! I have a dream teacher for Tonebase Voice: Joyce DiDonato! Looking forward to the launch.
      the instrument I would love to be able to play would be the violin. Would be cool to play in an orchestra. There is so much wonderful repertoire to discover!

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      • Daniel
      • Daniel.31
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli I'd also say singing, but there's something about singing that makes me believe that I could train my voice only up to a certain level. And that more so than other instruments, it is easier for some people with naturally beautiful voices to sing more beautifully. Interested to see if there will be any lectures on tonebase voice on this subject. 

      • Chi Mei Yang
      • A retired healthcare worker.
      • Chi_Mei_Yang
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli  I took voice lessons from 2000-2003 and competed in local opera competition for two years.  I would be the first one to sign up for Tonebase Voice! Though my voice is not as good as before, I would like to go back to train my voice again. As for another instrument, I would love to learn to play marimba. Thank you.

      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli How exciting to learn about "Tonebase Voice"! Thank you, Dominic!

    • Dominic Cheli I've started to learn to sing in the past year and I'm stunned how far I've come. I really bought into the myth that you either have a beautiful voice or you don't... not so, it's like any instrument - just practice a little every day and you will get better!

      I don't personally have goals to become a professional singer or anything, but I have to say learning to sing has had huge benefits for my musicianship overall – especially with ear training and sight reading. Really helps with interval recognition and when looking at a piece of music, being able to sing the melody (or individual voices) before playing on piano helps me dig into a piece even faster with a greater understanding before I even put my fingers on the keyboard. I love the benefits and think every musician should learn to sing even a little bit :)

      I look forward to a Tonebase Voice too! 🙏

    • Dominic Cheli Ditto that, sing. I guess I'll be the second person to join the Tonebase voice then, can't wait for the launch! I also play guitar but far more piano these days. No offense to the guitar folks, I was already practicing a bit this morning, it's just the analogy I use comparing guitar vs. piano is like juggling six shot puts versus ten ping pong balls. The former is heroically strenuous but the latter provides a more complex and interesting display, for me.  Bucket list is to have a pro-tier voice for my juggling licks and tricks to accompany. 

  • I self taught and played the guitar during my university years when I was also recovering from an injury. It was really helpful therapy and probably saved my life.  I loved playing the calming renaissance music, and progresses to flamenco and Spanish music  and so pleased I could manage the 'Alhambra.' Then music dropped off completely when I started working.  I wish I could pick up the guitar again, but I think that would get in the way of my  piano progress. With piano,  I don't have fingernails for plucking the guitar.


    But I did sing in a symphonic chorus for a few years and even performed in opera choruses - some of my happiest times. Again wish I could join a chorus again but my voice has changed and I couldn't hit some high notes anymore (:


    But happy and satiesfied to keep working on the piano!

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  • If I had to do it all over again, I’d play French Horn. Such a beautiful sound.

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  • For me it would be oboe or bassoon. I played basson in high school & I love the tone of the double reed instruments. 
    Or maybe guitar, because it is beautiful, versatile, and can be taken anywhere. 

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    • Alberto López
    • aspiring composer for media/ video games/ films
    • Alberto.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I hope one day put my hands on a clarinet, that instrument rocks

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  • I would love to be able to play the cello. I love the deep soothing sound and it would be nice to be able to just focus on the melody. 

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    • Vidhya Bashyam that would be my choice, too!

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Vidhya Bashyam yup, I loved cello! Wish I could still play!

  • I had a couple of years of oboe lessons during high school - love its rich and lyrical sound. I would love to play it again though I probably no longer have the lung capacity for it so ... thinking about a ukulele partly for the portability 😄

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  • I’d love to sing and accompany myself with a cuatro (it’s similar to an ukulele), so I can take it places, as we know piano is not portable! But this is for popular music, not classical at all :) I was in the chorus at the conservatory too and really loved choral music!

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  • If another instrument means an instrument I've never played but always rather wanted to.... then (if I had the time) it would be the 'cello. But that would have to include baroque 'cello. Why? Because I know almost nothing of string technique and would like to know something. Why the 'cello? Because of its delicious mellow sound, and the quality of the repertoire - most of all, of course, the works by Bach.

    If another instrument means an instrument I've played in the past and know I ought to resurrect, then that's the recorder. A much-maligned instrument because so often used so badly in schools, it is in fact a glorious thing (in fact, a whole set of instruments) with a wealth of repertoire available.

    If another instrument means an instrument other than the modern piano, then my only and profound wish would be to have more time for the virginals and clavichord, both of which I own and play but which tend to get crowded out by the organ. And I'd like to win the lottery so that I could buy a piano from every period - one for Mozart, one for Beethoven, one for Chopin. 

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    • Rodney
    • Rodney
    • 1 yr ago
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    My father played trumpet in the big band days, and maybe I would like that, however, too tough on the lips.  Sorry, there is no competitive instrument for me.

        Thanks for asking.

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  • The violin. I just love the tone of the instrument, and are a bit jealous as a pianist of their ability to hold long notes and move around while playing. I also own a couple of violins, so would love to be able to play on them! 

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    • Sindre Skarelven I love it too but I tried and couldn’t even hold the bow correctly D:

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    • Paula Alizo Haha, yes, I suspect it would be many many hours of frustration before producing any decent tone, so we’re probably better of just admiring those who can play it :D 

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      • Kerstin
      • Kerstin
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Hi Sindre, yes me too. I have a violin and took some lessons. But it’s really hard and I had no time for the piano. So I decided to play piano. There are a lot of wonderful concertos for violin. Which one do you like most? 
      LG Kerstin

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    • Kerstin Hi Kirstin, agreed! One concert I got to see this year was the Tchaikovsky concerto. I loved that one, played by Norwegian violin virtuoso Eldbjørg Hemsing. (She quite impressively stepped in for a sick Lisa Batiashvili on two days notice.) 

      In two weeks I get to see Janine Jansen play the Sibelius concerto. That one I also like! 

      Do you have any favorites, or recommendations? 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven violín was my first instrument!

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      • Kerstin
      • Kerstin
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Hi Sindre! Tchaikovsky is wonderful and I love Saint-Saëns Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. 
      There are so many great pieces. 😊

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