Tonebase Bach Stage

This thread is dedicated to J.S. Bach keyboard music. We would like to renew the inspiring spirit of the old thread "Group-Journey through J.S. Bach" based on the inventions and extend to the entire Bach repertoire: inventions, preludes, fugues, toccatas, dances of the Suites and Partitas...
This is for everyone who wants to join!
We can enjoy Bach music together and motivate each other in the process of learning and practicing it!
"I begin every day with Bach - usually for about an hour. I used to torture myself with Czerny, which of course wasn't exactly stimulating for the mind. On the other hand, it teaches you the fingering for a B flat major scale, chromatic thirds, and so on. The daily grind of learning. Later, I discovered that I could get my 'training' under way better with Bach - a refreshment for the body, soul and spirit". (András Schiff, Music Comes Out of Silence, p. 21)
Here is an excerpt of Aria from Bach‘s Goldberg Variations. I hope you like it! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5KKsLSoXci/?igsh=MWR2czV2dGhycHd0Zw==
Hello everyone. So many interesting and beautiful performances here, I'm not always able to comment or contribute but I enjoy every single one of them. Here, with some trepidation, I offer my rendition of WTC Bk II F Major, which I recently recorded for Dominic's spring recital.
I fancy that I can play it better, with no mistakes, and if I'm ever able to deliver on that, I will be sure post the results!
I got some inexpensive video software (Luma Fusion) that allows you to synchronize multiple video signals, so I rounded up every device in the house that could record video and perched them, sometimes rather hazardlously, around the piano, to allow for different camera angles. This too, still a work in process! As am I!
Hi Bach friends! Here my video of this month, one of my favorites preludes and fugues: B flat minor (Well Tempered Clavier first book).
It has everything. The Prelude with that ostinato and the rhythm pattern which symbolizes a grieving march, a funeral march. It reminds us of the beautiful opening to the Actus tragicus BWV 106; so just listening to this Cantata helps a lot to find an accurate tempo. And the Fugue with the unusual leap of a minor 9th, very expressive to maintain tension through the entire piece.