Welcome to the tonebase Piano Community!

Hey everyone - this is Dominic from tonebase 🙂!


As the lead of tonebase PIANO it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format: 

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
  • What are you currently working on? 
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 

I'll go first: 

  • I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and you better believe that I love my barbecue! It is hard to pick my favorite food between ribs, brisket, or a beautiful grilled steak, but if I have to decide...nothing beats a juicy, fall-off-the-bone rack of baby back ribs!
  • Currently working on some old favorites of mine by Carl Vine (Piano Sonata No.1), Beethoven (Piano Concerto No.4) and Scriabin (Fantasy op.28) but also adding some great repertoire by H. Leslie Adams (Etude in A-flat minor Book 2), Laura Kaminsky (Alluvion), and Clara Schumann (Romanze in A minor Op.21 no.1)!
  • I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work!

Now over to you (after some participation from our tonebase team members!) 

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    • Riche
    • Riche
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi everyone!

    Riche here! I'm originally from the Philippines but am in Singapore right now. Favorite food has always been Kare-Kare: stewed oxtail in peanut butter :) 

    I've been learning the piano for about 5 months now, my first instrument! Learning as an adult so looking for a community to keep me motivated.. :) Currently working on Mozart's Sonata 16 in C Major, and Gymnopedie No1 :) 

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Riche Hello, and Welcome, Riche!

      Like 1
    • Riche Welcome! Stay tuned for next month's livestream on Satie's Gymnopedie no.1!

    • Anthony Miyake
    • Work with numbers and statistics, but music is my true passion. Piano hobbyist.
    • Anthony_Miyake
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi everyone!

    My name is Anthony and I currently live in New Jersey.  But I grew up in Hawaii where I first started taking piano lessons from grades 5-12.  I love all kinds of food, so would prefer to say that there's no food that I strongly dislike.


    I've returned to the piano about 6 months ago after several decades of absence, although I continued to play as a casual hobbyist during that time.  6 months ago is when I made the switch to more serious hobbyist, so started taking piano lessons again and got the piano tuned (several times) to get it to A440.  I just joined Tonebase yesterday (Jan 28, 2022).


    I'm working on the Preludes and Fugues of Bach's Well Tempered Clavier, book 1 and am learning them in sequential order.  I'm in various phases on the first 9 pieces and learning the Prelude #5 in D major now.  Those pieces take up the bulk of my practice time, but I would like to add at least one other piece from a different composer to my current repertoire, so have been reading through Brahms Intermezzo #2, op 118, Tchaikovsky's The Seasons #6 June (Barcarolle), and Gershwin's Prelude #2.  But haven't decided which of these 3 I want to take on first.


    From Tonebase and the Tonebase community, I'm looking to get guidance from experts and professionals.  I'm happy with my piano teacher, but he specializes in jazz piano, so I need additional support on learning my classical repertoire.

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Anthony Miyake Welcome, Anthony! Good for you for getting your Piano tuned and ready for all your wonderful Piano playing!

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    • Anthony Miyake Great to see you here Anthony! This is fabulous music that you are playing! Any specific aspects on the classical repertoire you would like more info on?

      • Anthony Miyake
      • Work with numbers and statistics, but music is my true passion. Piano hobbyist.
      • Anthony_Miyake
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Dominic Cheli , thanks, Dominic!  I've found a lot of great content already and it helps to be able to watch the recordings when I'm unable to watch something live.  I've been catching up with the Jarred Dunn masterclasses and one lesson I took away was in trying to find different ways to play the same piece (as many as 50 or more in the example that was cited).  This brought to mind the live session on the Goldberg variations where we listened to different performances of the same opening Aria.  I think something similar could be done for other iconic keyboard works.

      Like 1
    • Anthony Miyake I agree. We should have "Listening parties" where we pick a piece and compare iconic recordings. Sometimes that is the best way to learn! I will definitely keep this in mind. Thanks for the feedback and thoughts!

    • Xiao
    • xiao
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi, there.

