What is your favorite piano brand?

What is your favorite piano brand?

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  • I am in the market for a great concert grand and have found a four year old demo Steingraeber at an excellent price. I have not yet tried it, but have heard wonderful recordings on it by concert pianists. Fazioli affects me the same way, but I cannot find a demo in my price range. 

    I just saw that I left out the brand!   I do wonder why no one has mentioned Steingraeber and expect it is because not many are made each year and they are rarely exported to the U.S. 

    • Jenny Harrison I played some upright Steingraeber pianos recently when I was helping a student choose a new piano and was very impressed with them and thought they were really good value for money.

    • Angela Fogg I have owned a Steingraeber upright for five years and love it, I bought it sight unseen after hearing James Shawcross' amazing review on youtube. He thought it might be the best upright in the world.  I did pay someone to inspect it since it was thousands of miles away. This is why I suspected the quality of Steingraeber grands would also be impressive, and this turned out to be right. 

    • Jenny Harrison very interesting Jenny. Quite a brave thing to do so I鈥檓 glad it turned out so well!

    • Angela Fogg It was actually on eBay! I truly lucked out since Steingraebers are so rare in the U.S.. The price of $20k seemed fair. 

    • Jenny Harrison even more amazing! It was obviously meant to be!

    • Sachi
    • Sachi
    • 3 mths ago
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    Grotrian-Steinweg upright G124. In Europe they call themselves so, internationally just Grotrian. This piano is my third acoustic upright, and it has lyrical tones and has quick action-which I love. Grotrian is proud of being Clara Schumann鈥檚 favorite brand.

    Prior to Grotrian, I had Schimmel upright C118. It had beautiful tone, too but I made huge mistake: Installing silent piano. Even though all works were done by local professionals, it felt like key actions had become unpredictable, sluggish. 

    learned to know that I appreciate old school when it comes to (piano) music. 

  • I think Kawai is the best!  I have a Kawai RX-1 & it has such a glorious sound.  What a resonant bass!  It holds its tune very well.  I have owned it for 20+ plus years, & it is still as wonderful as it was when I purchased it.  My students also enjoy playing it.

  • I love the sound of my piano. 

    Check out the sound as I play a recent composition.


  • Mason Hamlin. Love that rich warm brown sound

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  • I love my Schimmel 182, but I think that if I had the money to purchase a second piano I would look for a Fazioli, a Steingraeber & Sohne, or a Grotrian Steinweg. But at this point, it's just a fantasy. Oh, also I would look for something a bit longer than the 6' I have, something closer to 7 or 8 feet. 

    • pacchiarotti Which would you put first: Fazioli or Steingraeber?

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      • Adena
      • Adena_Franz
      • 3 mths ago
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      Jenny Harrison pacchiarotti Steingraeber, hands down.

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    • Jenny Harrison I have a feeling I would get the Steingraeber. I admit to not having played either. I actually think my playing would not be up to meeting the needs of the instruments.

      • Adena
      • Adena_Franz
      • 3 mths ago
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      pacchiarotti You鈥檇 be surprised at how quickly your ears and hands adapt to the instrument.

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  • Steinway!! Distant second - Mason & Hamlin.

    • ROBERTA SWEDIEN hi Roberta so funny to see your name pop up!! Remember me? I was your student in Gainesville way back when! 鈽猴笍

    • Alexander Shapiro Hi Alex!! Of course I remember you. Long time! I am in touch with Gila Goldstein and she has mentioned you. Are you playing? Say hi to your parents.

    • Here is a related question for this group. If you won the lottery and you could purchase a great 9' concert grand for your modest size living room, would you?  Or would you choose a somewhat shorter model because your living room is not a concert stage and it might be overwhelming?

      • Andreu
      • Andreu.1
      • 3 mths ago
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      Jenny Hi Jenny.. First i would buy the best courses and pay the best academies with the best teachers and artist. to learn as much as possible. Then I would  go to the best universities and learn as much as possible with the instruments  I have.  "It麓s not the gear, it麓s the ear". Then,  if I still had some more money left....I would buy a new bigger house, with an interior theater,  and also a nice living room with sea views, and a grand concert piano. Actually, now that you mentioned it, this is what i am going to do without winning the lottery. By hard work. and "the three P's" Passion , persistence and patience.

    • Andreu What a beautiful photo! I hope you get something as wonderful as this. By a concert grand, do you mean around 9'?

      • Andreu
      • Andreu.1
      • 3 mths ago
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      Jenny Harrison Haven麓t thougth about that.. First i need to learn to play the piano. ;-)

    • ROBERTA SWEDIEN I need to reach out to Gila, it鈥檚 been a long time! I am still playing! My dad sends his best :))

  • Bechstein!!!

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    • Christine
    • Christine.5
    • 3 mths ago
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    Bl眉thner for Franz Schubert, Fazioli for Tschaikowsky, Steinway for Liszt and Chopin and last but not least B枚sendorfer for any other composer.
    I love my Korg SV2 88馃ぉ

    • Andreu
    • Andreu.1
    • 3 mths ago
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    I know some purist are going to hate me but I have considered an acoustic piano and I prefer an electric piano.  No need to tune, not so heavy, easy transport,  many more options and endless possibilities with midi connected to Ableton, headphones, XLR outlets for sound, millions of sounds from Kontakt, etc... I love the Roland GP-9. 

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