Tonebase vs Pianote for late beginner

Hi, I took advantage of the BF sale and signed up for lifetime access even though I don't think I'm quite ready yet for Tonebase.


I was thinking about also doing one year of Pianote, but I wanted to ask all of you experienced Tonebasers what you think? 


Do you think there would be an advantage to doing that first before moving onto Tonebase?


Bit of background on where I'm at if that helps:

I started taking lessons back in March of this year with a local teacher doing the Simply Music method because at the time I thought that would get me in the right path sooner given my goals of wanting to compose. 

Now, I've started to fall in love with piano itself,  becoming a pianist, and classical music. 

I'm currently working on Chopin's Prelude in E minor. In fact, I decided I needed to learn this piece after watching the Tonebase video on it by Seymour!!!

It took a little over 2 weeks just to learn the basic piece, most of that time spent on the 4 bars that start just before the ornament as the climax starts.

I'm now working on polish and musicality to the the best of my current ability. 

My teacher also has me working on Rosemary's Theme from The Giver as a reading exercise. 

It's quite difficult,  but I continue stubbornly and advance very slowly. 

Why did she assign this piece to me already?

Probably because she assigned me the Bach Prelude in C Major as a reading exercise, and after I was able to play it pretty well, I saw a tutorial on the Interstellar theme by Pianote actually. I really wanted to learn that and practiced enough until I was able to do all of it and without looking at my hands, except the very last part with the tricky left hand. 


I feel like I haven't really progressed after I started working on Rosemary's Theme because it's so difficult, so I signed up for a piano marvel trial and started going through their method and technique lessons from the beginning. Currently at 3C and it takes anywhere from 3 to 20+ minutes to get 100% on each lesson. 


Sorry for the length!  

Just wanting to get serious about this now!



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  • I was with Playground Sessions for a year and then during that year, I joined Tonebase because I wanted to play more Classical music. Since last May, I have been taking lessons from a ballet accompanist on Lessonface and it's been fantastic! Both Tonebase and my piano teacher on Lessonface have helped me make immense improvements! Now I'm tackling pieces like Bach's Fugue in C-Major. Happy practicing! — Written by a late blooming piano student in her early 40's. :)

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