Group 1
Welcome to the NEW TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!
Improving your Lyricism (feat Chopin)
Post your progress with videos and written commentary on how things are going for you!
- Course Period: June 26 - July 10th
- Class Size: ALL are welcome!
- Optional check-In via Zoom: July 2nd at 11am PT
- ZOOM MEETING Recording!
- https://youtu.be/Fl-ExGT9aZY
Assignment #1
- Pick a short piece (Mazurka, Nocturne, Prelude) or excerpt of a longer piece (Ballade, Polonaise, Scherzo, Sonata, Concerto). Focus on lyrical/slow sections.
- Learn bass carefully, labelling all chords and cadences.
- SING melodic line. Practice singing until your voice can identify the melody instantly.
- Submit a video: playing the Bass while singing the Soprano.
Assignment #2
-Label all breathing points with an apostrophe between phrase markings. Practice deep breaths between significant points or use a regular breath for phrase changes.
-Sing Bass notes of all chords while playing Soprano melody.
-Submit a video: playing hands together (performance).
I'm Adriana. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
I'm very exited to keep learning and keep improving my skills with such great teachers :)
If you accept it. During this course I would like to practice the lyrics part of:
- The 1st movement of the Sonata op.35 of Chopin and...
- Nocturne op.48 no.1 (but the recapitulation of the theme, with all the chords).
If it's not possible to do both... I'll stick with the Nocturne.
I'll be sending my video soon! :) -
Hi Everyone!
I am excited about this course! It is already a good challenge for me.
I started yesterday trying to do the assignment with Prelude No 15. I was practicing the left hand. Good.
Then I tried to write the chords. I could do about 4 of them for the first 8 measures. Pretty good for me since I never did this before. I am still doing Ben’s music theory course. This is the first practical application I have tried and it’s a good challenge. I will try a bit more before asking for advice here (and also not going to look up the answer somewhere on the internet).
Then I was singing the right hand. Good.
I next tried to put the left hand and singing together. This is a really challenging! It was not instantaneous! I will need to practice this a lot. This is a good lesson.
I thought maybe I should perhaps choose another piece? Maybe a nocturne?
Thank you!
This is the point from which I start.
I tried to sing yesterday. Not that easy but really interesting. I realized, I can not play to slow.
Hi I am way over my head here but like to try. However I’d like to spare everyone the excruciating experience of seeing any videos etc. trust me. However, I have selected nocturne in e flat major. So far worked thru two measures with left hand and identified first chord. Second chord has stumped me. I think that’s enough for now.