Week 4: Submit your recording!

Goal: Make a recording of your chosen piece!.
- Challenge: In anticipation of next week's "Watch Party" on Beethoven's Birthday, Let's make a recording of our progress and/or our performance!
- Practice: Listen back to your recording! Write down what went well, and what you can improve during this week, or in the future!
Let's celebrate Beethoven leading up to his birthday this week!
In case anyone is still checking this thread, here is an updated/corrected video of the same performance:
The other video had additional clips from one of the cameras tacked on to the end. Had to fix it before moving on. So much technology to learn, while still trying to learn music! it's very painful, but reportedly good for the old brain to learn new and unfamiliar things.
I'm not done with this piece, & would like to re-learn the whole sonata and perhaps play it in a future ToneBase concert.