Welcome to the tonebase Piano Community!

Hey everyone - this is Dominic from tonebase đŸ™‚!


As the lead of tonebase PIANO it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format: 

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
  • What are you currently working on? 
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 

I'll go first: 

  • I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and you better believe that I love my barbecue! It is hard to pick my favorite food between ribs, brisket, or a beautiful grilled steak, but if I have to decide...nothing beats a juicy, fall-off-the-bone rack of baby back ribs!
  • Currently working on some old favorites of mine by Carl Vine (Piano Sonata No.1), Beethoven (Piano Concerto No.4) and Scriabin (Fantasy op.28) but also adding some great repertoire by H. Leslie Adams (Etude in A-flat minor Book 2), Laura Kaminsky (Alluvion), and Clara Schumann (Romanze in A minor Op.21 no.1)!
  • I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work!

Now over to you (after some participation from our tonebase team members!) 

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    • Alessandro
    • Alessandro.4
    • 8 mths ago
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    Hi everyone.


    I'm Alessandro, pianist, conductor and singing teacher.

    I was born in Italy, but I live in Switzerland (when I'm not traveling, so for 1 month a year, when I'm lucky).
    My favorite food? Pizza (with spicy salami) and lasagna (I know: I'm Garfield inside).


    At the moment I am working on Liszt's Sonata and "Gaspard de la nuit" (in addition to Chopin's etudes: op. 10 n. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 12 and op. 25 n. 1, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12).

    For many years I played the piano dealing exclusively with the chamber repertoire, mainly with singers, but a few years ago I decided to take up the solo repertoire again and improve my technique. What I would like to find in the community is a place to exchange opinions, find suggestions and new ideas on how to improve my approach to the keyboard (technically and, above all, musically).

    And if you need singing advice, I'm here :D

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  • Hi guys!


    This is my first discussion within Tonebase, but since I really like this platform, it's time to jump in!


    Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 


    I'm originally from Houston, Texas (now living in northeast TX), and fajitas from Pappasito's are hands-down the best Tex-Mex meal. I also second the creamy jalapeno dip from Chuy's- it is delicious.

    What are you currently working on? 


    I love Mozart, so I've been working on Sonata 12, K 332, for about a year now. It's been a labor of love between work and having two little ones! I'm also currently working on Schubert's March Militaire, Op 51 no 1, because I'm exploring other Romantic composers who are not Beethoven ;). There's also usually a "pop" song for fun so this semester's is a duet of Carmen I'm doing with my teacher. Next up will be Chopin's Preludes, and I'm excited for that. 

    What are you hoping to get out of this community? 


    I love the technical explanations from the instructors and have already grown a lot from those videos. I hope to be more engaged with live discussions and hear from others how their music is going, help others and myself stay accountable to their goals. Basically, as one of my favorite Peloton instructors says, "train hard, train smart, and always have fun"- great advice for a run and learning piano! Happy playing, everyone!

      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 8 mths ago
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      Nicole Sneed Hi, Nicole! Welcome!

    • Ayda
    • Ayda
    • 8 mths ago
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    Hi I'm Aida from iran but currently living in Germany.

    My favorite food is ghormeh sabzi😄

    I've been playing piano for almost three years and I'm working on Rachmaninoff prelude op. 3/2 and chopin etude no 9 and no 21.

    I hope i can improve my techniques here and learn new things because the level of music education is very low in iran and music is somehow banned from the government.

    • Ayda Hi Aida, nice to meet you! I live in Germany, too. Where are you located?

      • Ayda
      • Ayda
      • 8 mths ago
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      Andrea Buckland I'm in Rheinland Pfalz (mainz)

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    • Ayda Bavaria here - close to Regensburg. Welcome on Tonebase, Aida! 😊

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 8 mths ago
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      Ayda Hi, Aida! Welcome!

  • Hi everyone - I'm Maija from Finland.


    1. Finnish food is pretty unassuming. I love some fish (salmon, brown trout, perch or pike-perch) with new potatoes, muurinpohjaletut (a kind of crĂȘpe), korvapuustit (a Finnish cinnamon roll) and wild bilberries and strawberries fresh off the forest/meadow. 

    2. I'm currently working on building repertoire for an exam that I'm planning to take by the end of this year. I just started learning Sonata K. 213 by Scarlatti, Allemande from the French Suite in b minor by J. S. Bach and Etude Op. 76 No. 2 by Jean Sibelius. I'm also working on some Finnish lied repertoire by Oskar Merikanto, Erkki Melartin and Toivo Kuula. 

