Welcome to the tonebase Piano Community!
Hey everyone - this is Dominic from tonebase !
As the lead of tonebase PIANO it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format:
- Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;)
- What are you currently working on?
- What are you hoping to get out of this community?
I'll go first:
- I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and you better believe that I love my barbecue! It is hard to pick my favorite food between ribs, brisket, or a beautiful grilled steak, but if I have to decide...nothing beats a juicy, fall-off-the-bone rack of baby back ribs!
- Currently working on some old favorites of mine by Carl Vine (Piano Sonata No.1), Beethoven (Piano Concerto No.4) and Scriabin (Fantasy op.28) but also adding some great repertoire by H. Leslie Adams (Etude in A-flat minor Book 2), Laura Kaminsky (Alluvion), and Clara Schumann (Romanze in A minor Op.21 no.1)!
- I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work!
Now over to you (after some participation from our tonebase team members!)
What part of Germany are you calling home? I spent time in Bavaria when Jason toured with jazz all stars about ten years ago. Then summer of 2019 I flew into Frankfurt. Toured up to Berlin, all over... then into Poland, Czech, Prague and Hungary. I went solo with a tour and had a lovely time taking in the musical history and just the regional history too. :-) I am definitely a lucky girl!!
Dominic Cheli Ben Laude Denise Sindre Skarelven Santiago Celine Woo Hello, everyone. I've really enjoyed reading your profiles! I was at both of Dominic's live streams (Brahms Op. 118) and also at Ben's stream on rhythm and meter. It's very nice to learn more about those of you I've seen chatting and participating during those events.
- I was born and raised in Peoria, Illinois and also lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin between the ages of 9 and 13. But for most of my working adult life, I've lived in France. I currently live right outside the city of Lille in the north of France, only about 5 kilometers from the border with Belgium. I don't think I'm a food snob, but I do live in France, which makes it difficult to think of a favorite food from Peoria, Illinois (a great city to grow up in, but not known for its gastronomy). So I'm going to say Wisconsin cheddar cheese for my favorite midwestern food.
- My tastes in piano music are diverse, and I love discovering new things, but I'm really into the 20th-century solo repertoire. I'm currently working on Ginastera's Doce Preludios Americanos and his Suite de danzas criollas. I'm also working on Muczynski's Maverick Pieces. BUT my real, true, gut-level passion is Prokofiev, especially the nine sonatas. These are a little bit (a lot?) above my current level, but I've recently felt that, well, maybe with regularity, hard work and discipline, I could tackle a few of these. I'm probably being too ambitious! I'm currently working on the second movement of Prokofiev's sonata No. 6. Bartok is a big favorite, too. Moving away from the 20th-century, I'm now of course really interested in working through the Brahms (Op. 118), having been particularly inspired by Dominic's incredible live streams. Oh, I've been listening to Beethoven's Sonata No. 28 (Op. 101) a lot recently. Having been so focused on the 20th century, I've only recently realized how incredible Bach and Scarlatti are. But my ignorance here is immense. It's on my to-do list. (Have recently bought Welltempered Clavier I.)
- What am I hoping to get out of this community? More of the same! I'm very honored to be here. Life here in France is good (especially pre-COVID), but musically, pianistically, I feel quite lonely and isolated. The profile of 'serious hobby pianist' – one who is not a professional but who is passionate and driven – really doesn't exist here as it does in the States. As an amateur who is not a beginner (though I still have far to go!), I have no community here, no one to talk to, play with, etc. The Tonebase community goes a long way to filling that void, and I thank all of you for that.
Oh. I have a 1922 Blüthner. It's an imperfect instrument that doesn't hold its tune as well or for as long as I'd like it to. But it's mine, and I love it and love playing it.
Dominic Cheli said:
Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;)
What are you currently working on?
What are you hoping to get out of this community?Hi everyone,
Nice to meet you all. Let me briefly introduce myself:
- I live in the Netherlands in the beautiful city of Gouda. Talking about food, we of course have to talk about cheese, what Gouda is famous for (next to beautiful historic buildings).
- Have been playing organ for many years and switched to piano last year (and I didn't regret it!). Started with easy pieces like Bach's Prelude in C (BWV 846, now working on the Fugue) and Chopin's Prelude in E minor (Op 28 no. 4). Jeremy Siskind's session on jazz triggered me to investigate the world of jazz piano music.
- When watching the recording of the live session of Ben Laude I discovered this community. I expect this to be a great place to interact, especially around live sessions.
Thanks everyone at tonebase for putting this all together!
