What is your Favorite Rachmaninoff Concerto?

Rachmaninoff's Birthday is coming up next year (150 years!) and lots of performers are programming his music to celebrate.
Just this month I have personally played Rach 3 and Rach 1 with orchestras to celebrate!
I was wondering what is YOUR favorite concerto! If you need to listen again check these recordings below!
(All of these performances are RACHMANINOFF playing his own concerto!)
My favorite Rachmaninoff Concerto to perform is the one in E major by either Josef Marx or Moritz Moszkowski -- the latter, by the way, being dedicated to Josef Hofmann, as is Rachmaninoff's 3rd Concerto. Hofmann never played either, and apparently didn't particularly like them, alas.
In a more serious response, I'd say all 5 Rachmaninoff Concertos are my favorite to play -- don't forget the Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, which is also a set of Variations as well as a Concerto without pauses between its three sections. And closely related, both the Cello Sonata with its Concerto-worthy piano part; or the two-piano version of the Symphonic Dances. All towering masterpieces.