Studio Set-up

Someone posted some weeks' ago asking what set-up other TB members were using.  I didn't have time to answer this before.  Apologies for that, but if that person would like to respond I now have more capacity to engage on this topic.

I have been in the process of doing this and would like to share our respective experiences.  

Dominic Cheli and Martin Zimmy have done live sessions on this, which is a good place to start.

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  • I need the very basics 

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  • I subscribed two days ago.  I contacted tonebase via email within 24 hours to try to cancel the subscription and I have not gotten any response.  No phone contact information at all, no chat , no nothing except an email which I cant get a response from.    I could hardly find any musical scores, no sheet music to speak of.  And the videos I have dragged myself through are comical.  Older ladies exercising, and finally when I found someone actually playing the piano, it was one six second piece of music played over and over consisting of about four notes.  This is not worth my money.  I dont wish to have to comb through countless videos in order to get to something I can use.  And I couldnt even find a piece of music as common as Moonlight Sonata.  This is not a piano players place to be.  Entirely too much useless information even for a beginner.  I cant imagine how pianists are getting anything from this.  Maybe Im missing something and if so thats ok.  I just want to cancel this subscription and be refunded.  Hold a months worth out if you like.  Lets get this done. I simply would like a refund and cancellation.  

    • Rainer Joos Yes Rainer, I have only just seen your response from 4 weeks' ago.  The messaging on TB is hard to understand.  I received an email this morning referring to the original email, which said I needed to log in to respond, which I did, but it did not take me to the original message.  I then went on a fishing trip to try to find the message, but to no avail, but came across yoru message on the way.  Thanks for your response.  The number of replies affirms my thoughts that we need a cross-platform live session on audio and video recording.  The disparity in skills sets across the TB participants is quite significant.

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  • 10 mths agoLast active
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