Group 1

Welcome to the NEW TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!


Improving your Scales with Dominic Cheli


We will be working on different techniques on building speed, virtuosity, and confidence in our scales with assignments posted by Dominic!


Post your progress with videos and written commentary on how things are going for you!



Assignment #1


In this assignment Dominic discusses "grouping practice" for your scales. This is a great way to increase your speed, finger control and independence.


  1. Choose a scale to work on (could be C major, or a relevant scale from your repertoire)
  2. Let's work on "2 note groupings"
  3. Start slow, start hands separate, and increase to 4 octave scales with both hands together
  4. IMPORTANT: Remember to keep the proper fingering at all times for the scale! (The Standard fingering found in any technique book, or in your decided fingering for a scale passage).
  5. Between each grouping, take as much time as you like, and focus on fast movements
  6. If a group poses trouble, stop and work on that specific part of the scale!

Assignment #2


1. Focus on your thumb and (optional) take a video of it!

2. Choose a passage to apply grouping practice to, and share why!

3. Make sure to focus on your scales and practice hands separately, even just polishing/perfecting a few groups! Don't need to complete the whole scale!

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  • Hello Everyone! Looking forward to seeing your work on the assignments for this TWI!

    Please post any questions/videos to help me assist in your development during these two weeks :)

    Like 3
    • Sachi
    • Sachi
    • 4 mths ago
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    Hello, Dominic and group 1. I’m delighted to be here. I’m Sachi, live in Norway. My piano journey has begun late, starts 5 th year into practice. I’m afraid I’m not used to video recording… I can’t promise anything when it comes to recording and posting it. But I will practice scales mindful following the instructions. Pro-tip. you mentioned in the video was new idea for me, thank you. 
    I learned to play all major and minor scales. I practice one major and parallel minor in depth every day, for 10 minutes. They are far from smooth. One of my issues is to play scales feeling comfortable. Let hands and forearms move freely. Dominic seems using energy created by finger acceleration to relax body parts in pause in between. And it seems Dominic’s hands move parallel to / as extension of keyboard. 

    Like 7
    • Sachi Great comments! No worries - you don't need to make video recordings, written comments updating us is also great :)


      Great analysis of what I am doing with my body !!

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  • Hi challenge team! So this is going to be a great challenge for me because I have had very little technical work throughout my years of playing piano. I have also had very little work with scales so I feel like I’m really kind of starting at near ground level here. So I’m going to start with C major and if time allows potentially do G major as well. Speed has always been a big challenge for me because I tend to lose control of my fingers in the process.  So I’m excited to see how my hands and my confidence and speed respond to this way of practicing. Cheers!!!! 

    Like 8
    • Andrea LeVan Awesome!

    • Andrea LeVan ok so here is my first video that I took about mid last week and I’ll load another progress video this evening.

      Like 1
    • Andrea LeVan OK here is a second video. My sprints are a little better but I’ve noticed that I’m having trouble with tensing up a lot. So I really need to work on relaxing.

      Like 2
    • Andrea LeVan your sprints are great.  Relaxing.  I surely understand.  I get more tense with the video.   I have been doing a stretch before sitting down at the piano, and shaking my hands loosely.  Before I start I do the box breathing before starting…close my eyes, deep breath in for 4 seconds, hold breath for 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, 4 second breath hold, and do this 3 more times…known as the Navy Seal breathing technique.  One visualizes a box as they do the breathing exercise.

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    • Dominic Cheli hi Dominic! So here is my short video of both hands played individually for the scales challenge. You’ll definitely notice that my left hand lags in spots. Anyway any feedback you may have is greatly appreciated. I’m really enjoying all of these amazing challenges and performances you have created for us!

