Professor Min Kwon on Arts Advocacy feat. "America/Beautiful"

Professor Min Kwon speaks today on Arts Advocacy with a focus on her new, innovative project "America/Beautiful" in which she comissioned 70+ composers to write a variation on "America the Beautiful".


In her own words she says: "As an immigrant, America has so many different meanings to me. These past few years have left us so deeply divided, and I have often asked myself what kind of a country I will be leaving to my two daughters - whose birthdays happen to fall on President's Day and the Fourth of July.


 Ultimately this project is about embracing our diversity, and remembering that by understanding, appreciating, and celebrating our differences, we become stronger both as individuals and as a country. The fact that 70 composers can hear the same song in a completely different way is, to me, something truly beautiful."


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    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Beautiful video, Professor Min Kwon! Your America/Beautiful project is expansive, creative and heart-warming! Thank you for your large-heartedness to give to help foster something beautiful in a difficult time..."a vast array of styles and pot of expressions"...Composers include people from age 20 to age 94! I love it!


    The intimate and warm environment of these LiveStreams is superb! Of course, that is created, ultimately, by pianists/presenters like Dominic, Martin, Hilda, and Ben. Their intelligent, creative and passionate engagement with the musicians and their understanding of the music shines!


    America/Beautiful -


    Center for Musical Excellence -

    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 2 yrs ago
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    "Getting the Right Hand on America" - delightful!


    The compositions are a testament that here in America it is possible to write with freedom. That is beautiful!


    Professor Kwon displays such humility. They way she mentions that the project helped her grow as a musician. As accomplished as she is, she is seeking growth and exploration. Very admirable!


    Wonderful question, Dominic, about how Min's work with these composers during this project has impacted her understanding/perception of the genius composers of past times.


    Access to the composers' thoughts about their pieces, and Min's appreciation for that access is fascinating. As she said, you can't call up Beethoven, but here she could call them up and ask directly about their pieces of musical art.


    Oh so interesting that the project also influenced Min to broaden her listening repertoire to listen to dance, rock, pop..."because there is something to be learned from all types of music." 

    Min Kwon

    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    "What is it that makes it speak to us?"  Min Kwon


    "Music is a healer...".  Min Kwon


    I enjoyed Terry Reilly's piece very much!


    "I find joy in bringing people together."  Min Kwon


    "I think of it like the 'United Composer of America' make a statement for America." Min Kwon


    I enjoyed Min Kwon's candid, introspective and thoughtful answer to Dominic's question on how she pivoted from a solo career/traveling to a career of focusing on music with others/community - Center for Musical Excellence where she find venues, programs and projects for young, aspiring musicians, etc.


    Brava! I am happy to see it brings Professor Kwon such joy and nourishment! While sharing that joy and sustenance for others, too!


    Thank you for playing "Look Up, America", Professor Kwon! It was quite moving...heartfelt and lovely.


    Thank you for this presentation! Thank you for the questions and comments from C.K. and Brother Will, and others who contributed.


    I am always enriched by these Tb programs!


    Thank you, Dominic!

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