The course about music theory is awesome

I just finished the music theory course from  Ben

and I’m speechless. It was great from all the aspects. So dense in information that I had to stop every 10 minutes to be sure to get it right, but still lightweight and fresh. I enjoyed every minute of it. 

keep it doing, internet needs quality content like the one provided by tonebase! <3 

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  • He opens up new perspectives that make you want to be curious about the countless musical possibilities.

  • I love the subtle humor: "Music theory was invented 1,000 years ago on this very day, approximately."

    Like 2
    • Geoffrey Grosenbach Pianists are very good at identifying key historical moments.😌

  • This whole course is incredible, but I especially love the story of how he failed an audition to a music school because he didn't realize that "Happy Birthday" starts on scale degree five.

    A very human story and yet it was clearly their loss since Ben is a superb teacher and musician.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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  • 119Views
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