    • Andrea LeVan i will be sitting the rest of this challenge out I just had carpal tunnel surgery this morning 😞 hopefully I can get cleared to play again in time to play for the June concert. I’ll watch everyone else though and view your feedback from Dominic 👍

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      • Sachi
      • Sachi
      • 4 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan I wish you swift and good recovery from the surgery🙏

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      • Nadja
      • voiciledauphin
      • 4 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan Oh no, get well soon and I hope to hear you at the June Recital!

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    • Andrea LeVan I am so sorry to hear this.  I pray for your recovery.  👩‍💻

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  • Hi everyone, I’m Claire. My main area of interest and passion in piano is historical improvisation and composition more than performance. My piano skills are good, but speed has never come naturally to me. My main focus in recent years has been playing cleanly and comfortably with full awareness of all movements/mechanics. My speed has naturally improved as a result, but I thought I’d join this challenge to see if I can take things to the next level. 
    I already tried out the grouping technique shown by Dominic today and was surprised to find it was immediately helpful. I mainly focused on the left hand in C major today. I plan to move to D major next. I actually sometimes find the scales with only one or two sharps/flats to be more awkward. Would anyone agree?

    Dominic, what sort of videos would you suggest we share as part of this challenge? 

    Like 8
    • Claire O'Donnell I totally agree, 1 or two black keys makes scales harder. I find B-flat major the HARDEST scale!


      Post some short videos of you practicing the grouping practice so I can take a look at how things are going!

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  • Hi, Group 1 teammate. I am excited to work on my scale technique with you all. Practicing scales is such a difficult thing for me as I cannot stay motivated and consistent in doing it. I can't even get myself to practice it 50% of my practice day for just a few minutes. I am level 5 and yet my scale work is definitely not at that level. I hate practicing scales when I was a beginner, so I skipped it for a very long time. But now as I progress, I really see the value of it and how important it is to improve it. I need this class to help me refocus. 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 4 mths ago
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      rebecca LAM Same here! I never practice scales…and I really need to.  This TWI is a great motivator!

      Like 2
    • rebecca LAM Excited for your progress!

    • Michelle R
    • Michelle_Russell
    • 4 mths ago
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    Hello, Group I Scale-mates! I'm a beginning pianist (closing in on one year of lessons, with just a few months prior to that attempting to learn on my own). I play scales daily, and am on "round 2" of going through all the scales (one major and one minor per week). I'm looking forward to this TWI, as speed is one area in which I struggle greatly! Thanks!!

    Like 6
    • Michelle R Awesome! :)

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  • Hi Group I Teammates, and Dominic, I am Bernice.  I am between intermediate and very early advanced level, and like to play for my own self enjoyment.  I like the Tonebase courses, and also use another online vendor to play along.  I play scales off and on, but need a motivator to pick up speed up and smoothness with phrasing when doing a scale run in pieces.
     I tried what Dominic suggested of going slow, hands separate, using C major, when I put my hands together I find that my left hand that my thumb wants to go under instead of using my 2nd finger on the F key.  It is mirroring my right hand.  Sigh!  I decided to let my subconscious work on this for a day, and go back at it tomorrow.  I am excited about having a community to share.

    Like 5
    • Bernice vonSaleski These realizations of what our hands "want" to do vs. what they "should" do are valuable and tangible ways to immediately improve your playing! Great that you were able to realize this so quickly!

    • Dominic Cheli Thank you.  I removed an earlier post, since the video did not work.  Trying YouTube link.  I have been practicing.  I have gone back to basics. I’m thinking, the reason my 2nd finger on my left hand sometimes does not engage is due to arthritis.  No pain.  The other videos I have done I watch to assess, too.  Trying to be brave to post my not too great practice sessions.  But, I am here to retrain from old habits.

      Like 7
    • Bernice vonSaleski I would wait on the starting note longer! To help prepare the sprint of notes to follow. I think that can help you!

      But it is a great start!

    • Bernice vonSaleski  Juliana Hun has a great course on this under the title "chiral hands". The common beginner challenges series she has done is interesting as she talks about neuroscience and the understanding of how the brain works.

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