More Scriabin preludes!

Hi , my name is Mark (in Melbourne Australia )

I’ve been a tone base member for over a year but this is my first practice post 

I’ve seen that recently Marc posted a few early Scriabin preludes 

so coincidentally I have been working on these as well 

so here are three from op11 , I think one of them is included in Marc’s list


Scriabin preludes


No 10 , 2, and 5

comments welcome !!

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  • Very well played, Marc! Great to hear you!

    • Andrea Buckland thank you Andrea , really appreciate your kind comment!

  • Excellent, good work, thanks for posting! I'd continue developing and enjoying the nuances of the musicality. Maybe the dynamics could be 1 notch more or less, or the tempo could be slower/faster, or there could be more rubato; whatever it is, make it more. As we experiment with increasing/decreasing musical parameters, we gain more skill. Thus, the purpose of the etudes will be fulfilled, lol. I listen to a variety of recordings and get the best one in my head. Otherwise, my own version gets stuck in my head and I don't know how to make it better.


    I think you can be more relaxed, I know I can, and I think it's a universal thing for us all. Many videos here on Tonebase talk about how our wrists should be free in all directions. It's all fluid. The arm weight flows into the bottom of the keys, transferring from one key bottom to the next. I have to remind myself of that. It sure feels great, and being relaxed and free makes playing a whole lot easier.


    Oh, and I definitely want to say: Your piano is in tune. Very nice. I think it'd be cool if you could open it on the short stick, but that might require voicing or it'll be too loud for the space.

    • Giovanni V. hey Giovanni, thanks so much for your detailed reply !

      I take a lot on board . I agree that I need to work on the dynamics , to be honest , I was happy I get through the recording without any major mistakes!!

      ill try next time with the stick up , and see how it goes 

      thanks again for your great feedback 🙏

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