Dominic Cheli said:
Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;)
What are you currently working on?
What are you hoping to get out of this community?Hi all! I'm Mat. As a teenager, I started playing heavy metal electric guitar to pick up girls. It worked most of the time
... Over the years, I played in different bands, did some bar gigs, recorded a few singles (that were never published
) and went on tour a couple of times. In 2020, I decided to take a break from guitar and try classical piano.
- I'm from Montreal, Canada. Favorite food is poutine (not the president but the dish).
- I'm working on Rameau, Jean-Philippe: Menuet en rondeau
- I decided to start the RCM grades, so I'm sure I'm at the right place. I'd like to connect with other members, discuss, exchange and share tips...
Mat WELCOME! Everyone knows it's the classical pianists that get the girls ;-) !!
Montreal is so pretty!! I haven't been there since 1987, but I was supposed to visit in 2020 - dang it! Oh pandemic! I am originally from Buffalo, NY - have been to many places in Ontario and a few in Quebec as a child. Poutine!!!! -
Greetings, fellow pianophilles!!! My name is Ty. I'm 51 and currently live in Houston, TX. I'm a resident pianist with the Houston Ballet. I was adopted at age 17 and my parents wanted to give me some opportunities I perhaps didn't have as a child. I chose 2 things: 1st, I wanted to continue my gymnastics training. 2nd, I had always wanted to take piano lessons. After that discussion, for the 1st couple of months I would walk up to the local college and listen to students practicing and picked up a few things through asking some of them for help. After a couple months, my parents found a teacher for me and I studied through my junior and senior years of high school before going on to college as a piano performance major. Sadly, I never finished getting my degree (hopefully one day.....it's never too late, right?) but I have been playing piano full-time professionally (ballet) since 1997 and have been extremely grateful for the opportunities it has afforded me!!!
As far as food goes, I LOVE sushi! Smoked salmon nigiri is my all-time fav.
Regarding pieces I'm working on, I have started tackling Prokofiev's Piano Sonata No. 6 and Rachmaninoff's Prelude Op. 23 No. 7 in C minor.
Piano is literally the air that I breathe and I simply have never seen my life existing without it! The classical piano repertoire (not just the Classical period) has always held a special place in my heart and speaks to me in spiritual ways that no other genre can. Not to be morbid....but early on in my studies I was told of a pianist who died while playing a concert. I thought.....wow, that's how I want to go - doing the very thing that has enriched my life and given it so much meaning!!! :-)
I look forward to getting to know you all and thank you to the Tonebase team for creating this terrific forum! Incidentally, I think we may know someone in common. Caroline Hong (The Ohio State University and Cincinnati Conservatory of Music) is a treasured friend of mine and I think you may know her as well. :-)
Tyrone Boyle I finished my music degree at 36. Jason was playing professionally since he was 12. He studied for a time at USC for jazz studies and couldn't afford to finish up, so he did classical piano performance (bm) at a state college here in CA 10 years after he started- for him the degree was for his mom... he was the first in his fam to go to college, but piano is his life. I am 50 now... while I am by no means a "professional" I do teach. Playing piano is definitely the biggest joys (and curses at times) I know! One of my choir directors from high school, who is also a church organist once said, "I hope I play until I die. It would be fitting that I would play during mass, and you all of the sudden heard a funny blocked chord... only to find out it was me, expiring on the organ." (to add on to your morbidity! ;-) ) That's the spirit! I hope am still playing in 40 years! Nice to meet you!
Hi everyone,
I was born and raised in Staten Island, New York (which is part of New York City) and my favorite food from there I suppose is (NY style) pizza :) But I haven’t lived there for many years. I now live in Washington DC.
I am currently working on:
-Mendelssohn, Songs without Words, Op. 19 No. 1
-J. S. Bach, The Well Tempered Clavier, Book I, Fugue in C major, Prelude and Fugue in C minor
-Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition (opening Promenade only, for now)
-J. S. Bach, many of the Two Part Inventions
- Scott Joplin, Maple Leaf Rag
-other shorter pieces including some Beethoven Bagatelles, Schubert Moments Musicaux, Impromptus, etc.
What I’m hoping to get out of this community- for context, I’m close to retirement age. I started playing piano seriously again about 10 months ago, after a long hiatus (although I have always been been involved with music -playing guitar, singing, etc. in the interim). The Tonebase lessons are valuable (those that coincide with the pieces I am learning and re-learning, but also the ones that focus on less well known composers (such as Rzewski, Ligeti) and other genres (such as Jazz).