Getting Started On Piano - Two Hands Playing

Hello friends,

Could you please advise me with some videos or exercises for playing with both hands?

I am struggling on playing with both hands when each hand plays individual melodies or different figures or rhythms.

I made a lot of progress playing individually with one hand, probably because I have been playing guitar for many years, however I keep struggling a lot when playing with both hands at the same time.

Thank you

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    • ndmyquyen
    • ndmyquyen
    • 2 yrs ago
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    - play very well each hand individually

    - divide the piece to small parts, or even practice one by one bar

    - with each part : play right hand with ONLY first note of each bar of left hand

    - add more note from left hand, also only the first note of each beat in the bar, don't play all notes

    - slowly add other notes from left hand until complete all the notes in that part/bar

    - combine parts/bars together


    Hope it helps, and sorry for my poor English!

    Like 1
  • Hey Henry, 

    Struggling myself with similar issues, I do find having a "go-to" easy song helps reaffirm my technique and gives me a bit more confidence but any advice would be greatly appreciated. 



    • David
    • dav_ran
    • 1 yr ago
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    Juliana Han's "Common Beginner Challenges" offers some insightful tips on playing both hands together. I recommend watching it and taking time to analyze the score away from the piano before each practice to see how to apply the principles. It's helping me address the specific difficulties I have in passages.

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