Interactive Masterclass with Tony Yike Yang

Today, Tony Yike Yang, the youngest ever laureate of the International Chopin Competition in Warsaw, gives an interactive masterclass LIVE to selected performers who will present the music of Chopin. Sign up to have a chance at this incredible opportunity to play for one of the bright stars in the classical piano world! 


Click this link to join!


Program for the masterclass:

Monika Tusnady Chopin: Etude op.25 no.4

Adriana López Scherzo no.1 or the Preludes (please pick one!)

Miyoung Choi Chopin: Barcarolle

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  • Hi :) I am interested in and would like to submit my work on Chopin’s Barcarolle in F-sharp major, Op. 60. I am not sure how many pieces each applicant allowed to bring, so submitting one piece for now. I have several self-recordings of my Barcarolle, so please let me know if this submission also should include a sample recording. Thank you!

    Like 1
    • Miyoung Choi Please submit your recording and we will see the final pieces that Tony selects for the masterclass!

      Like 2
    • Dominic Cheli Thank you..! Here's one of my latest recordings of Chopin's Barcarolle. This is my first live performance I tried for an audience (maybe second if I count my rehearsal with a smaller audience). This is not my best shot, revealed some insecurities on stage that I need to also accept, learn from, process, and then move on to bring it to the next performances. I'm planning to present this two more times late March. It'll be a really great opportunity if I can get the chance to meet Tony and gain his invaluable advice. I'll be able to join the live session and play live as well. Thank you again!

  • Yihan would like feedebacks on Prokofiev Toccata.  He can't play live since it's during school hour, but if possible, a recording of his performance. Thanks!

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    • springgrass Please submit your recording and we will see the final pieces that Tony selects for the masterclass!

    • Dominic Cheli This weekend is super busy for us, but we will try to get to this early next week! Thanks!

    • Letizia
    • Letizia
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi everyone! By now, I think I could play Chopin Op.10,3. I would prefer to submit a video, since where I live it will be 8-9 pm... waiting for further instructions. Thank you!

    Like 1
    • Letizia Please submit your recording and we will see the final pieces that Tony selects for the masterclass!

    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi! I would love to be part of this event! I have a couple of Chopin Études: Op 25 No 3 and, time permitting, No 4. Thanks. 

    Like 3
    • Monika Tusnady Would you like to play LIVE?

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    • Adriana López
    • Concertist in the making
    • Adriana_Lopez
    • 1 yr ago
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    Wow!! This is so amazing and perfect timing for the new Chopin competición next year. 

    I’m Adriana López. And I will participate in the Chopin competition. 

    I will like to play:


    - Scherzo op.20 no.1 of Chopin.


    - Preludes op.28 (no.13,14 and 15).


    Thank you so much!! 

    Like 2
    • Adriana López would you like to play LIVE?

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      • Adriana López
      • Concertist in the making
      • Adriana_Lopez
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Hi Dominic Cheli !


      So sorry for replying this late… I got a little sick.


      But yes! I would totally love to play live :) 


      Thank you!!

  • If recordings are accepted, I could submit a recording of the Chopin Eb Major Nocturne (op. 9 no. 2). My mom has a piano lesson during the 11am hour, so I most likely could NOT perform live unless the masterclass is longer than an hour.

    • Letizia
    • Letizia
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi there!

    Here is a less than perfect video of op.10 no.3.

    I really have a lot of questions about this piece, because I hear it played in very different ways and every score I find has different indications. 🤯 I have doubts about tempo, about some notes, and about some dynamics and even about the intentions with which to play it.🤯 I would really appreciate some extra material about this masterpiece here on Tonebase, and I'd love a lesson from Seymour Bernstein 😍🥰

    Thank you! 🌞😎✌🏻

    Letizia Ferrari

  • Hi,


    if not too late, i would like to submit a recording of Chopin ballade #1 I recorded some time ago. Would be an honour to have Tony’s overall feedback.





    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    hello;  when tony mentioned the wood table practice influenced by his Russian teacher   .  anyone has tried this method before ? any feedback from this tips?  would you scroll up when you are not practice on piano  or messed up when you practice on a wood surface table .  Can tony or Dominic provide additional help on this pls ?why this happened?   

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