June Recital!

JOIN US FOR our June Community Concert!



Alexander Weymann : Debussy: Preludes 1 No.VIII "La fille aux cheveux"

Rashmi Lahiri Schumann: Melodie from Album for the Young

Priya Viseskul : John Ireland: Menuet from Downland Suite

Michelle R Beethoven: 1st movement from Sonatina in G major

cdales Chopin Nocturne op.62 no.1

Bryan Sable : Repertoire TBD!

Nadja Beethoven: Pathetique Sonata ?

Monika Tusnady Mozart: Sonata

Sam Philip Glass: Etude #6

Judy Kuan Beethoven: Live or Recorded?

Andrea LeVan  Brahms: Intermezzo op.118 no.2

Derek McConville : Lili Boulangeer: Cortege

Sindre Skarelven : Chopin: Ballade no.3



Letizia Tchaikovsky: "June" 

Thurmond R Brahms: Ballade op.10 no.3

Heng-Pin Chen : Manuel Ponce: Intermezzo no.1

Sachi Edward MacDowell: Op.51 to a Wild Rose

Gail Starr : Bach: Prelude and Fugue Bk.1 in D major

Ching Lee Goh : Bach/Kempf: Siciliano from Flute Sonata

Fingers Lan : Schumann Kreisleriana op.16

Libby Craig : Bach: Siciliano 


General information and Guidelines below!

Reply to this topic with your name and repertoire selection if you would like to perform! If you don't know what you want to play yet, you can always just let us know your intent!


These events are NOT live-streamed OR recorded, but are private zoom meetings where tonebase members can share their hard work and perform for each other! 


These concerts can be played LIVE, or if you can't attend, you can submit a recording!


This is a GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE space.


Performing is one of the best ways to push yourself, and really evaluate the work/progress you have made!


Repertoire is open to any piece!


Memorization is NOT required.


You can play select movements, or even sections of pieces! No need to perform a complete work!


Playing the piano is fun, but sharing your music with others is one of life's great joys. Join in on the fun and cheer each other on!




Because we use zoom for these concerts, it is important to have the best audio and visual settings available!


Check out these videos depending on the device you are using!







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    • GMG2021
    • GMG2021
    • 2 mths ago
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    This is Utako Tanigawa.  I've been a member since 2021 but this is the first time I participate the Community Concert.  Here is the YouTube link for the recital tomorrow, 6/22/2024. 


    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Like 8
      • GMG2021
      • GMG2021
      • 2 mths ago
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      Michelle R Thank you, Michelle!

      Like 1
      • GMG2021
      • GMG2021
      • 2 mths ago
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      Vidhya Bashyam   Thank you, Vidhya!  See you soon today!

      Natalie Peh  Thank you, Natalie!  See you soon!

      Like 1
    • CK Lau
    • Piano Teacher, Learner and Student
    • br0wn
    • 2 mths ago
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    Hi all, hope it is not too late to share this here. 


  • Sorry, friends - won't make it today, neither for playing nor just attending. I have a studio recital and a church recital next week coming up and a week of international masterclasses next month, so my panic mode is telling me that I need to be practicing instead of performing or listening. Enjoy each other's music, everyone! 🙂

    Like 3
    • Alexander Weymann that's a shame! but you need to follow your feeling and priorities. Hope we can watch you play next time!

      Like 1
      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 2 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann You'll be missed, both for your playing and for the insightful comments you always offer. I hope panic mode subsides and you can enjoy the process as well as the results of your hard work! Take good care, Alex.

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      • cdales
      • cdales
      • 2 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann So sorry you're not playing - please play next time!

      Like 2
    • Alexander Weymann You were missed, but of course you know best what you need to do. Best of luck with all these amazing events! 

      Like 3
    • Judy Kuan
    • Judy_Kuan.1
    • 2 mths ago
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    Thanks Dominic and everyone who was able to join the recital today live & in-spirit :) So much great repertoire and musicianship!

    I try not to pre-record if I'm planning to perform live so I don't talk myself out of it. But I did record myself today on my phone concurrently. If anyone is interested in watching, I posted it here (Beeth Op 110 1st mvmt): https://youtu.be/H-564i424ZM

    Like 5
    • Judy Kuan Bravo Judy! Fantastic that you’re playing this sublime work by Beethoven. It was a great performance last night, and very nice to see it again!  

      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 2 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan Your performance yesterday was wonderful. I always enjoy watching you play! Brava!

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