Take your first steps into "The School of Virtuosity" with Sara Davis Buechner

Enter the "School of Virtuosity" with Sara Davis Buechner, a leading pianist of her generation. Today Sara will guide us through approaching technique in musical, artistic ways providing exercises to improve your playing!


In the meantime, you can check out Sara's Course on Mozart!



Follow this event link to tune in!   




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    • Brett Gilbert
    • Piano and classical guitar
    • brett_gilbert
    • 1 yr ago
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    What a great opportunity!  Ms. Buechner's tonebase lessons on Mozart are some of my favorites.  I recently starting going through these lessons again and ordered a few Akira Imai editions she recommends for the Mozart Sonatas (from amazon japan) which should arrive in a few weeks. 

    I've always just used Henle for most pieces so I'm curious about her opinion on the importance of the edition used when studying a piece and the advantages of the Imai edition vs. the Henle urtext edition of the Mozart sonatas for example. 

  • Dominic Cheli  - after the livestream today I went to IMSLP to look for the Jonas books and it said that only the first three volumes are available in the US. Do you know where we can get the other volumes? It looked like you had them today. Thanks for any info.

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    • Harriet Kaplan I think they are all here Harriet. You have to click on the button for “6 more”. https://imslp.org/wiki/Master_School_of_Piano_Playing_and_Virtuosity_(Jon%C3%A1s%2C_Alberto)

    • Vidhya Bashyam yes they are there, but you can’t download them because they are blocked in the US - at least, they appeared to be when I tried this afternoon.

    • Harriet Kaplan Interesting. Seems to work now. I just tried downloading all 7. No issues for me. I will share them with you if you still have trouble downloading them.

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    • Vidhya Bashyam I tried again and was able to download them. May have been a glitch in the IMSLP app because it worked on the ‘net.

      Now if I only knew what to do with them … 🤔

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    • Harriet Kaplan All should be uploaded above on this page!

    • ALICE
    • ALICE.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I enjoyed watching this wonderful teaching, and downloaded these books. Question: Are these exercises appropriate for late beginners/early intermediate levels? I assume some are ok but others are too challenging. It's interesting to read the practice schedule suggested by the author. Also very different from the current thought of practicing 10-15 min taking a break - author suggested practicing 1-2 hours uninterrupted. 

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    • ALICE I would say that the author as some "old school" way of thinking, like Sara was suggesting in the stream. I would approach these exercises as a late beginner/intermediate, and I would still use 10-15 mins +break practice routine! I think the routines outlined are a little dated, and not appropriate for everyone!

      • ALICE
      • ALICE.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dominic Cheli Thank you!  I've been doing the sight reading exercise book you suggested, and enjoyed them. They get challenging pretty quickly (starting at 38ish). 

  • Dominic Cheli : Sara mentions some teachers and pianists at the end and I could quite catch their names or I'm not sure how to spell them.  Is there a transcription?

      • Kuro
      • Kuro
      • 2 mths ago
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      Michelle Kalisz The frontpage of the book has all their names and portraits!

    • Kuro
    • Kuro
    • 2 mths ago
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    I'm new to this kind of fingering notation. How do I interpret the fingering above the line vs under the line?

    • Kuro the upper notation is for the right hand, and below to the left. There are two combinations possible of each hand. You can see on the left upper corner "m.d. ottava sopra" wich means that hands are an octave apart. Some exercises have up to 4 fingering combinations to each hand and some 2 octaves apart. Though, there are some exercises for separated hands.

  • I've been studying Jonas books the past 3 months, and noticing some wild technical increase on my playing. Dominic Cheli would be awesome to have some sort of summary of the exercises used by Sarah, with its numbers and book. Since its an infinite number of then it would save a lot of time.

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