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      XiaoXin Welcome, Xiao! With music, we all speak the same language!

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      • Xiao
      • xiao
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Pauline Thank you. You're kind and warm.  Yes. here, a nice place for learning and practicing both languages.

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      XiaoXin You're welcome, Xiao. Yes, this is a wonderful community in which to flourish - pianistically and linguistically.

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    • Xiao Welcome!! Great to see you here :)

  • Hello! 

    I was born in Thailand but am a Filipino by descent. My favorite Thai food is Pad Krapao—a sautéed basil dish of onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and fried tofu. (You can choose your meat option)


    Have chosen to work on Schubert’s Bb Sonata (1st movement) for the Schubert challenge for the month. (Just saw the invitation this morning. Thank you!) Got to perform the work some 5 years ago at school... Haven’t played it much since. I’d like to revisit the work and be able to play it well again.  Hopefully better than before.


    Am delighted to be in this very inspiring community. I hope to learn much and to inspire as well.

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Rudelle Gaje Hello! Welcome, Rudelle! Thai food is delicious! Dumplings are my favorite.

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    • Rudelle Gaje Welcome! Glad you are working on such an amazing piece by Schubert. Let me know if you have any questions!

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    • Kyle
    • Kyle.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    My name is Kyle.

    - I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and I now currently live in Columbus, Ga. Picking a favorite food is hard because we have a very diverse culture here. If I had to pick I guess it would be a grilled steak or anything fried.


    -Currently I am working on Beethoven (Piano Sonata No. 14, Op.27). I usually only work on one piece at a time.


    - I am hoping to become a better pianist overall. I am a piano technician as well as a pianist. So, by improving my skills as pianist, it will help me to be an even better technician. I am hoping to learn from everyone’s experience and wisdom in the community.

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  • Hi all,

    I'm Kah Kit, based in Melbourne, Australia. 48YO and played piano in my youth but gave it up for a couple of decades as I was busy travelling the world. The pandemic grounded me so I worked on some personal projects, bought a top of the range Roland digital piano to make recordings to go with my travel footage. The tutorials on Tonebase have been an invaluable resource as I'm largely self-taught as a pianist. 

    Concentrating most on : Schubert Impromptu Op 90 G flat and Brahms Rhapsody G minor.

    Also working on

    Chopin : Etudes Op 10 #1 & #12, Fantasie Impromptu, Ballade No 1, Raindrop prelude

    Liszt : Rigoletto paraphrase

    Debussy : Clair de lune, Reflets Dans L'eau

    Bach : Toccata in C minor

    Beethoven : Pathetique sonata

    My partner wants me to sing backup for her pop songs, so she signed me up for lessons, so I've got that on my plate too LOL.

    Like 1
  • Hi and a warm hello! I'm Natalie from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.


    I love having spicy curry noodles, with lots delicious and juicy meat, vegetable and tofu toppings, as well as Korean fried chicken.


    I'm working on:

    - Hanon, exercise no 3, each day playing in a different major or minor key

    - scales, 6 or seven different scales

    - Bach's Well Tempered Clavier, Prelude and Fugue II in C minor

    - Martinu's It isn't bad, now is it, to pick some flowers, for the February piano jam on the piano sub-reddit group 


    Most days, where I have extra time on my hands:

    - Beethoven's Kursfursten Sonata WoO 47, No 1

    - cover of Sincerely, a track from the anime series Violet Evergarden 


    I am a working adult, and last November, I bought a baby grand piano on a whim. Didn't even test it out, bought it and it got delivered in a few days. I hadn't played for well over 30 years. I think my last piano lesson was probably when I was 17! Returning to playing the piano has been a very interesting and a very satisfying journey so far, and whilst I am slowly starting to recall a lot of the theory and regain some of the dexterity, i would love to learn how to make the most out of each practice session as well as improving on my playing generally and for the specific pieces I'm working on. I also look forward to participating in the forum and interacting with other pianists.


    Thanks, I am truly grateful to have access to so much knowledge and teaching by such amazing pianists and teachers.

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