    3. I'm a passionate and somewhat ambitious amateur whose history with the piano is a little patchy. I've played since I was a child but my education was pretty lackluster, and as an adult I had a long period when I played rarely if at all. A few years ago I got into playing the piano again and started to take lessons with new teachers. I'm trying to patch up my uneven education and improve my technique, skills and musicianship so that I can hopefully progress to more challenging repertoire. Tonebase courses have been really helpful so far. I'm looking forward to learning more and being inspired by everyone! :)

      • Mary
      • Mary.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Hej Maija -- It was fun to find another advocate for Nordic music.  Your entry on the Welcome page just precedes mine.  Like you, I've not only enjoyed playing Bach and Scarlatti, but also Sibelius, Melartin and Merikanto (as well as Grieg and Nielsen). I'm about to hunt down the Sibelius etude you're learning.

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    • Mary
    • Mary.2
    • 5 mths ago
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    I'm Mary from Columbus, Ohio, but originally from the Monterey Bay area in California.


    Freshly cooked Dungeness crab (spare yourself the frozen stuff) served with real San Francisco sourdough bread and good butter is all I need for a happy meal.


    I'm working on Sibelius Sonatina No. 1 in F# minor.


    I played the piano from the time I was 13 till I was 18.  5 years ago, after a interruption of 55 years, I began to play again.  I found a wonderful teacher and more recently a good friend for 4-handed pieces.  A month's break while my teacher is away will allow me to see how I can fit Tonebase into my practice life.  So far I've appreciated the prodding to set and regularly examine goals as well as several lessons  on technique.  I'm hoping to supplement my in-person, 1-hr/wk lessons with more in-depth work on technique and analysis/theory.

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    • Mary A warm welcome to the tonebase piano community extended here from a fellow Columbusite! Thank you for sharing your background; you will see that the world of tonebase is the perfect learning environment and playground for people like us who have spent decades playing the piano rarely or not at all and have recently begun picking it up again. There really is something for everyone: mini challenges dedicated to learning a new piece, often by a certain composer; four-week intensives with one (usually fantastic) teacher dedicated to a specific topic; discussion threads and forums; long-term projects like setting goals for the year and tracking your and others' progress; Community Concerts which are wonderful ways to share your music in an incredibly friendly, supportive and judgment-free space; and much more. Looking forward to hearing you play sometime soon!

    • Nikita
    • Nikita.2
    • 4 mths ago
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    Hi Everyone, I’m Nikita from the North West of England. 

    My favourite food is strawberries dipped in dark chocolate (not very local, but never mind). If we’re going local the. A good old fish and chips with curry or brown source :)

    I am working towards a piano diploma. I’ve picked out my programme pieces 

    - Bach Prelude and Fugue in C Major 

    - Beethoven Sonata in C minor movements 2 and 3 (Adagio Cantabile and Rondo)

    - Chopin Waltz in A flat major Op. 34 No. 1

    - Glass Etude No. 2 from Etudes for piano book 1

    - Alkan Barcarolle Op. 65 No.6 

    - Rachmaninoff Prelude in G minor Op.23 No. 5

    - Gershwin Rialto Ripples 

    Some of these I can “sort of” play but they need careful work and some are new. I’ll be working on these over the next 12-18 months or so alongside some 21st century pieces such as Radnich Pirates (All three movements so this might take a while) and Avicii Wake me up ragtime arranged by May. I’ll throw in a few nice and easy pieces along the way as well to keep things fresh. 

    I hope to get lots of interesting advice about pieces, technique and generally improving myself and exposing myself to other teachers alongside my own teacher. I am very interested in the Taubman approach course which I would like to start using in order to overcome some issues I have with my hands and wrists due to JIA/RA. Equally as interested in learning more about how to analyse and break down pieces e.g. the reverse engineering Bach looks like a good place to start with but hoping to uncover more as I need to improve in this area. 

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    • bjarne
    • bjarne
    • 4 mths ago
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    Hi, I'm Bjarne

    • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
      I'm from Norway, my favorite food from Norway might be home-made meatballs.
    • What are you currently working on? 
      Currently working on Mozart K 545, Schumann TrÀumeri and Debussy - Arabesque no. 1
    • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 
      I havn't got any friends who share the same interest in music.  Hope this is a place where i can discuss music with other pepople who got the same interest. Hoping to learn alot from tonebase, both theory, but also how to play and make the piano sing.
    Like 4
    • bjarne Hei Bjarne! Godt Ă„ se flere norske her! Tonebase er et bra sted Ă„ vĂŠre for tingene du nevner. 

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      • Solreaa
      • Solveig_Realfsen_Aamland
      • 4 mths ago
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      Hei Bjarne og Sindre Skarelven

      ja flott Ä se flere fra Norge her!Jeg henger med her nÄr tiden strekker til:)

