Week 1: Improving Your Right-Hand Thumb Technique with Piotr Kozłowski

Welcome to Week 1 of the latest Two-Week Intensive!
For Week 1, Piotr has curated an assignment to work on below.
1. Please view Piotr’s video
2. Work on the exercises!
3. Post your progress and video so that Piotr can observe and provide further feedback!
Video link:
Attached above, are two samples and downloadable exercises from the “School of Virtuosity!”
Thumb Exercise:
Record yourself playing the thumb exercise (Sample No. 1), cycling through all the keys starting from C Major.
Use the following fingering:
- For C–Eb: 12121
- For E–G: 13131
- For Ab–B: 14141
Stretch before and after the exercise using Sample No. 2.
Practice Tips:
Practice daily, and monitor your progress, focusing on the movement and how you're using your thumb, especially on black keys.
Hi Piotr!
Here are my videos after 1 day trying to follow your advice re exercise 2. I have only included short sections so as not to bore you with too many mistakes, but hopefully these will be adequate to gain some feedback.
Thank you!
Exercise 1, with 1-2 fingering
Exercise 1, with 1-3 fingering
Exercise 1, with 1-4 fingering (obviously a lot more practice needed!)
Exercise 2, first few - feeling looser on these compared with my first attempt.
Exercise 2, really really awkward when thumb is on black key and index finger is on a white key!
Hi Piotr,
Here are my videos. Thank you for taking a look. Look forward to your feedback. (Sorry for the extra space below. Having formatting issues.)
1. Exercise 1: I have small hands. But I gave this a try. I wish I had less tension.
2. C major - 121 finger numbering
3. C major - 131 finger numberinghttps://youtu.be/ce0ZjGZODAQ
4. C major - 141 finger numbering
5. All keys with alternating finger numbering
Hi Piotr,
May I please check with you if it's ok and in good form that I have to move my hand so much for the D major scale? I have attached the video. Doesn't look like you move your hand this much in the demo?
Thank you for the video, Piotr! I love the Jonas books--they're the first technical exercises I actually like and find really helpful.
I'm late to the game and gave these my first try Wednesday...here are the videos from then. I am not particularly proud of them, but I'll practice daily and post an update this weekend hopefully.
For the chord one I was still getting on what notes to play sometimes, so that will take some more mental work in addition to physical work. https://youtu.be/gz1cSBG1-uw
For the thumb one I found the 1-4-1 ones extra tricky. Doing them all at once I could notice my thumb getting tired. https://youtu.be/lzL0yYn1GlM
Posting two attempts in E and A-flat. I feel my wrist is twisting too much and my pinky sticks in a weird way when doing the A-flat exercise.
What is the secret to happiness here? Keep wrist straight and slide hand forward and back when going between black and white keys?Oldish hands starting to get a little arthritic. I find the whole thing rather painful.
Hi Piotr,
I'm kind of late in posting my practice videos, though I have started some practicing last week.
The first 3 videos are for exercise 1. The 1414 fingerings are very hard. My thumb will be tired very fast.
For the exercise 2, my hand (5th finger) cannot reach note. So I have to lift the thumb somewhat and stretch.
Thanks a lot for your sharing !