WEEK ONE Updates: Main Thread - Let the dancing begin!
Hello and welcome to the WEEK ONE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between November 1 - 8th I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Download the music:
Please use the following format when commenting (feel free to copy & paste!):
- Waltz you worked on:
- One thing you found easy:
- One thing you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
Sample daily update:
- Waltz you worked on: No. 1
- One thing you found easy: Learning the notes, and rhythms were rather straight-forward, and not challenging!
- One thing you found difficult: Shifting the Hands was a bit tricky to get smooth!
Feel free to make these updates as short or long as you wish!
- Worked on: took a quick look at, and tried to play through, all of them, some very superficially. (N.B. I've decided to work on the more difficult version of Op. 39 to challenge myself further. Not sure this was a good idea, but was inspired by Sindre!)
- Found easy: Dominic's range of levels seems spot on. Found his category of 'easy' very pleasant to sightread. Think I will spend less time on these easier ones. Those I could sightread through with few errors (5 and 9, for example) I will not spend much time on. They are beautiful but not challenging enough for me.
- Found difficult: after a fairly challenging Number 1, all was well until I hit Number 6. Woah! Seven sharps?! I have never played anything in C-sharp major before, that's for sure. Why have I always found sharps more intimidating than flats? Brings me back to that stage of learning as a child (probably teenager) when I realized that sharps and flats could correspond to white keys! Took a long time for me to get my head around that and, honestly, I feel the same way when I look at Number 6 as an adult. This 'phobia' of sharps puts Number 6 in a category of its own for me. Number 1 is tricky, but in a fun, manageable way. But when I tried to sightread my way through Number 6, it was as though I'd never played the piano before. Difficult!
Away until the 8 November, starting tomorrow, but I hope to read about what the rest of you are doing. Will take my score and red pencil with me and will try to stay focused, but will not be at a keyboard again until next week. Good luck, everyone!
I consider myself a late beginner/early intermediate pianist that started as an adult learner. This is my first community challenge and I’m looking forward to the additional “pressure” to get practice time in. I’m working through No. 2. I’m finding playing each hand separately pretty easy but putting them together I’m working through the rhythm still as well as some of the jumps (small as they are) in hand placement.
Worked on: No. 1
One thing I found easy: Rhythms and notes are easy enough to read. Played through slowly with few mistakes.
one thing I found difficult: It is surprisingly difficult to accurately navigate the left hand jumps. I don't usually have to look at my hands, but I'm definitely going to have to in order to get this up tempo.
The right hand patterns feel pretty safe, but my brain hasn't latched onto the left hand yet. Lot's of repetition coming up!
- Waltz you worked on: 1-5, which make a nice "set" to play together I think.
- One thing you found easy: No technical difficulties in first 5 (starts to get more challenging with 6!).
- One thing you found difficult: 1 is the most difficult of the set for me, and I think will require some memorization to make the big jumps.
I wish I had a more time this challenge but my goal is to at least make a video of 1-5.
Mid-week update week 1:
- Worked on: Mostly 11, a little bit on 13, a taste of 14, sight-reading threw 15 a couple of times (advanced version)
- Found easy: Learning and playing 11 has been very enjoyable, and the technic required suits me pretty well.
- Found challenging: The technic for 13 is more challenging for me! The appoggiaturas with the chords that follows is a little tricky.
Can't comment on 14 yet, but I look forward to dig more into it on the weekend. 15 is just a delight to play :)
I love this challenge. I will like to study the no 1 to no 4 waltzs. The 11 to 14 if I have the time for it during this challenge. I still try to complete the Beethoven variations. I am new in Tonebass.
For now I work on the No 1...
What I found easy on the no 1 , easy notes, easy rythem, waltz in 3...I like the mouvement of waltzs.
What I found difficult, Ok maybe I will sound strange but in my case I found the notes at the left hand, sounds wrong...I don't know why...I do the good notes but I found it strange...I always look at the partition if I touch de good ones. lol! Am I alone to feel that ? Please help me, lol! And I don't feel the waltz, the sound of it yet...It is strange that I feel that...is in it? Maybe because I am not use to play Brahms repertoire. I trust mysel anough to be able to pass over that feeling...I hope so..