Play for the 2nd Prize winner of the Chopin International Competition (feat. Charles Richard-Hamelin)

Take this extraordinary opportunity to learn and play LIVE for Charles Richard-Hamelin, 2nd prize winner of the 17th International Chopin Competition in Warsaw! Signup on the tonebase forums with your repertoire to potentially be selected for this masterclass!


Performers and Repertoire:

Madison Yan Chopin: Barcarolle

Jimena Olvera Chopin: Nocturne Op.62 no.1

Eva Strejcová Chopin: Nocturne Op.27 no.1




Follow this event link to tune in!   


We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

  • What questions do you have on this topic?
  • Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
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  • Hi Dominic:


    I’m interested in playing live. Since Charles was a Chopin competition winner let’s play some Chopin then 😄 I can do the following repertoire (could play part of these):


    1. Chopin Op.10 No.1

    2. Chopin Op.10 No.12

    3. Chopin Op.10 No.3

    Like 2
    • Yuchao Zhou I can also play Chopin Ballade 3. Since there are 3.5 weeks from now I can probably bring this piece back. 

      Like 2
  • Hello Dominic, I would be interested in playing "Gondoliera" by Liszt from Venezia & Napoli - Years of Pilgrimage Italy. 

    Like 2
  • Hi Dominic,


    I would be really interested in playing live for Charles Richard-Hamelin. I would love to work on Chopin's 3rd ballade, as well as Schubert's sonata D 845.

    Like 2
  • Hello Dominic, I would love to play for Charles Richard-Hamelin, it would be dream come true! And I would like to work on Chopin’s Nocturne op. 27 no. 1 c-sharp minor and also Ballade no. 3 by F. Chopin. 

    Like 2
  • Hi! I’m an undergrad student studying piano performance and would love this opportunity. I can play Chopin Barcarolle Op. 60, Chopin Scherzo No. 3, or perhaps a movement from Chopin Sonata no. 2…but that one is still a work in progress. 

    Like 3
  • Hi Dominic, I will like to have this opportunity! I actully learning to play Chopin etude Op 25 No 2 , since last february. I will like to progress more with this etude. 

    And, I started to learning Chopin Nocturne Op55 No 1. I just start it a month a go. 

    Thank you for this. 

    Like 1
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aline Valade Moi aussi, je viens de commencer d'etudier cet etude!

      Like 1
    • Gail Starr Bonjour Gail, je suis heureuse de savoir que tu à commencé à étudier cette étude. Ce serais bien que tu me partage tes impressions.  Mon professeur de piano m'a dit que c'est la plus facile à étudier. Je la joue sans partition mais je n'arrive pas encore à la jouer a la bonne vitesse. Certain l'à nomme ''Bee'' !  Ma main gauche, en fait le poignet de ma main gauche demeure encore trop tendue. Donc, depuis quelques semaine je pratique à détendre mon poignet gauche pour arriver à jouer cette étude à la bonne vitesse. J'avoue être un peu découragé, me demandant si un jour je pourrais y arriver! Lol! 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aline Valade J’ai regardé plusieurs tutoriels sur cette étude (merci à YouTube!), et je serais ravie de te parler pour t'expliquer ce que j’ai appris.  Envoyez-moi un texto!

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aline Valade J'ai fait un "practice video" que je tenterai d'ajouter cet après midi. 

    • ShreyB
    • Shrey_B
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic! My name is Shreyashi, and I am an early high school student preparing for my ARCT diploma practical in December. I would love this priceless opportunity to play any of my pieces in my second-ever masterclass, especially with such a skilled pianist. My repertoire for the diploma is:

    1. Bach Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp major, Book 1, BWV 848
    2. Beethoven 'Pathetique' Sonata (full), Op. 13 No. 8
    3. Brahms intermezzi Op. 118 No. 1 & 2
    4. Rachmaninoff Prelude in G minor Op. 23 No. 5
    5. Ginastera Danzas Argentinas, Op. 2
    6. Chopin etude Op. 10 No. 12

    Everything is about ready to be worked in a masterclass aside from the third Ginastera danza and the first Brahms intermezzo. This will certainly be an extremely helpful event to attend, even more so if I had the opportunity to play in it. 

    Like 2
  • Hi Dominic,

         I'm interested in presenting the Chopin Fantasy in F minor Op. 49.  (I've played this piece on a couple of occasions for Zelma Bodzin's performance seminars.)  

                                         - Alessandro

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  • Hi Dominic. I have a Chopin question. The tempo of the 4th Ballade is Andante. While there are ritards and accelerandos, we always come back to atempo - Andante. Unlike the 1st Ballade, he doesn't even change the tempo for the coda. Yet, this ballade is always played with a variety of tempos and something like presto for the coda. Why is that? And, is there a recording out there where someone does indeed follow Chopin's tempo markings?

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    • cdales
    • cdales
    • 1 yr ago
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    Probably too late by now, but I would like to play Chopin Nocturne, Op. 27, No. 1, C sharp minor.

    Like 1
  • Hello, it is probably too late to still sign up. I would love to participate. As there are already so many Chopin pieces, I would want to propose to play the Schubert Impromptu Op posth 142 No 3. 

    Like 1
  • Hello, 


    I am a 7 year old pianist.


    Below are my 3 Chopin performances at the age of 6.


    Wondering  which other Chopin piece I can lean now since I can hardly reach the octave.


    Waltz in B Minor


    Sostenuto in E Flat Major


    Waltz in A Minor


    Looking forward to hear from you.



    Like 1
  • I have the Chopin Etude op. 25 no. 7 ready and would appreciate the opportunity to play for Mr. Richard-Hamelin.

    Like 1
    • Adriana Lopez
    • Concertist in the making
    • Adriana_Lopez.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    This is amazing!! I’m so excited.


    I would love to play:


    Scherzo no.1 of Chopin :D 

    Like 1
    • Avery
    • Avery.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello!  I would love to play a piece for the masterclass.  I am new to Tonebase, so haven't attended a masterclass here yet - but If it is Chopin I'd be happy to play Chopin Scherzo No. 2, or Fantasie Impromptu, or Etude Op. 10 No. 3.  If something else, perhaps Brahms Intermezzo Op 118. No 2 in A major, or Brahms Rhapsody Op 79 No. 1 in B minor, or one of the Op. 90 Schubert Impromptus.  

    Like 1
  • Hi, greetings from México, i want to participate, mi repertorie is:

     Nocturne op. 62 no. 1 in B major and Nocturne op. 62 no. 2 in E major 


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    • Matilde
    • Matilde
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic,

    I’m new on tonbase, but I’d love to take part to this opportunity. I’m studying Chopin polonaise op. 53. Thank you very much! Matilde 

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    • Emma Qiu
    • emmaqiu138
    • 1 yr ago
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    I would love the opportunity to play for Mr Richard-Hamelin if it’s not too late! 


    I am currently an undergrad student studying piano performance, and would like to play Chopin Ballade No. 4 (definitely a work in progress!) 

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    • Mariela
    • Mariela
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic

    I'd love to play something different than Chopin: Ravel's Sonatine, first mouvement. 


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    • ShreyB
    • Shrey_B
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Dominic, just wondering when we would know who is playing and what repertoire?

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