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    • I was born and raised in South Africa and moved to the USA in my 20’s, living first in Washington D.C. for 8 years before moving to Saint Louis, MO.  Hello Dominic!!!  South Africans LOVE to grill/barbecue so I grew up eating “Boerewors” (farmers sausage) and “stuiwe pap” (a South African staple) and Bobotie!. St. Louis is known for its barbecue, so a family favorite.  
    • I am currently working on a LOT of repertoire in preparation for the upcoming academic year.  Czerny Etudes, opus 740 #11 and 12, Bach: Prelude and Fugue in Bflat #21; Rameau “L’Egyptienne”, Beethoven Sonata in F Major Op. 10 #2, 2 Mozart Concerti and a few Rag/Jazz/Blues pieces 
.. and Bolcom Graceful Ghost Rag.  Probably more than enough for the summer!!
    • I hope to improve my skills, and daily practice routine, grow as a pianist supported by a friendly, supportive and motivating community where we can share ideas and discuss the many wonderful facets of music.  
    Like 2
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 3 mths ago
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      Laureen Di Bisceglie Welcome, Laureen!  I worked on the lovely Bolcolm rag for our Halloween 🎃 community concert last year.  You have many excellent pieces and we look forward to hearing you.

    • Laureen Di Bisceglie Welcome to Tonebase Piano! I lived in St. Louis for 12 years and have very fond memories. I actually knew a colleague there (a physician) who shares your last name! 

    • Varlsit
    • Varlsit
    • 3 mths ago
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    I was born in Barcelona where i live and work today. I have several favorite Foods: from South gazpacho (cold soulp made out of vegetables), from MediterrĂĄneo paella (rice, green beans, rabbit, chicken and butter bean coocked in olive oil and chicken broth) and from Catalonia calçots (type of onion grilled over a hot fire which is eaten by peeling them with bare hands dipping them in a sauce made with almonds)

    I am a Chemical Engineer working in the eolic business.

    I hope this community helps me to play the pieces I love and to discuss how to create beauty.

    During my last two years I almost just played pieces by  Rachmaninoff. In the past I played a lot of Bach, Beethovenn Chopin and Brahms. I miss them so much

    Like 2
  • Hi everyone!

    • Currently residing in New Orleans but I'm from San Diego. I've always been a sucker for good fish tacos.
    • Currently I am working on two Debussy Preludes ( La Fille Aux Cheveux de Lin & Bruyeres) as well as Chopin's Nocturne in G minor Op. 15, No. 3.
    • I'm hoping to take advantage of as many learning opportunities as I can as I become a better pianist. I began taking lessons as an adult 3 years ago and have become more and more obsessed! 


    Like 4
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 3 mths ago
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      Jason Yelvington Wow! You are working on wonderful pieces.  Can’t wait to hear you!

       Don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us who have on the platform for 2+ years if you have any questions about where to find whatever you need.

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    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 3 mths ago
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    • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
      I am Dagmar from NĂŒrnberg, Germany. Most typical food here is 3 tiny sausages in a bun with custard, but to be honest my prefered food is Italian ;) And I absolutely love my mom's way of making apple strudel, which is not how it is supposed to be done. She bakes CrĂȘpes and then wraps them around apple-cinamon-compote and I drown them in vanilla sauce :D
      My piano is called "Poldi" (named him after Leopold Mozart) and he's my best friend! We really share the struggle :D haha.
    • What are you currently working on? 
      I've been working on Maple Leaf Rag for 3 months now. I have been playing for 5 years, so this is still way above my level, but so much fun, and it turned out better than I'd ever expected. Of course I coudn't get it to perfection, but I can play it at slow pace and have lots of fun with it. Now I need to find something else to really commit to, which might take some time. I spend these "in between two beloved pieces" weeks usually with easier pieces, atm it's an easy Bach minuet (III in G major) and a Haydn German Dance. But these change every 1-2 weeks, because I am participating in the 40x challenge.
      My current lesson piece is Brahms Waltz 39.9 in d minor... I know I learn something from it, but it's not a favourite of mine. 
      My biggest weakness is my sight reading, I am far too slow for the repertoire we work on technically, and this waltz especially really depressed me, because there's hardly any notes on the sheet, but I can't read along because the leaps force me to look down :( I practice sight reading regularly with Pianomarvel, my SASR is around 620, and it feels like I should be able to read much better. But although I work on Cory Hall exercises, Paul Harris exercises/Books and regularly read new easy pieces for the 40x challenge, I improve at such slow tempo.
    • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 
      I am really looking forward to watch all those wonderful videos. I am a theory lover and I really like that the content is at a more intermediate/advanced classical level, because most videos you find usually explain Jazz content, or are on the "everyone can play piano without reading notes"-base. I want to grow and nourish my musicality. I also hope for good tutorials on repertoire, that help me get more out of my pieces than I would on my own. 
      I have a wonderful teacher, too, but the more I can figure out on myself the less we have to spend the lesson time on those things, and my money is spent on the really important aspects like my technique/tone/relaxation etc. which needs direct feedback.
    Like 3
    • Dagmar Hi Dagmar, nice to meet you here! I live in KallmĂŒnz, so not very far from you!!! (about an hour’s drive south) Looking forward to hearing more of you on this forum - and great to be in the same piano bubble. :) 

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      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 3 mths ago
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      Andrea Buckland yay, Servus in die Oberpfalz đŸ„°

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