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    I'd like to submit my work on an 8-minute program of Tchaikovsky October and Chopin Prelude in F-sharp major. Thank you!


    I found the actual challenge thread after I found this live event thread. I'd like to add some quick notes on my progress over the last month here. To begin with, these pieces were challenging in terms of "phrasing, pedaling, choosing a good tempo".

    Tchaikovsky October - After reading the music score of it first time, it seemed not too complicated, but I realized that there are a lot more after spending several weeks. It has layers of voices (parts) that I had to tone. It is a romantic piece, but I felt it also brought some essence of baroque music. The main melody introduced with the right hand is shifting to the left hand, while the right hand is singing a secondary melody. For deciding on the tempo, I wanted to have a bit of momentum for the melody to flow, so I decided to play it not too slow.

    Chopin Prelude in F-sharp major - This piece, I chose to play after October. I was hoping to bring the feeling of hope and comfort, a heavenly voice approaching. There are middle and low voices in some sections too. Especially, in the "piu lento" interlude section, I find there's a conversation. The short score and the slow tempo might make it seem not so challenging; however, trying to bring out those voices and phrasing right was very tricky with this extremely intricate piece. And every single note has to be well balanced and precisely controlled. This one, I also wanted to give some momentum to gain flowy feelings for the melodies. Also opinions on pedaling for this piece can vary widely, and at this performance I eventually used pedals in a little more sustained way throughout my play.

    + performing for an audience is definitely also one of the main chellenges that I push myself to go through.

    • Jack vreeland
    • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
    • Jack_vreeland
    • 11 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    We recently did a Maine-California road trip and love to find pianos along the way to practice on. Fortunate to play on this Bosendorfer concert grand at a museum. My wife recorded on her iPhone. Phillip Glass Etude No 6.

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