Do your friends tune their pianos

When I started playing the piano (again), I was excited because many of my friends own a piano.

When I walked into their house with a small repertoire, I realized that not a single one of them tunes their piano regularly!

Should I learn to do it for them? Or pay half for a professional technician?

Or just invite them over to my house to play?

It was a gift when, one time, I checked into a vacation rental and I found an old upright that was only a few cents off.

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  • I would advise to get a professional. It’s too easy to ruin a piano. I bought the book ‘Piano servicing, tuning, and rebuilding’ by Arthur Reblitz, not because I wanted to service my piano, but more to understand this remarkable instrument. I suspect it may disabuse you of the notion of doing it yourself. Hope this helps. 

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
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