How to create a 6 month practice plan!

We all love to have a plan that aids us in our progress! What better opportunity than to join us today as Dominic talks about various ways to structure and create a 6 month practice plan. Let's get started!
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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Fantastic! Looking forward to this as I'm *just* getting back into formal lessons with a new teacher for the first time in years. Thanks, Dominic. No questions, just a hope: that you might include the revival/cleaning up/memorizing of old pieces alongside the learning of new material somewhere in the plan.
Dominic, I like both of the two previous comments. Could you include how to improve sight-reading skills as one of the things to accomplish in a six month goal side by side of learning new material and reviving old pieces? I have trouble visualizing the "target" of the sight-reading aspect and also being reasonable about how much new material I should aim to learn.
What should I be practicing? When should I practice it, how should I practice it and how often? I just don't know what I should be practicing and how to go about it. Piano seems a lot like mathematics in that you should start with the basics and then add more and more advanced material. Of course, the basics would be scales, right? But should All of the scales (major and minor) be learned before working on anything else? This doesn't seem practical, or fun. And what would be next, arpeggios? Ear training? I know having scales and arpeggios under your fingers is a must but how do you weave these into a practice schedule and what else should I be working on other than pieces that I am interested in? Oh and how do you stick with a piece until you know it? I've started lots of pieces but can't seem to finish them. I'm so confused!