Sign-Up: Improve your Chopin Etudes with Henry Kramer!

Unlocking A deeper Understanding of Chopin's Music!

Together we will work on four etudes which can transform your approach to Chopin’s music as well as expand your concept of piano playing! In the first Etude from Op. 10 I will give exercises for tackling the right hand arpeggios, which will develop your ability to hear sonorities build upon one another across the entire keyboard. Through a discussion of Chopin’s use of the pedal and exploitation of the piano’s natural overtones, you will learn to pace yourself through this famously difficult work and achieve unity of sound within one harmony.

I will then focus on the Second Etude of Op. 25 where the lens will zoom in on Chopin’s use of polyrhythm and how this is integral to the fundamental “problem” of this Etude.

The discussion of the third Etude of Op. 25 will talk about the use of the thumb versus fingers 2-5 and how to achieve lightness and speed in this charming work.

Finally, we will revisit my lesson on Op. 10 No. 2 and dive even deeper into the secrets to being able to play this famously difficult work!

Improve your Chopin Etudes in Two Weeks with Henry Kramer!

  • Sign-Up : September 14, 10 am PST
  • Course Period: September 19 - 30
  • Class Size: 4 Groups á 10 Participants
  • Optional check-In via Zoom: tba
  • Livestream: September 20th, 11am PST

Follow the Link to Sign-Up: Sign-Up Here!

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  • Click here to get to the Sign-Up form:

    Sign-Up Here!

    Like 1
    • martin How do we know whether we got in?

    • Harriet Kaplan I will send out Emails today! But if you didn't get a message that the course is full, it should've worked!

  • Please sign up for  Yihan Zhang.  This is excellent opportunity!

    Like 1
    • springgrass The sign-up will start at September 14th through a form that we share here in the community and via Email. Last time, the course was fully booked after 20min, so I'd recommend setting a reminder for that!

      Like 1
  • Hi 

    I want to understand whether on 20.9 the class is for everyone or only for those who signed up the course?

    • Noga wartelsky in the previous 2 week intensives, the video for each of them was also posted in the public space, and accessible by everyone. I think it may be likely the same for this one

    • Noga wartelsky Natalie Peh The live stream on 20th will be a public live stream. It will not be exclusively for the participants of the Two Week Intensive.

      Like 1
    • martin thanks, that's great! 

    • Kerstin
    • Kerstin
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Is it okay only play one of them?

    • Kerstin Of course! We intend to share four different assignment videos, each of them about on of the etudes!

      Like 2
    • Shaneen
    • Shaneen
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I wish I could, but I can’t get into my tonebase account & I have paid. Could admin help more they have tried to help me to change my browser but that’s taken 2 hours to try & get a google email account. Can’t you do Microsoft for iPhone?i

    I had 3 years training from 8 - 10 years old. I’m 73 now & am teaching myself . I would love to join the different programs, but you make it so hard. I am praying you. You are not providing me with the best option 

    • Shaneen Hi Shaneen, I will forward the issue and we will hopefully resolve it very soon!

  • I would like to sign up

  • Where will the form be posted? can you share the link?  Will it be on this page or in our email?

    Like 1
    • Maggie Yun zhang Hi Maggie! I will share the form here in the forum in the thread and as an reply, and an Email will go out simultaneously! 

  • I am very much interested 

    please sign me up


    Like 1
    • Enrique Rosano The Sign-Up form will be shared on September 14th at 10 am PST!

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    • Terry
    • Terry
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Please sign me up

    Like 1
    • Terry Hi Terry, the Sign-Up form will be shared on September 14th at 10 am PST. Last time, the course was fully booked after 21min, so I'd recommend setting a reminder!

      Like 1
    • Bryan
    • Bryan
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Could you elaborate on what kind of involvement and commitment is expected from the participants?


    If I'm unable to sign up, will I not have access to the instruction?

    • Christo
    • Christo
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I want to sign up, please!

    Like 1
    • Christo the link to the sign up form will be shared today (Wednesday) at 10am PST!

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