Marc's Piano Diary
I made recordings of my 10 favorite easier Scriabin preludes...playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAjBHFA1asvFRJ2Cx7ttAXVWxXY0aeOZU&si=GRt1FVnW2yxNa9Nd
While practicing, I was trying to create vibrato at the piano, and having some difficulty. So I did some brainstorming and came up with 3 ways, which I thought I might share with you all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLoFHEHwOOU&list=UULFtKEwq1EQgHn7h3mp-qsObg&index=1
I look forward to updating this thread with other things I've been practicing!
My favorite part of this, Marc, was how you presented all of this with a straight face. I think the Cat Vibrato was my favorite "technique." The other two kind of made me cringe.
And if you ever get the chance, be sure to ask Thurmond about Rachmaninoff's lost 3rd Piano Sonata that he played for his piano teacher in honor of Rachmaninoff's birthday on April 1....
Here is 1-14 of Sunny Day, by Christian Schäfer (actual name, Arnoldo Sartorio). They're short, sweet, easy salon pieces that even piano beginners might find playable, with some work. I was sightreading them the other day and thought I'd practice them a little bit more and record them and release with some commentary and silly stuff...
Here's another little Scriabin prelude, Op. 11 No. 15. Getting the left hand "right" on this one was tricky, so it took a number of takes, lol. If the two notes don't hit simultaneously it makes an unpleasant ba-dump rhythm that's totally out of character.
I had some fun with animations while I was at it, of course
I’ve finished recording my 10 favorite easier Scriabin preludes! Playlist here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAjBHFA1asvFRJ2Cx7ttAXVWxXY0aeOZU&si=GRt1FVnW2yxNa9Nd
I added annotations and a few visuals to make the kids happy (lol), but I think it’s a fine audio-only listen if you don’t need the screen time.