Maintaining growing repertoire in good shape
The more music you learn, the bigger your repertoire grows and the harder it becomes to maintain everything in good shape. To me it feels like a challenge because we tend to focus our practice time on the new pieces we are learning or on what you might be performing soon.
What are everyone's ideas for maintaining all your repertoire in good shape, without having to clear the rust and almost relearn a piece again if you want to perform it?
Long ago I found that if I approached a new piece on a weekend morning, I would learn it and retain it much more than if I studied it after work or school. I should add that I am a morning-person. Someone else may have another time of day when he feels more productive. If I don't feel like practicing anything new, those are the times to maintain "older" pieces. Usually, I practice an "older" piece as a warm-up and motivator before handling a new-piece-session.