Week 1: Voicing, Texture in Schumann's Music

Welcome to Week 1 of the latest Two-Week Intensive!




This week, you’ll choose one or two pieces and study the harmonic colours, voices, and texture. This should help you memorize the text and understand its shape.



Preparatory Step: Gather Information


A) Listen to the repertoire list and choose the piece(s) you'd like to focus on for this TWI. (from Kinderszenen 3-4 pieces may work). Recommended pianists: Virsaladze, Argerich, Cortot, Horowitz, Richter, João-Pires, Arrau, Ashkenazy, Lupu, Perahia, Gavrilov, Merzhanov, Uchida, Grimaud, Nikolayeva


B) Research your chosen piece on G. Henle Verlag website. Click on Preface and Comments  under the cover picture.


C) Watch any of these videos about Schumann and his music:


Overview of Schumann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbF86ag4Rvk

Claudio Arrau on Schumann: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4ty6yJjF8U

Simon Rattle on Schumann and Brahms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXTTlKdy5q4

Mitsuko Uchida on Schumann: https://youtu.be/u1vYu56xY9w?si=Ney0HGSqBkYZI8zs


  1. Anatomy of Poetry: Voices of Harmony


A. Write the main theme in SATB open score. Each layer/voice should have its own staff (see photo 1).


B. Label chords (symbols, Roman Numerals, etc).


C. Play from your open score and singing in solfege or open syllables, in the following order:




Alto + Tenor

Tenor + Bass

Alto + Tenor + Bass

Memorize Alto+Tenor+Bass

*If your piece’s melody is in Alto, Tenor, or Bass, work on the other voices. Learn harmony first.


For TWI Forum:

Upload your open score to the chat for comments.

  1. Anatomy of Poetry: Texture

Study the texture and consider the following as you work.


—Count the total number of notes in each chord and write the total on the score. (see photo 2). 


—Identify textures, ie. monophonic, biphonic/duet, polyphonic, homophonic, etc. Label changes in texture, ie. “Subito monophony” (abrupt or instant reduction of voices to a single voice, eg. Romances Op. 28 nr. 2, m. 17.)  


—Describe topics, moods, emotions, instruments, or ideas indicated by textures. Descriptive phrases should metaphorize related elements and point to changing states, eg, “The harmony ambiguates as texture thins: it sounds like the experience of losing one’s train of thought.” 


—Determine where sustain and/or sostenuto pedal will be necessary and the quantity needed: full-/half-/quarter-sustain, fluttering, no pedal, etc. Record the harmony using a variety of approaches to pedal.


For TWI Forum:

Upload a performance of the harmonic voices

Upload a performance of the different pedal changes (say aloud "change" or "quarter pedal" or "flutter" so it's clear where you're doing these)

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  • Is there a video to accompany week one? Thank you!

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    • Pat Van Buskirk I made one! Will check with Dominic about it. 

      Like 3
    • Jarred Dunn Pat Van Buskirk video was just posted above! Sorry, seemed to take slightly longer processing it!



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    • Dominic Cheli Jarred Dunn Thank you for presenting this. Had an accident this weekend resulting in mild concussion, so not sure how much I can participate, but I'll be following along.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 34 min ago
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      Pat Van Buskirk Oh no! Hope you feel better soon.

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 4 hrs ago
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    Hello everyone! I’m really excited about the opportunity to dive deep into this Schumann music course. For this first week I've chosen "Kind im Einschlummern" (Child fallin sleep), number 12 of the Kinderszenen op 15, a beautiful and enigmatic piece full of nuances. 

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  • If the piece is in three voices, should we write it that way or add an implied bass line on the bottom? (I am working on Des Abends from Op 12.)

    • Harriet Kaplan here’s my old copy. I thought in four voices although only three are written/stemmed (highlighter colours per voice). 

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  • Hi everyone! Looking forward to this TWI! Sounds very exciting! I will use the opportunity to work on the second movement of the G-Minor Sonata op 22. Can't wait to get started.

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  • Hello TB friends! Looking forward to learning more about Schumann. I will work on Waldszenen- maybe focusing on Eintritt to start.

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    • Gail Starr
    • Retired MBA
    • Gail_Starr
    • 33 min ago
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    Good afternoon, TB Schumann team!  I'm going to start with the final piece in the Kinderszenen set, The Poet Speaks.  Once I get the feel for this TWI, I'll add a few more movements.

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