Group 1
Welcome to the NEW TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!
Improving your Scales with Dominic Cheli
We will be working on different techniques on building speed, virtuosity, and confidence in our scales with assignments posted by Dominic!
Post your progress with videos and written commentary on how things are going for you!
- Course Period: May 13 - 25
- Class Size: ALL are welcome!
- Optional check-In via Zoom: May 22 at 11am PT
Assignment #1
In this assignment Dominic discusses "grouping practice" for your scales. This is a great way to increase your speed, finger control and independence.
- Choose a scale to work on (could be C major, or a relevant scale from your repertoire)
- Let's work on "2 note groupings"
- Start slow, start hands separate, and increase to 4 octave scales with both hands together
- IMPORTANT: Remember to keep the proper fingering at all times for the scale! (The Standard fingering found in any technique book, or in your decided fingering for a scale passage).
- Between each grouping, take as much time as you like, and focus on fast movements
- If a group poses trouble, stop and work on that specific part of the scale!
Assignment #2
1. Focus on your thumb and (optional) take a video of it!
2. Choose a passage to apply grouping practice to, and share why!
3. Make sure to focus on your scales and practice hands separately, even just polishing/perfecting a few groups! Don't need to complete the whole scale!
The problem I always have with these Two week intensives is that I try to perfect the exercise before posting my progress - and since I never get it perfect, I never post! This time I have resolved to just show what I have. So here is my Chromatic scale in (slow) bursts. At least I finally wrapped my head around the fingering for the chromatic scale!
Separated the hands again. I used advice below. I think, it is better ascending, but descending needs improvement. The bass I still struggle with trying to relearn new fingering. I discovered during my first session my fingering was incorrect. Aging fingers must have changed without me realizing. Thus compensated for arthritis. I am using my videos to watch what I am doing. This is one of them. I appreciate comments, and trying to be brave in posting as this process is all new to me. Wanting to be perfect gets in my way. Thanking all in advance.
Here is my first recording for grouping practice. I selected C and C minor.
I appreciate now the value of recording myself. I noticed the pinky in my right hand is kind of janking out as I come down in the scale. What is up with that? I also noticed that when I am doing the grouping exercise, coming down is trickier for me. A few times going so fast I ended up on the wrong finger. Will work the next few days to stick to the correct fingering.
Thank you Dominic for the week 2 posting. I have started using your suggestions. I find that these are helping as I go back to pieces. For the passage part I am posting Adagio by Tomaso-Albinoi 1671-1750) Remo Giazotto 1910. My goal is to be more relaxed when moving across the keyboard, and using less energy in movement.